Select Publications

Journal articles

Dhanarisi J; Eddleston M; Wunnapuk K; Gawarammana I; Mohamed F, 2025, 'The relationships of plasma profenofos and ethanol concentrations to clinical outcome in acute profenofos self-poisoning', Clinical Toxicology,

Bagyawantha NMY; Coombes ID; Gawarammana I; Mohamed F, 2025, 'Impact of a clinical pharmacy intervention on medication adherence and the quality use of medicines in patients with acute coronary syndrome: a single centre nonrandomised controlled clinical trial.', J Pharm Policy Pract, 18, pp. 2468782,

Qiang S; Mohamed F; Raubenheimer J; Buckley NA; Roberts MS; Mackenzie L, 2024, 'Clinical toxicology of acute glyphosate self-poisoning: impact of plasma concentrations of glyphosate, its metabolite and polyethoxylated tallow amine surfactants on the toxicity', Clinical Toxicology, 62, pp. 483 - 496,

Amir NA; Tangiisuran B; Samsudin S; Rani NAA; Fathelrahman AI; Mohamed F; Kamaruzaman NA, 2023, 'Trends in the Intentional and Non-intentional Poisoning-related Calls among Adolescents Reported to the Malaysia National Poison Centre (2010-2020)', Universal Journal of Public Health, 11, pp. 573 - 583,

Pandey DP; Shrestha BR; Acharya KP; Shah KJ; Thapa-Magar C; Dhakal IP; Mohamed F; Isbister GK, 2023, 'A prospective study of snakebite in a tertiary care hospital in south-western Nepal', Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene, 117, pp. 435 - 443,

Prasadi GAM; Senarathna L; Dharmaratne SD; Mohamed F; Jayasinghe SS; Dawson A, 2023, 'Mothers’ ability to determine and measure paracetamol doses for children—a contrived observational study', Journal of Child Health Care, 27, pp. 105 - 115,

Qiang S; Mohamed F; Mackenzie L; Roberts MS, 2023, 'Rapid determination of polyethoxylated tallow amine surfactants in human plasma by LC-MSMS', Talanta, 254,

Bagyawantha NMY; Coombes ID; Gawarammana I; Fahim M, 2023, 'Impact of a clinical pharmacist on optimising the quality use of medicines according to the acute coronary syndrome (ACS) secondary prevention guidelines and medication adherence following discharge in patients with ACS in Sri Lanka: A prospective non-randomised controlled trial study protocol', BMJ Open, 13,

Deuster E; Tomenson JA; Mohamed F; Gawarammana I; Buckley NA; Wilks MF; Eddleston M, 2023, 'Dose ingested, vomiting, and outcome in patients ingesting a standard paraquat 20SL formulation', Clinical Toxicology, 61, pp. 29 - 38,

Perananthan V; Wijerathna T; Mohamed F; Gawarammana IB; Dawson A; Buckley NA, 2023, 'Measurement of an intestinal biomarker during poisonings from select toxicants and toxins', Clinical Toxicology, 61, pp. 693 - 696,

Dhanarisi J; Perera S; Wijerathna T; Gawarammana I; Shihana F; Pathiraja V; Eddleston M; Mohamed F, 2023, 'Relationship between Alcohol Co-Ingestion and Clinical Outcome in Pesticide Self-Poisoning: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis', Alcohol and Alcoholism, 58, pp. 4 - 12,

Mamunuwa N; Jayamanne S; Wijekoon N; Coombes J; Perera D; Shanika T; Mohamed F; Lynch C; De Silva A; Dawson A, 2023, 'Duplication errors due to brand name confusion; It is not always the name-Short case series.', Clin Case Rep, 11, pp. e7795,

Wijerathna TM; Buckley NA; Gawarammana IB; Raubenheimer J; Shahmy S; Chathuranga U; Palangasinghe C; Shihana F; Mohamed F, 2022, 'Epidemiology and renal injury following 2-methyl-4-chlorophenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) poisoning', Scientific Reports, 12,

