Select Publications

Journal articles

Siddiqui MAR; Ginther OJ, 2014, 'Switching of largest follicle from dominant to subordinate status when follicle and CL are in same ovary in heifers.', Theriogenology, 82, pp. 259 - 265,

Ahmad M; Narayanasamy S; Siddiqui MA; Ahmad I, 2014, 'Giant perivascular spaces: utility of MR in differentiation from other cystic lesions of the brain.', JBR-BTR, 97, pp. 364 - 365,

Shahid M; Ahmad SS; Vasenwala SM; Mubeen A; Zaheer S; Siddiqui MA, 2014, 'Schwannoma of the scrotum: case report and review of the literature.', Korean J Urol, 55, pp. 219 - 221,

Rizvi SWA; Siddiqui MA; Khan AA; Ahmad I; Ullah E; Sukul RR, 2013, 'Bilateral persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous: a close mimic of retinoblastoma.', Semin Ophthalmol, 28, pp. 25 - 27,

Siddiqui MA; Jain A; Rizvi SAA; Ahmad K; Ullah E; Ahmad I, 2013, 'Necrotizing colitis complicating necrotized pancreatitis: look out for intestinal pneumatosis.', JBR-BTR, 96, pp. 19 - 21,

Mascareno EJ; Belashov I; Siddiqui MAQ; Liu F; Dhar-Mascareno M, 2012, 'Hexim-1 modulates androgen receptor and the TGF-β signaling during the progression of prostate cancer.', Prostate, 72, pp. 1035 - 1044,

Mascareno E; Galatioto J; Rozenberg I; Salciccioli L; Kamran H; Lazar JM; Liu F; Pedrazzini T; Siddiqui MAQ, 2012, 'Cardiac lineage protein-1 (CLP-1) regulates cardiac remodeling via transcriptional modulation of diverse hypertrophic and fibrotic responses and angiotensin II-transforming growth factor β (TGF-β1) signaling axis.', J Biol Chem, 287, pp. 13084 - 13093,

Hong P; Chen K; Huang B; Liu M; Cui M; Rozenberg I; Chaqour B; Pan X; Barton ER; Jiang X-C; Siddiqui MAQ, 2012, 'HEXIM1 controls satellite cell expansion after injury to regulate skeletal muscle regeneration.', J Clin Invest, 122, pp. 3873 - 3887,

Siddiqui MA; Rizvi SAA; Ahmad I; Ahmad K; Ullah E; Akhtar J, 2012, 'Isolated pontine tuberculoma presenting as "fou rire prodromique".', J Neurosurg Pediatr, 10, pp. 189 - 191,

Siddiqui MA; Akhtar J; Rizvi SWA; Rizvi SAA; Ahmad I; Ekramullah M, 2012, 'Painless left hemorrhagic pleural effusion: an unusual presentation of leaking saccular aortic arch aneurysm.', Tuberk Toraks, 60, pp. 163 - 166,

Siddiqui MA; Shameem M; Akhtar J; Baneen U; Bhargava R; Ahmed Z; Sharma P; Khan NA, 2011, 'Bronchopleurocutaneous fistula in absence of empyema: A rare presentation of pulmonary tuberculosis', Lung India, 28, pp. 72 - 73,

Galatioto J; Mascareno E; Siddiqui MAQ, 2010, 'CLP-1 associates with MyoD and HDAC to restore skeletal muscle cell regeneration.', J Cell Sci, 123, pp. 3789 - 3795,

Shahiduzzaman AKM; Beg MA; Palhao MP; Siddiqui MAR; Shamsuddin M; Ginther OJ, 2010, 'Stimulation of the largest subordinate follicle by intrafollicular treatment with insulin-like growth factor 1 is associated with inhibition of the dominant follicle in heifers.', Theriogenology, 74, pp. 194 - 201,

Gurusamy N; Lekli I; Ahsan MK; Ray D; Mukherjee S; Mascareno E; Siddiqui MAQ; Das DK, 2010, 'Downregulation of cardiac lineage protein-1 confers cardioprotection through the upregulation of redox effectors.', FEBS Lett, 584, pp. 187 - 193,

