Select Publications

Journal articles

Hitchcock G; Hyndman-Rizk N, 2022, 'David Charles Hyndman (1947–2021)', The Asia Pacific Journal of Anthropology, 23, pp. 135 - 137,

Hyndman-Rizk N, 2019, 'A Question of Personal Status: The Lebanese Women's Movement and Civil Marriage Reform', Journal of Middle East Women's Studies, 15, pp. 179 - 198,

Hyndman-Rizk N, 2018, 'Dionigi Albera and John Eade (eds.), New Pathways in Pilgrimage Studies: Global Perspectives. London and New York: Routledge, 2017.xxii+216 pp.', Numen, 65, pp. 606 - 610,

Ahmed R; Hyndman-Rizk N, 2018, 'The higher education paradox: towards improving women’s empowerment, agency development and labour force participation in Bangladesh', Gender and Education,

Hyndman-Rizk NN, 2016, 'No Arranged Marriages Here: Migration and the Shift from Relations of Descent to Consent in the Lebanese Diaspora', Journal of Intercultural Studies, 37, pp. 303 - 319,

Hyndman-Rizk NN; Monsour A, 2014, 'Immigrant Business: Choice or Necessity? Introduction', Labour and management in development, 15,

Hyndman-Rizk NN, 2014, 'Migration, Wasta and Big Business Success: The Paradox of Capital Accumulation in Sydney's Hadchiti Lebanese Community', Labour and management in development, 15,

Hyndman-Rizk NN, 2013, 'Paul Tabar, Greg Noble, and Scott Poynting, On Being Lebanese in Australia: Identity, Racism, and the Ethnic Field. (Beirut: Institute for Migration Studies/Lebanese American University Press, 2010).', Mashriq & Mahjar Journal of Middle East and North African Migration Studies, 1,

Hyndman-Rizk NN, 2013, 'Review: Paul Tabar, Greg Noble, and Scott Poynting, On Being Lebanese in Australia: Identity, Racism, and the Ethnic Field. (Beirut: Institute for Migration Studies/Lebanese American University Press, 2010).', Mashriq and Mahjar: Journal of Middle East Migration Studies, 1, pp. 121 - 123,

Hyndman Rizk N, 2012, 'Book Review: Not Quite White: Lebanese and the White Australia Policy 1880-1947', International Journal of Business and Globalisation, 8, pp. 530 - 532

Hyndman Rizk N, 2010, '“Health Issues in Arabic Speaking and New and Emerging Communities”', Mosaic, New and emerging communities - achieving belonging and participation, pp. 25 - 28

Hyndman Rizk N, 2010, 'On the Search for Lebanese Roots', 10th Anniversary Journal, 10th Anniversary Edition, pp. 56 - 66

Hyndman Rizk N, 2009, '“Balad Niswen-Hukum Niswen: The Perception of Gender Inversions between Lebanon and Australia', Palma, 11, pp. 73 - 105

Hyndman Rizk N, 2008, ''Shrinking worlds': Cronulla, anti-Lebanese racism and return visits in the Sydney Hadchiti Lebanese community', Anthropological Forum, 18, pp. 37 - 55,

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