Select Publications

Journal articles

Anderson LS; Bell HG; Gilbert M; Davidson JE; Winter C; Barratt MJ; Win B; Painter JL; Menone C; Sayegh J; Dasgupta N, 2017, 'Using social listening data to monitor misuse and nonmedical use of bupropion: A content analysis', JMIR Public Health and Surveillance, 3, pp. e6,

Barratt MJ; Maddox A, 2016, 'Active engagement with stigmatised communities through digital ethnography', Qualitative Research, 16, pp. 701 - 719,

Barratt MJ; Lenton S; Maddox A; Allen M, 2016, '‘What if you live on top of a bakery and you like cakes?’—Drug use and harm trajectories before, during and after the emergence of Silk Road', International Journal of Drug Policy, 35, pp. 50 - 57,

Barratt MJ; Aldridge J, 2016, 'Everything you always wanted to know about drug cryptomarkets* (*but were afraid to ask)', International Journal of Drug Policy, 35, pp. 1 - 6,

Caudevilla F; Ventura M; Fornís I; Barratt MJ; Vidal C; lladanosa CG; Quintana P; Muñoz A; Calzada N, 2016, 'Results of an international drug testing service for cryptomarket users', International Journal of Drug Policy, 35, pp. 38 - 41,

Barratt MJ; Ferris JA; Winstock AR, 2016, 'Safer scoring? Cryptomarkets, social supply and drug market violence', International Journal of Drug Policy, 35, pp. 24 - 31,

Palamar JJ; Barratt MJ; Ferris JA; Winstock AR, 2016, 'Correlates of new psychoactive substance use among a self-selected sample of nightclub attendees in the United States', American Journal on Addictions, 25, pp. 400 - 407,

Butterfield RJ; Barratt MJ; Ezard N; Day RO, 2016, 'Drug checking to improve monitoring of new psychoactive substances in Australia Drug checking may need to play a part in future public health interventions', MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA, 204, pp. 144 - +,

Palamar JJ; Barratt MJ, 2016, 'Synthetic cannabinoids: Undesirable alternatives to natural marijuana', American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse, 42, pp. 371 - 373,

Maddox A; Barratt MJ; Allen M; Lenton S, 2016, 'Constructive activism in the dark web: cryptomarkets and illicit drugs in the digital ‘demimonde’', Information Communication and Society, 19, pp. 111 - 126,

Lenton S; Grigg J; Scott J; Barratt MJ; Eleftheriadis D, 2015, 'The social supply of cannabis among young people in Australia', Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice, 503,

Barratt MJ; Ferris JA; Lenton S, 2015, 'Hidden Populations, Online Purposive Sampling, and External Validity: Taking off the Blindfold', Field Methods, 27, pp. 3 - 21,

Lenton S; Frank VA; Barratt MJ; Dahl HV; Potter GR, 2015, 'Attitudes of cannabis growers to regulation of cannabis cultivation under a non-prohibition cannabis model', International Journal of Drug Policy, 26, pp. 257 - 266,

Potter GR; Barratt MJ; Malm A; Bouchard M; Blok T; Christensen AS; Decorte T; Frank VA; Hakkarainen P; Klein A; Lenton S; Perälä J; Werse B; Wouters M, 2015, 'Global patterns of domestic cannabis cultivation: Sample characteristics and patterns of growing across eleven countries', International Journal of Drug Policy, 26, pp. 226 - 237,

Hakkarainen P; Frank VA; Barratt MJ; Dahl HV; Decorte T; Karjalainen K; Lenton S; Potter G; Werse B, 2015, 'Growing medicine: Small-scale cannabis cultivation for medical purposes in six different countries', International Journal of Drug Policy, 26, pp. 250 - 256,

Barratt MJ; Potter GR; Wouters M; Wilkins C; Werse B; Perälä J; Pedersen MM; Nguyen H; Malm A; Lenton S; Korf D; Klein A; Heyde J; Hakkarainen P; Frank VA; Decorte T; Bouchard M; Blok T; Nguyen H, 2015, 'Lessons from conducting trans-national Internet-mediated participatory research with hidden populations of cannabis cultivators', International Journal of Drug Policy, 26, pp. 238 - 249,

Barratt MJ; Lenton S, 2015, 'Representativeness of online purposive sampling with Australian cannabis cultivators', International Journal of Drug Policy, 26, pp. 323 - 326,

Barratt MJ, 2015, 'M. J. Barratt', Drug and Alcohol Review, 34, pp. 458 - 459,

Green T; Doe-Simkins M; Barratt M; Cassidy TA; Butler SF, 2015, 'Polysubstance combinations involving prescription opioids and rationales for combining among people who use internet drug discussion forums', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 156, pp. e83 - e83,

Barratt MJ; Allen M; Lenton S, 2014, '"PMA sounds fun": Negotiating drug discourses online', Substance Use and Misuse, 49, pp. 987 - 998,

Lawn W; Barratt M; Williams M; Horne A; Winstock A, 2014, 'The NBOMe hallucinogenic drug series: Patterns of use, characteristics of users and self-reported effects in a large international sample', Journal of Psychopharmacology, 28, pp. 780 - 788,

Barratt MJ; Ferris JA; Winstock AR, 2014, 'Use of Silk Road, the online drug marketplace, in the United Kingdom, Australia and the United States', Addiction, 109, pp. 774 - 783,

