Select Publications

Journal articles

McLeod K; Woodward-Kron R; Rashid P; Nestel D, 2024, '“A clean slate”: Insights for improving remediation from the perspectives of underperforming surgical trainees', American Journal of Surgery, 237,

McLeod K; Woodward-Kron R; Rashid P; Archer J; Nestel D, 2024, '“I'm on an island”: A qualitative study of underperforming surgical trainee perspectives on remediation', American Journal of Surgery, 234, pp. 11 - 16,

McLeod K; Rashid P, 2024, 'Supervisors—Unappreciated and under supported: who pays?', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 94, pp. 1200 - 1201,

Calopedos R; Rashid P; Zhang M, 2024, '(057) Destabilising Evidence: A Micro-Anatomical Investigation of Penile Suspensory Ligaments (PSL) Using Epoxy Sheet Plastination and Confocal Microscopy', The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 21,

Cole-Clark D; Rashid P, 2024, 'Costs and challenges of the curriculum vitae for SET Urology training positions: a qualitative analysis', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 94, pp. 57 - 62,

Liu J; Homewood D; Rajarubendra N; Rashid P; Bolton D; Lawrentschuk N, 2024, 'Common incidental urological lesions on computed tomography images: What to do with renal and adrenal computed tomography incidentalomas in a primary care setting', Australian Journal of General Practice, 53, pp. S47 - S52,

Pattenden TA; Thangasamy IA; Ong WL; Samaranayke D; Morton A; Murphy DG; Evans S; Millar J; Chalasani V; Rashid P; Winter M; Vela I; Pryor D; Mark S; Loeb S; Lawrentschuk N; Pritchard E, 2024, 'Barriers and enablers of active surveillance for prostate cancer: a qualitive study of clinicians.', BJU Int, 133 Suppl 3, pp. 48 - 56,

Cameron JK; Chandrasiri U; Millar J; Aitken JF; Cramb S; Dunn J; Frydenberg M; Rashid P; Mengersen K; Chambers SK; Baade PD; Smith DP, 2023, 'Disease mapping: Geographic differences in population rates of interventional treatment for prostate cancer in Australia', PLoS ONE, 18, pp. e0293954,

Rashid P; Zargar-Shoshtari K; Ranasinghe W, 2023, 'Prostate-specific antigen testing for prostate cancer: Time to reconsider the approach to screening', Australian journal of general practice, 52, pp. 91 - 95,

Pattenden TA; Samaranayke D; Morton A; Ong WL; Murphy DG; Pritchard E; Evans S; Millar J; Chalasani V; Rashid P; Winter M; Vela I; Pryor D; Mark S; Lawrentschuk N; Thangasamy IA, 2023, 'Modern Active Surveillance in Prostate Cancer: A Narrative Review', Clinical Genitourinary Cancer, 21, pp. 115 - 123,

Kwok M; Shugg N; Siriwardana A; Calopedos R; Richards K; Bandi S; Hempenstall J; Rashid P; Desai D, 2022, 'Prevalence and sequelae of penile lichen sclerosus in males presenting for circumcision in regional Australia: a multicentre retrospective cohort study', Translational Andrology and Urology, 11, pp. 780 - 785,

Ong WL; Thangasamy I; Murphy D; Pritchard E; Evans S; Millar J; Chalasani V; Rashid P; Winter M; Vela I; Pryor D; Mark S; Lawrentschuk N, 2022, 'Large variation in conservative management of low‐risk prostate cancer in Australia and New Zealand', BJU International, 130, pp. 17 - 19,

Rashid P; Ronald M; Kong K, 2021, 'Cultural safety and racism', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 91, pp. 2829 - 2832,

Mark S; Rashid P; Heathcote P; Zargar Shoshtari K, 2021, 'Differences in treatment choices for localised prostate cancer diagnosed in private and public health services', Medical Journal of Australia, 214, pp. 485 - 485.e1,

Rashid P, 2020, 'Struggling trainee, underperformance and the role of the surgical supervisor', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 90, pp. 949,

Calopedos* R; Richards K; Rashid P; Bandi S; Siriwardana A; Kwok M; Hempenstall J; Desai D, 2019, 'MP53-07 PREVALENCE OF LICHEN SCLEROSUS IN MEN PRESENTING FOR CIRCUMCISION', Journal of Urology, 201,

Imran A; Calopedos R; Habashy D; Rashid P, 2018, 'Acknowledging and addressing surgeon burnout', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 88, pp. 1100 - 1101,

