Select Publications

Journal articles

Grammatopoulos T; Yeoh E; El-Haddad N; Carson-Chahhoud K; Sitas F, 2024, 'Dual tobacco smoking, electronic cigarette use and COVID-19 outcomes', European Journal of Internal Medicine,

Chan L; El-Haddad N; Freeman B; MacKenzie R; Woodland L; O’Hara BJ; Harris-Roxas BF, 2022, 'Evaluation of ‘Shisha No Thanks’ – a co-design social marketing campaign on the harms of waterpipe smoking', BMC Public Health, 22, pp. 386,

Chan L; El-Haddad N; Freeman B; O'Hara BJ; Woodland L; Harris-Roxas B, 2021, 'A case study of an SMS text message community panel survey and its potential for use during the COVID-19 pandemic', JMIR Formative Research, 5, pp. e28929,

Chan L; Karezi D; El-Haddad N; Woodland L; Corcoran J; Helaratne J; Takas K; Perez G, 2021, 'Shisha No Thanks! Co-designing an intervention with young Arabic-speaking adults to raise awareness of the harms of waterpipe smoking', TOBACCO INDUCED DISEASES, 19, pp. 108 - 109,

El-Haddad N; Spooner CJ; Faruqi N; Denney-Wilson E; Harris M, 2016, 'Readability and content analysis of lifestyle education resources for weight management in Australian general practice', BMC Obesity,

Faruqi N; Stocks N; Spooner C; el Haddad N; Harris MF, 2015, 'Research protocol: Management of obesity in patients with low health literacy in primary health care', BMC Obesity, 2, pp. 5,

Ho M; Halim JH; Gow ML; El-Haddad N; Baur LA; Cowell CT; Garnett SP; Marzulli T, 2014, 'Vitamin B12 in obese adolescents with clinical features of insulin resistance', Nutrients, 6, pp. 5611 - 5618,

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