Select Publications
2024, Innovative oral PrEP service delivery models and the policy, legal, and regulatory barriers to their implementation,
,2021, Agenda 2025 Ending HIV Transmission in Australia: Technical paper on science, trends and targets June 2021, Sydney,,
,2020, Trends in HIV and HIV prevention indicators in gay, bisexual and other men who have sex with men in NSW, 2015-2019: implications for new interventions and for monitoring and evaluation in a new NSW HIV strategy.,,
,2020, HIV notifications in heterosexuals, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders, people who inject drugs, and female sex workers in NSW, 2015-2019, The Kirby Institute for Infection and Immunity in Society, Sydney,
,2020, NSW HIV Prevention Partnership Project: Evidence Brief on Stigma and Discrimination For the Consultations on the Development of the NSW HIV Strategy 2021-2025
,2020, The INTO? Study: Report of Results,,
,2020, NSW HIV Prevention Partnership Project: Evidence Brief on HIV Testing For the Consultations on the Development of the NSW HIV Strategy 2021-2025
,2020, NSW HIV Prevention Partnership Project: Evidence Brief on Behavioural Surveillance For the Consultations on the Development of the NSW HIV Strategy 2021-2025 June 2020,
,2020, NSW HIV Prevention Partnership Project Evidence Brief on HIV Treatment For the Development of the NSW HIV Strategy 2021-2025
,2019, NSW Rapid HIV Testing Evaluation Framework Final Report,,
,2018, Gay Community Periodic Survey: Sydney 2018, Centre for Social Research in Health, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,
,2015, NSW HIV Prevention Partnership Project Evidence Update of HIV Treatment: NSW HIV Strategy Evidence Brief 2015
,2015, NSW HIV Prevention Partnership Project: NSW HIV Strategy Evidence Update, September 2015, HIV testing
,2013, The TAXI KAB Study (Thinking About eXposure to Infection: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Beliefs) Study Report 2012, The Kirby Institute, University of New South Wales, Sydney,