Rashid P; Habashy D; Calopedos R, 2018, 'Trainees at risk: the need for support and compassion', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 88, pp. 1106 - 1107,

Valenzuela R; Roehrborn C; Gange S; Bolton D; Chin P; Rashid P; Rukstalis D; McVary K, 2018, '192 Five Year Sexual Function Results of the Multi-Center, Prospective, Randomized Study of the Prostatic Urethral Lift (PUL)', The Journal of Sexual Medicine, 15, pp. S60 - S61,

Kevric J; Papa N; Perera M; Rashid P; Toshniwal S, 2018, 'Poor Employment Conditions Adversely Affect Mental Health Outcomes Among Surgical Trainees', Journal of Surgical Education, 75, pp. 156 - 163,

Pirpiris A; Chung ASJ; Rashid P, 2017, 'From humble beginnings … the evolution of the FRACS (Urology)', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 87, pp. 619 - 623,

Rashid P; Churchill JA; Gendy R, 2017, 'Improving clinical teaching for busy clinicians: integration of the one-minute preceptor into mini-clinical examination', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 87, pp. 535 - 536,

Churchill JA; Rashid P, 2017, 'Challenges and next steps in teaching professionalism in surgical training', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 87, pp. 430 - 431,

Gendy R; Rashid P, 2017, 'Incidental adrenal masses - A primary care approach', Australian Family Physician, 46, pp. 385 - 390

Calopedos RJS; Garcia C; Rashid P; Murphy DG; Lawrentschuk N; Woo HH, 2017, 'Citation indices for social media articles in urology', BJU International, 119, pp. 47 - 52,

Rashid P, 2017, 'A qualitative perspectival review of the Australian and New Zealand Urology Education and Training program', BJU International, 119, pp. 496 - 502,

Rashid P, 2017, 'Surgical education and adult learning: Integrating theory into practice', F1000Research, 6, pp. 143,

Roehrborn CG; Barkin J; Gange SN; Shore ND; Giddens JL; Bolton DM; Cowan BE; Cantwell AL; McVary KT; Te AE; Gholami SS; Moseley WG; Chin PT; Dowling WT; Freedman SJ; Incze PF; Coffield KS; Herron S; Rashid P; Rukstalis DB, 2017, 'Five year results of the prospective randomized controlled prostatic urethral L.I.F.T. study.', Can J Urol, 24, pp. 8802 - 8813,

Roehrborn C; Gange S; Shore N; Giddens J; Bolton D; Cowan B; Cantwell A; McVary K; Chin P; Te A; Gholami S; Rashid P; Moseley W; Tutrone R; Freedman S; Incze P; Coffield K; Borges F; Rukstalis D, 2017, 'Long term (5 year) results from the largest, prospective, randomized, controlled study of the minimally invasive prostatic urethral lift (PUL)', European Urology Supplements, 16, pp. e334 - e335,

Woo H; Barkin J; Bolton D; Rashid P; Cantwell A; Bogache W; Richardson S; Tutrone R; Fagelson J; Chin P, 2017, 'MP27-18 CROSSOVER STUDY ON THE PROSTATIC URETHRAL LIFT (PUL): 4 YEAR RESULTS', Journal of Urology, 197,

Roehrborn C; Gange S; Shore N; Giddens J; Bolton D; Cowan B; Cantwell A; McVary K; Chin P; Te A; Gholami S; Rashid P; Moselely W; Tutrone R; Freedman S; Incze P; Coffield KS; Borges F; Rukstalis D, 2017, 'PD27-01 5 YEAR PROSPECTIVE, RANDOMIZED, CONTROLLED STUDY RESULTS ON THE MINIMALLY INVASIVE PROSTATIC URETHRAL LIFT (PUL)', Journal of Urology, 197,

Rashid P; McNamara B, 2016, 'Legal considerations in managing surgical trainees', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 86, pp. 962 - 963,

Liu S; Lee S; Rashid P; Bangash H; Hamid A; Lau J; Cohen R, 2016, 'Active surveillance is suitable for intermediate term follow-up of renal oncocytoma diagnosed by percutaneous core biopsy', BJU International, 118, pp. 30 - 34,

Rashid P; Gianduzzo TRJ, 2016, 'Urology technical and non-technical skills development: The emerging role of simulation', BJU International, 117, pp. 9 - 16,

Roehrborn C; Gange S; Shore N; Giddens J; Bolton D; Cowan B; Cantwell A; McVary K; Chin P; Te A; Gholami S; Rashid P; Moseley W; Tutrone R; Freedman S; Incze P; Coffield K; Borges F; Rukstalis D, 2016, '1077 Four year results from the largest, prospective, randomized study of prostatic urethral lift (PUL)', European Urology Supplements, 15, pp. e1077 - e1077a,

