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Select Publications
2024, 'Australia Data Portability Developments', European Data Protection Law Review, 10, pp. 74 - 82, http://dx.doi.org/10.21552/edpl/2024/1/11
,2023, 'A World-Leading Sanitation System for Our Digital Economy: The Consumer Data Right', Australian Business Law Review, 51, pp. 194 - 212, https://anzlaw.thomsonreuters.com/Document/I8e76cb367dfa11eeba9b9484c581d0c0/View/FullText.html?transitionType=Default&contextData=(sc.Default)&VR=3.0&RS=cblt1.0
,2023, 'Screen Scraping in Australian Finance', The University of Queensland Law Journal, 42, pp. 277 - 308, http://dx.doi.org/10.38127/uqlj.v42i2.7193
,2022, 'Australia's Data-Sharing Regime: Six Lessons for Europe', King's Law Journal, 33, pp. 61 - 91, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09615768.2022.2034582
,2022, 'THE CONSUMER DATA RIGHT: HOW TO REALISE THIS WORLD-LEADING REFORM', University of New South Wales Law Journal, 45, pp. 1589 - 1622, http://dx.doi.org/10.53637/AQRO1627
,2021, 'Future All-Volunteer Force: The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Recruitment and Retention Strategies', Australian Journal of Defence and Strategic Studies, http://dx.doi.org/10.51174/ajdss.0302/hqne2387
,2020, 'Customizable Ethics Settings for Building Resilience and Narrowing the Responsibility Gap: Case Studies in the Socio-Ethical Engineering of Autonomous Systems', Science and Engineering Ethics, 26, pp. 2693 - 2708, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11948-020-00221-5
,2019, 'Airmen and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: The Danger of Generalization', US Airforce Journal of Indo-Pacific Affairs, Fall, pp. 33 - 65, https://www.airuniversity.af.edu/Portals/10/JIPA/journals/Volume-02_Issue-3/03-Jevglevskaja-Galliott.pdf
,2019, 'Legal Review of New Weapons: Origins of Article 36 AP I', The Finnish Yearbook of International Law, 25, pp. 109 - 140
,2018, 'Weapons Review Obligation under Customary International Law', International Law Studies, 94, pp. 185 - 221, https://digital-commons.usnwc.edu/ils/vol94/iss1/8/
,2014, 'Stuart Casey-Maslen (ed), Weapons under International Human Rights Law', The Finnish Yearbook of International Law, 24, pp. 315 - 315, http://fsil.fi/fybil/book-reviews/weapons-under-international-human-rights-law/
,2013, 'Sustainable development and high seas fisheries', Utrecht Law Review, 9, pp. 24 - 37, http://dx.doi.org/10.18352/ulr.210