Select Publications


valentine K; Liu E; Veeroja P; Harris P; Blunden H; Horton E, 2024, The role of housing providers in supporting clients with complex needs, Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute Ltd, Melbourne, 428,,

Reid A; Barr M; Meikle K; Jaques K; Harris M; Harris P, 2024, Miller Household Survey 2022-2023: Data Report,

Liu E; Yang H; Harris P, 2023, Land Use Planning for Equitable Health Outcomes (LUPEHO) - A preliminary review of two land use planning instruments (as applied to Western Sydney), Healthy Urban Environments (HUE) Collaboratory, MDG SPHERE Australia,

Harris P, 2022, Built infrastructure for health equity: placemaking meets levelling up, Centre for Health Equity Training, Research and Evaluation,,

de Leeuw E; Harris P, 2021, COPping it, Centre for Health Equity Training, Research and Evaluation,,

de Leeuw E; Harris P, 2021, What you can do, individually and as communities, to create a better Australia we deserve, Centre for Health Equity Training, Research and Evaluation,,

Kim J; de Leeuw E; Harris P, 2021, Research for health equity policy - being strategic about reality, Centre for Health Equity Training, Research and Evaluation,,

Harris P; Haigh FA, 2013, Reflections and Recommendations for the Health Sector collaborating with the Housing Sector’s Master Planning: lessons and experiences from Villawood East., UNSW Sydney, Sydney

Harris E; Baum F; Wise M; Furler J; Lawless A; Harris P; Harris-Roxas B; Haigh FA; Kemp L; Hurley C, 2013, The impact of Equity Focused Health Impact Assessments on local planning for after hours care to better meet the needs of vulnerable populations, University of New South Wales Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, Sydney,

Haigh FA; Harris P; Ng Chok ; Coffey J; Thornell M, 2013, Villawood East Master Plan Health Impact Assessment Report, Centre for Health Equity Training Research and Evaluation, part of the Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, Faculty of Medicine, University of NSW, Sydney,

Harris PJ; Haigh F; Harris E, 2012, Incorporating health considerations in land-use planning and policy development: a review of activities in Stoke City Council in the UK and suggestions for application in NSW, Centre for Health Equity Training Research and Evaluation, part of the Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, Faculty of Medicine, University of NSW, Sydney

Harris P; Sainsbury P; Haigh FA; Wise M, 2012, Submission to the NSW Planning System Review Green Paper

Haigh FA; Ng Chok H; Harris P, 2011, Housing density and health: A review of the literature and Health Impact Assessments, CHETRE, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Harris P; Haigh FA; Wise M, 2011, Submission to the NSW Planning System Review Issues Paper, Centre for Health Equity Training Research and Evaluation / Sydney and Sydney South West Local Health Districts

Harris PJ; Wise M; Dunn S; Kurko J, 2010, Influencing healthy planning and policy development in local government: Summary report,

Christl B; Harris PJ; Wise M, 2009, A Review of the Evidence of the Impact of Public Transport on Population Health in Australia, Centre for Health Equity Training Research and Evaluation, part of the UNSW Research Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity, Sydney

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