Schölin L; Weerasinghe M; Agampodi S; Chathurange U; Rajapaksha S; Holloway A; Norrie J; Mohamed F; Eddleston M; Pearson M, 2022, 'Involvement of alcohol in injury cases in rural Sri Lanka: prevalence and associated factors among in-patients in three primary care hospitals', BMC Public Health, 22,

Pett J; Mohamed F; Knight J; Linhart C; Osborne NJ; Taylor R, 2022, 'Two decades of chronic kidney disease of unknown aetiology (CKDu) research: Existing evidence and persistent gaps from epidemiological studies in Sri Lanka', Nephrology, 27, pp. 238 - 247,

Dhanarisi J; Tzotzolaki TM; Vasileva AMD; Kjellberg MA; Hakulinen H; Vanninen P; Gawarammana I; Mohamed F; Hovda KE; Eddleston M, 2022, 'Osmolal and anion gaps after acute self-poisoning with agricultural formulations of the organophosphorus insecticides profenofos and diazinon: A pilot study', Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology, 130, pp. 320 - 327,

Nendick E; Mohamed F; Raubenheimer J; Gawarammana I; Buckley NA; Eddleston M, 2022, 'Acute fungicide self-poisoning - a prospective case series', Clinical Toxicology, 60, pp. 1106 - 1112,

Rambabu L; Mohamed F; Dhanarisi J; Gawarammana I; Raubenheimer J; Mackenzie L; Roberts MS; Buckley N; Eddleston M, 2022, 'Acute phenthoate self-poisoning: a prospective case series', Clinical Toxicology, 60, pp. 214 - 220,

Perananthan V; Wijerathna T; Mohamed F; Gawarammana IB; Dawson AH; Buckley NA, 2022, 'Circulating intestinal fatty acid binding protein and intestinal toxicity in Russell’s viper envenomation', Clinical Toxicology, 60, pp. 311 - 318,

Wijewickrama ES; Mohamed F; Gawarammana IB; Endre ZH; Buckley NA; Isbister GK, 2021, 'Serum and urinary biomarkers for early detection of acute kidney injury following Hypnale spp. envenoming', PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 15,

Shihana F; Wong WKM; Joglekar MV; Mohamed F; Gawarammana IB; Isbister GK; Hardikar AA; Seth D; Buckley NA, 2021, 'Urinary microRNAs as non-invasive biomarkers for toxic acute kidney injury in humans', Scientific Reports, 11,

Buckley NA; Fahim M; Raubenheimer J; Gawarammana IB; Eddleston M; Roberts MS; Dawson AH, 2021, 'Case fatality of agricultural pesticides after self-poisoning in Sri Lanka: a prospective cohort study', The Lancet Global Health, 9, pp. e854 - e862,

Shihana F; Barron ML; Mohamed F; Seth D; Buckley NA, 2021, 'MicroRNAs in toxic acute kidney injury: Systematic scoping review of the current status', Pharmacology Research and Perspectives, 9,

Wijewickrama E; Mohamed F; Buckley N; Gawarammana I; Isbister G, 2021, 'POS-084 THE ROLE OF SERUM AND URINARY BIOMARKERS IN PREDICTING ACUTE KIDNEY INJURY FOLLOWING SRI LANKAN HUMP-NOSED PIT VIPER ENVENOMING', Kidney International Reports, 6, pp. S35 - S36,

Wijerathna TM; Mohamed F; Gawarammana IB; Wunnapuk K; Dissanayake DM; Shihana F; Buckley NA, 2020, 'Cellular injury leading to oxidative stress in acute poisoning with potassium permanganate/oxalic acid, paraquat, and glyphosate surfactant herbicide', Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology, 80,

Shihana F; Mohamed F; Joglekar MV; Hardikar AA; Seth D; Buckley NA, 2020, 'Urinary versus serum microRNAs in human oxalic acid poisoning: Contrasting signals and performance', Toxicology Letters, 334, pp. 21 - 26,