Siddiqui MA; Rizvi SWA; Rizvi SAA; Ahmad I; Ullah E, 2010, 'Atypical multifocal hydatid disease of cranial vault: simultaneous orbital and extradural meningeal involvement.', Emerg Radiol, 17, pp. 427 - 430,

Manukyan I; Galatioto J; Mascareno E; Bhaduri S; Siddiqui MAQ, 2010, 'Cross-talk between calcineurin/NFAT and Jak/STAT signalling induces cardioprotective alphaB-crystallin gene expression in response to hypertrophic stimuli.', J Cell Mol Med, 14, pp. 1707 - 1716,

Hannan MA; Fuenzalida MJ; Siddiqui MAR; Shamsuddin M; Beg MA; Ginther OJ, 2010, 'Diurnal variation in LH and temporal relationships between oscillations in LH and progesterone during the luteal phase in heifers.', Theriogenology, 74, pp. 1491 - 1498,

Shrestha HK; Beg MA; Siddiqui MAR; Ginther OJ, 2010, 'Dynamic progesterone responses to simulation of a natural pulse of a metabolite of prostaglandin F(2alpha) in heifers.', Anim Reprod Sci, 118, pp. 118 - 123,

Khalid M; Siddiqui MA; Qaseem SMD; Ahmad M; Khalid S, 2010, 'Multifocal primary lymphoma of the cranial vault in a non-immunocompromised adolescent.', JBR-BTR, 93, pp. 296 - 298,

Siddiqui MAR; Ferreira JC; Gastal EL; Beg MA; Cooper DA; Ginther OJ, 2010, 'Temporal relationships of the LH surge and ovulation to echotexture and power Doppler signals of blood flow in the wall of the preovulatory follicle in heifers.', Reprod Fertil Dev, 22, pp. 1110 - 1117,

Behbahani M; Ahmad FU; Siddiqui MA; Stewart W; Alakandy LM, 2010, 'Transjugular extension of meningioma into the mediastinum-a case report.', Acta Neurochir (Wien), 152, pp. 151 - 154,

Hanna M; Liu H; Amir J; Sun Y; Morris SW; Siddiqui MAQ; Lau LF; Chaqour B, 2009, 'Mechanical regulation of the proangiogenic factor CCN1/CYR61 gene requires the combined activities of MRTF-A and CREB-binding protein histone acetyltransferase.', J Biol Chem, 284, pp. 23125 - 23136,

Espinoza-Derout J; Wagner M; Salciccioli L; Lazar JM; Bhaduri S; Mascareno E; Chaqour B; Siddiqui MAQ, 2009, 'Positive transcription elongation factor b activity in compensatory myocardial hypertrophy is regulated by cardiac lineage protein-1.', Circ Res, 104, pp. 1347 - 1354,

Siddiqui MAR; Almamun M; Ginther OJ, 2009, 'Blood flow in the wall of the preovulatory follicle and its relationship to pregnancy establishment in heifers.', Anim Reprod Sci, 113, pp. 287 - 292,

Mascareno E; Manukyan I; Das DK; Siddiqui MAQ, 2009, 'Down-regulation of cardiac lineage protein (CLP-1) expression in CLP-1 +/- mice affords.', J Cell Mol Med, 13, pp. 2744 - 2753,

Siddiqui MAR; Gastal EL; Gastal MO; Beg MA; Ginther OJ, 2009, 'Effect of HCG in the presence of HCG antibodies on the follicle, hormone concentrations, and oocyte in mares.', Reprod Domest Anim, 44, pp. 474 - 479,

Mascareno E; Beckles D; Dhar-Mascareno M; Siddiqui MAQ, 2009, 'Enhanced hypertrophy in ob/ob mice due to an impairment in expression of atrial natriuretic peptide.', Vascul Pharmacol, 51, pp. 198 - 204,

Siddiqui MA; J Bhattacharya J; Lindsay KW; Jenkins S, 2009, 'Horizontal stent-assisted coil embolisation of wide-necked intracranial aneurysms with the Enterprise stent--a case series with early angiographic follow-up.', Neuroradiology, 51, pp. 411 - 418,