Barratt MJ; Livingston M; Matthews S; Clemens S, 2014, 'Gaming machine density is correlated with rates of help-seeking for problem gambling: A local area analysis in Victoria, Australia', Journal of Gambling Issues, 29, pp. 1 - 21,

Howard J; Bright SJ; Butler C; Barratt MJ; Tran B, 2013, 'SYNTHETIC CANNABINOIDS - ISSUES AND DILEMMAS', DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, 32, pp. 11 - 11,

Lloyd B; Barratt MJ; Ferris J; Best D; Lubman DI, 2013, 'Factors influencing mortality among alcohol and drug treatment clients in Victoria, Australia: The role of demographic and substance use characteristics', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 47, pp. 859 - 867,

Caldicott DGE; Bright SJ; Barratt MJ, 2013, 'NBOMe - A very different kettle of fish. . .', Medical Journal of Australia, 199, pp. 322 - 323,

Winstock AR; Barratt MJ, 2013, 'Synthetic cannabis: A comparison of patterns of use and effect profile with natural cannabis in a large global sample', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 131, pp. 106 - 111,

Chiauzzi E; Dasmahapatra P; Lobo K; Barratt MJ, 2013, 'Participatory research with an online drug forum: A survey of user characteristics, information sharing, and harm reduction views', Substance Use and Misuse, 48, pp. 661 - 670,

Barratt MJ; Lenton S; Allen M, 2013, 'Internet content regulation, public drug websites and the growth in hidden Internet services', Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy, 20, pp. 195 - 202,

Bright SJ; Bishop B; Kane R; Marsh A; Barratt MJ, 2013, 'Kronic hysteria: Exploring the intersection between Australian synthetic cannabis legislation, the media, and drug-related harm', International Journal of Drug Policy, 24, pp. 231 - 237,

Barratt MJ; Cakic V; Lenton S, 2013, 'Patterns of synthetic cannabinoid use in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 32, pp. 141 - 146,

Barratt MJ; Bouchard M; Decorte T; Frank VA; Hakkarainen P; Lenton S; Malm A; Nguyen H; Potter GR, 2012, 'Understanding global patterns of domestic cannabis cultivation', Drugs and Alcohol Today, 12, pp. 213 - 221,

Barratt M, 2012, 'Markets, Methods and Messages: Dynamics in European Drug Research', DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, 31, pp. 826 - 827,

Barratt MJ, 2012, 'The efficacy of interviewing young drug users through online chat', Drug and Alcohol Review, 31, pp. 566 - 572,

Barratt MJ, 2012, 'Silk road: Ebay for drugs', Addiction, 107, pp. 683,

Hunter B; Lubman DI; Barratt M, 2011, 'Alcohol and drug misuse in the elderly', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 45, pp. 343,

Barratt M; Lenton S, 2010, 'Beyond recruitment? Participatory online research with people who use drugs', International Journal of Internet Research Ethics

Livingston M; Matthews S; Barratt MJ; Lloyd B; Room R, 2010, 'Diverging trends in alcohol consumption and alcohol-related harm in Victoria', Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 34, pp. 368 - 373

Nielsen S; Barratt MJ, 2009, 'Prescription drug misuse: Is technology friend or foe?', Drug and Alcohol Review, 28, pp. 81 - 86,

Dietze PM; Cvetkovski S; Barratt MJ; Clemens S, 2008, 'Erratum: "Patterns and incidence of γ-hydroxybutyrate (GHB)-related ambulance attendances in Melbourne, Victoria" (Medical Journal of Australia (2008) vol. 188 (709-711))', Medical Journal of Australia, 189, pp. 180,

Dietze PM; Cvetkovski S; Barratt MJ; Clemens S, 2008, 'Patterns and incidence of gamma-hydroxybutyrate (GHB)-related ambulance attendances in Melbourne, Victoria (vol 188, pg 709, 2008)', MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA, 189, pp. 180 - 180,

Dietze PM; Cvetkovski S; Barratt MJ; Clemens S, 2008, 'Patterns and incidence of γ-hydroxybutyrate (GHB)-related ambulance attendances in Melbourne, Victoria', Medical Journal of Australia, 188, pp. 709 - 711,

Barratt MJ; Norman JS; Fry CL, 2007, 'Positive and negative aspects of participation in illicit drug research: Implications for recruitment and ethical conduct', International Journal of Drug Policy, 18, pp. 235 - 238,

Johnston J; Barratt M; Fry C; Kinner S; Stoove M; Degenhardt LJ; George J; Jenkinson R; Dunn M; Bruno R, 2006, 'A survey of regular ecstasy users` knowledge and practices around determining pill content and purity: Implications for policy and practice', International Journal of Drug Policy, 17, pp. 464 - 472

Barratt MJ; Chanteloup F; Lenton S; Marsh A, 2005, 'Cannabis law reform in Western Australia: An opportunity to test theories of marginal deterrence and legitimacy', Drug and Alcohol Review, 24, pp. 321 - 330,

Barratt MJ; Chanteloup F; Lenton S; Marsh A, 2005, 'Cannabis law reform in Western Australia: an opportunity to test theories of marginal deterrence and legitimacy', DRUG AND ALCOHOL REVIEW, 24, pp. 321 - 330,

Chanteloup F; Lenton S; Fetherston J; Barratt MJ, 2005, 'Expected impacts of the Cannabis Infringement Notice scheme in Western Australia on regular users and their involvement in the cannabis market', Drug and Alcohol Review, 24, pp. 311 - 319,

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