Dhanarisi J; Shihana F; Harju K; Mohamed F; Verma V; Shahmy S; Vanninen P; Kostiainen O; Gawarammana I; Eddleston M, 2020, 'A pilot clinical study of the neuromuscular blocker rocuronium to reduce the duration of ventilation after organophosphorus insecticide poisoning', Clinical Toxicology, 58, pp. 254 - 261,

Sukhang M; Junkuy A; Buckley N; Mohamed F; Wunnapuk K, 2020, 'An LC-MS/MS method for creatine and creatinine analysis in paraquat-intoxicated patients', Journal of Environmental Science and Health - Part B Pesticides, Food Contaminants, and Agricultural Wastes, 55, pp. 273 - 282,

Coombes I; Coombes J; Hough JE; Cope JH; O’Brien B; Thilakarathne AP; Mohamed F, 2020, 'Assessing Limitations and Solutions in Developing Clinical Pharmacy Services in Sri Lankan Government Hospitals: A Report from a Hospital Pharmacists’ Workshop', Pharmaceutical Journal of Sri Lanka, 9, pp. 52 - 52,

Wijerathna TM; Gawarammana IB; Mohamed F; Dissanayaka DM; Dargan PI; Chathuranga U; Jayathilaka C; Buckley NA, 2019, 'Epidemiology, toxicokinetics and biomarkers after self-poisoning with Gloriosa superba', Clinical Toxicology, 57, pp. 1080 - 1086,

Ratnayake I; Mohamed F; Buckley NA; Gawarammana IB; Dissanayake DM; Chathuranga U; Munasinghe M; Maduwage K; Jayamanne S; Endre ZH; Isbister GK, 2019, 'Early identification of acute kidney injury in Russell’s viper (Daboia russelii) envenoming using renal biomarkers', PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, 13,

N O; H K; J P; D D; K J; F M; J K; B R; R T; Osborne N; Rahman B; Abdul Cader MF, 2019, 'Relationship between access to piped water and CKDu: a conditional autoregressive model', Environmental Epidemiology, 3, pp. 297 - 297,

Wijerathna TM; Mohamed F; Dissanayaka D; Gawarammana I; Palangasinghe C; Shihana F; Endre Z; Shahmy S; Buckley NA, 2018, 'Albuminuria and other renal damage biomarkers detect acute kidney injury soon after acute ingestion of oxalic acid and potassium permanganate', Toxicology Letters, 299, pp. 182 - 190,

Prasadi GAM; Mohamed F; Senarathna L; Cairns R; Pushpakumara PHGJ; Dawson AH, 2018, 'Paediatric poisoning in rural Sri Lanka: An epidemiological study', BMC Public Health, 18,

Shanika LGT; Wijekoon CN; Jayamanne S; Coombes J; Perera D; Pathiraja VM; Mamunuwa N; Mohamed F; Coombes I; Lynch C; De Silva HA; Dawson AH, 2018, 'Opportunities for medication review and reconciliation by a clinical pharmacist to prevent drug-related hospital re-admissions: evidence from a case series in Sri Lanka', Pharmaceutical Journal of Sri Lanka, 8, pp. 61 - 61,

Sakeena MHF; Bennett AA; Mohamed F; Herath HMDR; Gawarammana I; McLachlan AJ, 2018, 'Investigating knowledge regarding antibiotics among pharmacy and allied health sciences students in a Sri Lankan university', Journal of Infection in Developing Countries, 12, pp. 726 - 732,

Gawarammana I; Buckley NA; Mohamed F; Naser K; Jeganathan K; Ariyananada PL; Wunnapuk K; Dobbins TA; Tomenson JA; Wilks MF; Eddleston M; Dawson AH, 2018, 'High-dose immunosuppression to prevent death after paraquat self-poisoning–a randomised controlled trial', Clinical Toxicology, 56, pp. 633 - 639,

Jeevan Dhanarisi HK; Gawarammana IB; Mohamed F; Eddleston M, 2018, 'Relationship between alcohol co-ingestion and outcome in profenofos self-poisoning – A prospective case series', PLoS ONE, 13,

