Select Publications

Journal articles

Howell CA; Turnbull DA; Beilby JJ; Marshall CA; Briggs N; Newbury WL, 2008, 'Preventing relapse of depression in primary care: a pilot study of the “Keeping the blues away” program', Medical Journal of Australia, 188,

Barton CA; Opolski M; Cleland E; Cotton A; Briggs N; Taylor M; Howell C, 2008, 'Allied mental health referral: Trends in the Adelaide Hills Division of General Practice', Australian family physician, 37, pp. 888 - 888

Howell CA; Turnbull DA; Beilby JJ; Marshall CA; Briggs N; Newbury WL, 2008, 'Preventing relapse of depression in primary care: a pilot study of the" Keeping the blues away" program', Medical Journal of Australia, 188, pp. S138 - S138

Beilby J; Nelson MR; Holton C; Crocket A; Wood-Baker R; Briggs N, 2008, 'Spirometry training for GP’s and practice nurses: is it feasible and beneficial to asthma patients?',

De Lacey S; Davies M; Homan G; Briggs N; Norman RJ, 2007, 'Factors and perceptions that influence women’s decisions to have a single embryo transferred', Reproductive biomedicine online, 15, pp. 526 - 531

Briggs NE; MacCallum RC, 2003, 'Recovery of weak common factors by maximum likelihood and ordinary least squares estimation', Multivariate Behavioral Research, 38, pp. 25 - 56

MacCallum RC; Tucker LR; Briggs NE; Cudeck R, 2001, 'An alternative perspective on parameter estimation in factor analysis and related methods', Structural equation modeling: Present and future, pp. 39 - 57

Preacher KJ; Briggs NE, 2001, 'Calculation for Fisher’s Exact Test: An interactive calculation tool for Fisher’s exact probability test for 2 x 2 tables [Computer software]', University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC, and Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA

Preacher KJ; Briggs NE, 2001, 'Calculation for Fisher’s Exact Test: An Interactive Calculation Tool for Fisher’s Exact Probability Test for 2x2 Tables', University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill NC

Briggs NE; Sheu CF, 1998, 'Using Java in introductory statistics', Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers, 30, pp. 246 - 249,

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