Select Publications

Journal articles

Malekpour P; Taleai M, 2011, 'Modeling of relationship between land use/Cover and land surface temperature using ASTER datasets', Journal of Environmental Studies, 37, pp. 29 - 42

Rajabi MR; Mansourian A; Talei M, 2011, 'A comparing study between AHP, AHP-OWA and Fuzzy AHP-OWA multi-criteria decision making methods for site selection of residential complexes in Tabriz-Iran', Journal of Environmental Studies, 37, pp. 77 - 92

Saadatseresht M; Mansourian A; Taleai M, 2009, 'Evacuation planning using multiobjective evolutionary optimization approach', European Journal of Operational Research, 198, pp. 305 - 314,

Taleai M; Mansourian A; Sharifi A, 2009, 'Surveying general prospects and challenges of GIS implementation in developing countries: A SWOT-AHP approach', Journal of Geographical Systems, 11, pp. 291 - 310,

Mansourian A; Farnaghi M; Taleai M, 2008, 'Development of new generations of mobile GIS systems using web services technologies: A case study for emergency management', Journal of Applied Sciences, 8, pp. 2669 - 2677,

Taleai M; Mansourian A, 2008, 'Using Delphi-AHP method to survey major factors causing urban plan implementation failure', Journal of Applied Sciences, 8, pp. 2746 - 2751,

Taleai M; Sharifi A; Sliuzas R; Mesgari M, 2007, 'Evaluating the compatibility of multi-functional and intensive urban land uses', International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 9, pp. 375 - 391,

Conference Papers

Taleai M; Mokhtari M; Zlatanova S, 2022, '3D BASED SMOKE FIRE EMISSION AND EMERGENCY EVACUATION SIMULATION IN HIGH-RISE BUILDINGS', in International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, pp. 139 - 146,

Emamgholian S; Taleai M; Shojaei D, 2017, 'A novel approach for 3D neighbourhood analysis', in International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences - ISPRS Archives, pp. 361 - 365,

Shirzadi Babakan A; Delavar MR; Taleai M; Karimi F, 2011, 'Space allocation of emergency centers using voronoi diagrams', in Gi4DM 2011 - GeoInformation for Disaster Management

Haghighattalab A; Mohammadzadeh A; Valadan Zoej MJ; Taleai M, 2010, 'Post-earthquake road damage assessment using region-based algorithms from high-resolution satellite images', in Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering,

Khoshamooz G; Taleai M; Mansourian A, 2010, 'Based-NSGA-II intensive energy industries site selection', in 31st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2010, ACRS 2010, pp. 117 - 122

Sojahrood ZB; Taleai M; Mansourian A, 2010, 'Developing a web-GIS besed decision support systems for tourism planning', in 31st Asian Conference on Remote Sensing 2010, ACRS 2010, pp. 540 - 546

Fasihi A; Mansourian A; Farnaghi M; Taleai M, 2009, 'A WEB-BASED METHOD FOR SUPPORTING COLLABORATION IN THE URBAN SPATIAL DECISION MAKINGS', in Targamadze A; Butleris R; Butkiene R (eds.), INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES' 2009, KAUNAS UNIV TECHNOLOGY PRESS, LITHUANIA, Kaunas, pp. 262 - 269, presented at 15th International Conference on Information and Software Technologies (IT2009), LITHUANIA, Kaunas, 23 April 2009 - 24 April 2009,

Taleai M; Mesgari MS; Sharifi A; Sliuzas R; Barati N, 2005, 'A spatial decision support system for evaluation various land uses in built up urban area', in Asian Association on Remote Sensing - 26th Asian Conference on Remote Sensing and 2nd Asian Space Conference, ACRS 2005, pp. 483 - 492

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