Rukstalis D; Rashid P; Bogache WK; Tutrone RF; Barkin J; Chin PT; Woo HH; Cantwell AL; Cowan BE; Bolton DM, 2016, '24-month durability after crossover to the prostatic urethral lift from randomised, blinded sham.', BJU Int, 118 Suppl 3, pp. 14 - 22,

Gianduzzo TRJ; Gardiner RA; Rashid P; Young R; Frydenberg M; Kelly S, 2016, 'Impact of branding on public awareness of healthcare-related governing bodies: a pilot study of the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand brand.', BJU Int, 118 Suppl 3, pp. 23 - 29,

Roehrborn C; Gange S; Shore N; Giddens J; Bolton D; Cowan B; Cantwell A; McVary K; Chin P; Te A; Gholami S; Rashid P; Moseley W; Tutrone R; Freedman S; Incze P; Coffield KS; Borges F; Rukstalis D, 2016, 'PD21-02 PROSPECTIVE, RANDOMIZED, BLINDED STUDY OF PROSTATIC URETHRAL LIFT (PUL): FOUR YEAR RESULTS', Journal of Urology, 195,

Arianayagam R; Rashid P, 2015, 'Bullying among urology trainees in Australia and New Zealand: Lessons from a cross-sectional survey', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 85, pp. 499 - 500,

Rashid P, 2015, 'Entrustable professional activities: Time to be trusted?', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 85, pp. 298 - 299,

Rashid P; Grills R; Kuan M; Klein D, 2015, 'Trainee underperformance: A guide to achieving resolution', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 85, pp. 303 - 307,

Rashid P; Narra M; Woo H, 2015, 'Mentoring in surgical training', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 85, pp. 225 - 229,

Garcia C; Chin P; Rashid P; Woo HH, 2015, 'Prostatic urethral lift: A minimally invasive treatment for benign prostatic hyperplasia', Prostate International, 3, pp. 1 - 5,

Chopra S; Rashid P, 2015, 'Management of castration-resistant (advanced) prostate cancer (CRPC): Rationale, progress and future directions', Australian Family Physician, 44, pp. 302 - 305

Rashid P; Grills R; Klein D, 2015, 'Urology nSET 2016: Fine tuning of the current programme', ANZ Journal of Surgery, 85, pp. 4 - 5,

Rashid P; Liu M; Pirpiris A, 2015, 'Advances in radiotherapy: Ensuring balance in the discussion.', Aust Fam Physician, 44, pp. 777 - 778,

Roehrborn CG; Gange SN; Shore ND; Giddens JL; Bolton DM; Cowan BE; Cantwell AL; McVary KT; Te AE; Gholami SS; Rashid P; Moseley WG; Chin PT; Dowling WT; Freedman SJ; Incze PF; Coffield KS; Borges FD; Rukstalis DB, 2015, 'Durability of the Prostatic Urethral Lift: 2-Year Results of the L.I.F.T. Study.', Urol Pract, 2, pp. 26 - 32,

Woo H; Cantwell A; Bogache W; Richardson S; Tutrone R; Rashid P; Barkin J; Fagelson J; Chin P, 2015, 'MP3-02 CROSSOVER STUDY OF THE PROSTATIC URETHRAL LIFT FOR LUTS SECONDARY TO BPH: 2 YEAR RESULTS', Journal of Urology, 193,

Roehrborn C; Gange S; Shore N; Giddens J; Bolton D; Cowan B; Brown T; McVary K; Chin P; Te A; Gholami S; Rashid P; Moseley W; Tutrone R; Freedman S; Incze P; Coffield KS; Borges F; Rukstalis D, 2015, 'PD5-01 THREE YEAR DURABILITY OF THE PROSTATIC URETHRAL LIFT FOR BPH: RESULTS OF A PROSPECTIVE, MULTI-CENTER, RANDOMIZED STUDY', Journal of Urology, 193,

Roehrborn CG; Rukstalis DB; Barkin J; Gange SN; Shore ND; Giddens JL; Bolton DM; Cowan BE; Cantwell AL; McVary KT; Te AE; Gholami SS; Moseley WG; Chin PT; Dowling WT; Freedman SJ; Incze PF; Coffield KS; Borges FD; Rashid P, 2015, 'Three year results of the prostatic urethral L.I.F.T. study.', Can J Urol, 22, pp. 7772 - 7782,

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