Select Publications

Book Chapters

Lister NC; Johnsson P; Waters PD; Morris KV, 2021, 'Pseudogenes: A Novel Source of Trans-Acting Antisense RNAs', in Pseudogenes: Functions and Protocols, pp. 219 - 236,

Journal articles

Bond DM; Ortega-Recalde O; Laird MK; Hayakawa T; Richardson KS; Reese FCB; Kyle B; McIsaac-Williams BE; Robertson BC; van Heezik Y; Adams AL; Chang WS; Haase B; Mountcastle J; Driller M; Collins J; Howe K; Go Y; Thibaud-Nissen F; Lister NC; Waters PD; Fedrigo O; Jarvis ED; Gemmell NJ; Alexander A; Hore TA, 2023, 'The admixed brushtail possum genome reveals invasion history in New Zealand and novel imprinted genes', Nature Communications, 14,

Álvarez-González L; Arias-Sardá C; Montes-Espuña L; Marín-Gual L; Vara C; Lister NC; Cuartero Y; Garcia F; Deakin J; Renfree MB; Robinson TJ; Martí-Renom MA; Waters PD; Farré M; Ruiz-Herrera A, 2022, 'Principles of 3D chromosome folding and evolutionary genome reshuffling in mammals', Cell Reports, 41,

Lister NC; Milton AM; Hanrahan BJ; Waters PD, 2021, 'Between the devil and the deep blue sea: Non-coding rnas associated with transmissible cancers in tasmanian devil, domestic dog and bivalves', Non-coding RNA, 7,

Waters PD; Patel HR; Ruiz-Herrera A; Alvarez-Gonzalez L; Lister NC; Simakov O; Ezaz T; Kaur P; Frere C; Grutzner F; Georges A; Marshall Graves JA, 2021, 'Microchromosomes are building blocks of bird, reptile, and mammal chromosomes', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 118,

Waters P; Patel H; Ruiz-Herrera A; Álvarez-González L; Lister N; Simakov O; Ezaz T; Kaur P; Frere C; Grützner F; Georges A; Graves JM, 2021, 'Microchromosomes are building blocks of bird, reptile and mammal chromosomes', ,

Johnsson P; Lister N; Shevchenko G; Walshe J; Ataide SF; Morris KV, 2017, 'Reply to Liu et al.: Yin and yang of PTEN regulation', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114, pp. E10512 - E10513,

Lister N; Shevchenko G; Walshe JL; Groen J; Johnsson P; Vidarsdóttir L; Grander D; Ataide SF; Morris KV, 2017, 'The molecular dynamics of long noncoding RNA control of transcription in PTEN and its pseudogene', Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 114, pp. 9942 - 9947,

Lister NC; Clemson M; Morris KV, 2015, 'RNA-directed epigenetic silencing of Periostin inhibits cell motility', Royal Society Open Science, 2,


Hanrahan B; Chang K; Lister N; Dissanayake DSB; Hammond J; Reis ALM; Deveson I; Ruiz-Herrera A; Patel H; Marshall Graves J; Georges A; Waters P, 2023, Both phenotypic and genotypic sex influence sex chromosome dosage compensation in a sex reversing lizard, ,

Lister N; Milton A; Patel H; Waters S; Hanrahan B; McIntyre K; Livernois A; Wee LK; Ringel A; Mundlos S; Robson M; Shearwin-Whyatt L; Grützner F; Marshall Graves J; Ruiz-Herrera A; Waters P, 2023, Incomplete transcriptional dosage compensation of vertebrate sex chromosomes is balanced by post-transcriptional compensation, ,

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