Select Publications


Kuo NI-H; Perez-Concha O; Hanly M; Mnatzaganian E; Hao B; Di Sipio M; Yu G; Vanjara J; Valerie IC; de Oliveira Costa J; Churches T; Lujic S; Hegarty J; Jorm L; Barbieri S, 2023, Enriching Data Science and Health Care Education: Application and Impact of Synthetic Data Sets Through the Health Gym Project (Preprint),

Fitzgerald O; Perez-Concha O; Gallego-Luxan B; Metke-Jimenez A; Rudd L; Jorm L, 2023, Continuous time recurrent neural networks: overview and application to forecasting blood glucose in the intensive care unit,

Liu L; Perez-Concha O; Nguyen A; Bennett V; Blake V; Gallego B; Jorm L, 2023, Web-Based Application Based on Human-in-the-Loop Deep Learning for Deidentifying Free-Text Data in Electronic Medical Records: Development and Usability Study (Preprint),

Fitzgerald O; Perez-Concha O; Gallego-Luxan B; Rudd L; Jorm L, 2023, Curation and description of a blood glucose management and nutritional support cohort using the eICU collaborative research database,

Fitzgerald O; Perez-Concha O; Gallego-Luxan B; Rudd L; Jorm L, 2023, The relationship between hyperglycaemia on admission and patient outcome is modified by hyperlactatemia and diabetic status: a retrospective analysis of the eICU collaborative research database,

Liu L; Perez-Concha O; Nguyen A; Bennett V; Jorm L, 2022, Automated ICD Coding using Extreme Multi-label Long Text Transformer-based Models,

Liu L; Perez-Concha O; Nguyen A; Bennett V; Jorm L, 2022, Hierarchical Label-wise Attention Transformer Model for Explainable ICD Coding,

Liu L; Perez-Concha O; Nguyen A; Bennett V; Jorm L, 2020, De-identifying Australian Hospital Discharge Summaries: An End-to-End Framework using Ensemble of Deep Learning Models,

Barbieri S; Kemp J; Perez-Concha O; Kotwal S; Gallagher M; Ritchie A; Jorm L, 2019, Benchmarking Deep Learning Architectures for Predicting Readmission to the ICU and Describing Patients-at-Risk,

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