Sakeena MHF; Bennett AA; Jamshed S; Mohamed F; Herath DR; Gawarammana I; McLachlan AJ, 2018, 'Investigating knowledge regarding antibiotics and antimicrobial resistance among pharmacy students in Sri Lankan universities', BMC Infectious Diseases, 18,

Monte AA; Sun H; Rapp-Olsson AM; Mohamed F; Gawarammana I; Buckley NA; Evans CM; Yang IV; Schwartz DA, 2018, 'The plasma concentration of MUC5B is associated with clinical outcomes in paraquat-poisoned patients', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 197, pp. 663 - 665,

Shanika LGT; Jayamanne S; Wijekoon CN; Coombes J; Perera D; Mohamed F; Coombes I; De Silva HA; Dawson AH, 2018, 'Ward-based clinical pharmacists and hospital readmission: A non-randomized controlled trial in Sri Lanka', Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 96, pp. 155 - 164,

Dhanarisi HKJ; Gawarammana I; Mohamed F; Eddleston M, 2018, 'Effect of rocuronium on duration of ventilation after organophosphorus insecticide poisoning – A pilot randomised controlled trial', Toxicology Letters, 295, pp. S109 - S109,

Wijerathna TM; Gawarammana IB; Dissanayaka DM; Palanagasinghe C; Shihana F; Dassanayaka G; Shahmy S; Endre ZH; Mohamed F; Buckley NA, 2017, 'Serum creatinine and cystatin C provide conflicting evidence of acute kidney injury following acute ingestion of potassium permanganate and oxalic acid', Clinical Toxicology, 55, pp. 970 - 976,

Shrestha BR; Pandey DP; Acharya KP; Thapa-Magar C; Mohamed F; Isbister GK, 2017, 'Effective, polyvalent, affordable antivenom needed to treat snakebite in Nepal', Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 95, pp. 718 - 719,

Mohamed F; Buckley NA; Pickering JW; Wunnapuk K; Dissanayake S; Chathuranga U; Gawarammana I; Jayamanne S; Endre ZH; Abdul Cader MF, 2017, 'Nephrotoxicity-induced proteinuria increases biomarker diagnostic thresholds in acute kidney injury', BMC Nephrology, 18, pp. 122,

Isbister GK; Jayamanne S; Mohamed F; Dawson AH; Maduwage K; Gawarammana I; Lalloo DG; de Silva HJ; Scorgie FE; Lincz LF; Buckley NA, 2017, 'A randomized controlled trial of fresh frozen plasma for coagulopathy in Russell's viper (Daboia russelii) envenoming', Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 15, pp. 645 - 654,

Perera DMP; Coombes JA; Shanika LGT; Dawson A; Lynch C; Mohamed F; De Silva HA; Jayamanne SF; Peters NB; Myers B; Coombes ID, 2017, 'Opportunities for pharmacists to optimise quality use of medicines in a Sri Lankan hospital: An observational, prospective, cohort study', Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research, 47, pp. 121 - 130,

Pianta TJ; Pickering JW; Succar L; Chin M; Davidson T; Buckley NA; Mohamed F; Endre ZH; Abdul Cader MF, 2017, 'Dexamethasone Modifies Cystatin C-Based Diagnosis of Acute Kidney Injury During Cisplatin-Based Chemotherapy', Kidney and Blood Pressure Research, 42, pp. 62 - 75,

Knipe DW; Gunnell D; Pieris R; Priyadarshana C; Weerasinghe M; Pearson M; Jayamanne S; Dawson AH; Mohamed F; Gawarammana I; Hawton K; Konradsen F; Eddleston M; Metcalfe C, 2017, 'Is socioeconomic position associated with risk of attempted suicide in rural Sri Lanka? A cross-sectional study of 165 000 individuals', BMJ Open, 7,

Lamb T; Selvarajah LR; Mohamed F; Jayamanne S; Gawarammana I; Mostafa A; Buckley NA; Roberts MS; Eddleston M, 2016, 'High lethality and minimal variation after acute self-poisoning with carbamate insecticides in Sri Lanka – implications for global suicide prevention', Clinical Toxicology, 54, pp. 624 - 631,

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