Siddiqui MAR; Gastal EL; Ju JC; Gastal MO; Beg MA; Ginther OJ, 2009, 'Nuclear configuration, spindle morphology and cytoskeletal organization of in vivo maturing horse oocytes.', Reprod Domest Anim, 44, pp. 435 - 440,

Ginther OJ; Siddiqui MAR; Beg MA, 2009, 'Physiologic and nonphysiologic effects of exogenous prostaglandin F2alpha on reproductive hormones in mares.', Theriogenology, 72, pp. 417 - 424,

Ginther OJ; Siddiqui MAR; Beg MA, 2009, 'Progesterone responses to intravenous and intrauterine infusions of prostaglandin F2alpha in mares.', Reprod Fertil Dev, 21, pp. 688 - 695,

Siddiqui MAR; Gastal EL; Gastal MO; Almamun M; Beg MA; Ginther OJ, 2009, 'Relationship of vascular perfusion of the wall of the preovulatory follicle to in vitro fertilisation and embryo development in heifers.', Reproduction, 137, pp. 689 - 697,

Mathew S; Galatioto J; Mascareno E; Siddiqui MAQ, 2009, 'Repression of the cardiac myosin light chain-2 gene in skeletal muscle requires site-specific association of antithetic regulator, Nished, and HDACs.', J Cell Mol Med, 13, pp. 1952 - 1961,

Ginther OJ; Gastal MO; Gastal EL; Jacob JC; Siddiqui MAR; Beg MA, 2008, 'Effects of age on follicle and hormone dynamics during the oestrous cycle in mares.', Reprod Fertil Dev, 20, pp. 955 - 963,

Bhattacharya JJ; Siddiqui MA; Zampakis P; Jenkins S, 2008, 'MRA artefacts with Nexus coils.', Neuroradiology, 50, pp. 821,

Connor SEJ; Siddiqui MA; Stewart VR; O'Flynn EAM, 2008, 'The relationship of transverse sinus stenosis to bony groove dimensions provides an insight into the aetiology of idiopathic intracranial hypertension.', Neuroradiology, 50, pp. 999 - 1004,

Espinoza-Derout J; Wagner M; Shahmiri K; Mascareno E; Chaqour B; Siddiqui MAQ, 2007, 'Pivotal role of cardiac lineage protein-1 (CLP-1) in transcriptional elongation factor P-TEFb complex formation in cardiac hypertrophy.', Cardiovasc Res, 75, pp. 129 - 138,

Ginther OJ; Gastal EL; Gastal MO; Siddiqui MAR; Beg MA, 2007, 'Relationships of follicle versus oocyte maturity to ultrasound morphology, blood flow, and hormone concentrations of the preovulatory follicle in mares.', Biol Reprod, 77, pp. 202 - 208,

Beckles DL; Mascareno E; Siddiqui MAQ, 2006, 'Inhibition of Jak2 phosphorylation attenuates pressure overload cardiac hypertrophy.', Vascul Pharmacol, 45, pp. 350 - 357,

Mascareno E; Beckles DL; Siddiqui MAQ, 2005, 'Janus kinase-2 signaling mediates apoptosis in rat cardiomyocytes.', Vascul Pharmacol, 43, pp. 327 - 335,

Guo Y; Mascareno E; Siddiqui MAQ, 2004, 'Distinct components of Janus kinase/signal transducer and activator of transcription signaling pathway mediate the regulation of systemic and tissue localized renin-angiotensin system.', Mol Endocrinol, 18, pp. 1033 - 1041,

Mascareno E; El-Shafei M; Maulik N; Sato M; Guo Y; Das DK; Siddiqui MA, 2001, 'JAK/STAT signaling is associated with cardiac dysfunction during ischemia and reperfusion.', Circulation, 104, pp. 325 - 329,

Siddiqui MA; Rahman MA, 1980, 'Effect of hyperglycemia on the enzyme activities of lenticular tissue of rats.', Exp Eye Res, 31, pp. 463 - 469,

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