Select Publications

Journal articles

Heller J; Voineagu M; Østvær PA, 2024, 'Bredon motivic cohomology of the complex numbers', Documenta Mathematica, 29, pp. 115 - 140,

Walsh K; Voineagu MA; Vafaee F; Voineagu I, 2020, 'TDAview: An online visualization tool for topological data analysis', Bioinformatics, 36, pp. 4805 - 4809,

Voineagu M, 2020, 'About Bredon motivic cohomology of a field', Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 224,

Heller J; Voineagu M; Østvær PA, 2015, 'Equivariant cycles and cancellati for motivic cohomology', Documenta Mathematica, 20, pp. 269 - 332

Heller J; Voineagu M, 2012, 'Equivariant semi-topological invariants, Atiyah's kr-theory, and real algebraic cycles', Transactions of the American Mathematical Society, 364, pp. 6565 - 6603,

Heller J; Voineagu M, 2012, 'Vanishing theorems for real algebraic cycles', American Journal of Mathematics, 134, pp. 649 - 709,

Heller J; Voineagu M, 2011, 'Remarks on filtrations of the homology of real varieties', Documenta Mathematica, 17, pp. 641 - 661

Voineagu M, 2011, 'Cylindrical homomorphisms and Lawson homology', Journal of K-Theory, 8, pp. 135 - 168,

Voineagu M, 2008, 'Semi-topological K-theory for certain projective varieties', Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 212, pp. 1960 - 1983,

Working Papers

Heller J; Voineagu M; Østvær PA, 2019, Topological comparison theorems for bredon motivic cohomology, http://dx.doi.org10.1090/tran/7553

Voineagu M; Voineagu I; Shnier D, 2019, Persistent homology analysis of gene expression data in autism,

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