Journal articles
Orford NR; Bone A; Kotowicz MA; Bailey M; Pasco JA; Maiden M; Kakho N; Cattigan C; Nichonghaile M; Jones C; Hodgson C; Nair P; Center J; Bellomo R, 2024, 'A pilot feasibility randomised controlled trial of bone antiresorptive agents on bone turnover markers in critically ill women', Scientific Reports, 14,
Vlok R; Buscher H; Delaney A; Garside T; McDonald G; Chatoor R; Myburgh J; Nair P, 2024, 'Anticoagulation and associated complications in veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in adult patients: A systematic review and meta-analysis', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 26, pp. 332 - 363,
Burrell A; Bailey MJ; Bellomo R; Buscher H; Eastwood G; Forrest P; Fraser JF; Fulcher B; Gattas D; Higgins AM; Hodgson CL; Litton E; Martin EL; Nair P; Ng SJ; Orford N; Ottosen K; Paul E; Pellegrino V; Reid L; Shekar K; Totaro RJ; Trapani T; Udy A; Ziegenfuss M; Pilcher D; Schmidt M; Thabane L; Ferguson ND; Pearse I; Latu J; Tronstad O; Lockwood D; Bushell R; Thomas A; Fraser J; Reynolds C; Newman S; Carey R; Coles J; Buhr H; Foster M; Dohnt S; McDonald F; Rivett J; Doherty S; Brown N; Glasby K; O’Connor S; Reddi B; Mackay J; Jones C; Krishnan A; Harward M; Meyer J; Walsham J; de Wit D; Webb L; Brieva J; Dalton S; Poulter AL; McLean L; Houbert M; McCullough J; Pitman J; Gough M; Tallott M; Winearls J; Gallagher M; Range L; Breguet S; Trickey J; Horton M; Salerno T; Bone A; Kakho N; Maiden M; McCaffrey J; Bihari S; McIntyre J; Wiersema U; Allen C; Palermo AM; Robertson N; Gellie K; Liew C; Hunter S; Dyett J; Hilton A; Peck L; Young H; Brown A; McCracken P; Jones A; Board J; Young M; Corley A, 2024, 'Correction to: Conservative or liberal oxygen targets in patients on venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (Intensive Care Medicine, (2024), 50, 9, (1470-1483), 10.1007/s00134-024-07564-8)', Intensive Care Medicine, 50, pp. 2241 - 2242,
Ting RS; Weaver NA; King KL; Way TL; Sarrami P; Daniel L; Dinh M; Nair P; Hsu J; D’Amours SK; Balogh ZJ, 2024, 'Epidemiology of postinjury multiple organ failure: a prospective multicenter observational study', European Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery, 50, pp. 3223 - 3231,
Ertugrul AD; Neto AS; Fulcher BJ; Charles-Nelson A; Bailey M; Burrell AJC; Anderson S; Bernard S; Board JV; Brodie D; Buhr H; Cooper DJ; Dicker C; Fan E; Fraser JF; Gattas DJ; Hopper IK; Huckson S; Linke NJ; Litton E; McGuinness SP; Nair P; Orford N; Parke RL; Pellegrino VA; Pilcher DV; Stub D; Udy AA; Reddi BAJ; Trapani TV; Jones A; Higgins AM; Hodgson CL, 2024, 'Hospital-level volume in extracorporeal membrane oxygenation cases and death or disability at 6 months', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 26, pp. 262 - 270,
Ramanathan K; Peek G; Martucci G; Al Foudri H; Nair P; Kattan J; Thiagarajan R; Fan BE; Agerstand C; Maclaren G; Bartlett R, 2024, 'Blood Transfusion During Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation: An ELSO Position Statement', ASAIO Journal, 70, pp. 719 - 720,
Burrell A; Bailey MJ; Bellomo R; Buscher H; Eastwood G; Forrest P; Fraser JF; Fulcher B; Gattas D; Higgins AM; Hodgson CL; Litton E; Martin EL; Nair P; Ng SJ; Orford N; Ottosen K; Paul E; Pellegrino V; Reid L; Shekar K; Totaro RJ; Trapani T; Udy A; Ziegenfuss M; Pilcher D; Schmidt M; Thabane L; Ferguson ND; Pearse I; Latu J; Tronstad O; Lockwood D; Bushell R; Thomas A; Fraser J; Reynolds C; Newman S; Carey R; Coles J; Buhr H; Foster M; Dohnt S; McDonald F; Rivett J; Doherty S; Brown N; Glasby K; O’Connor S; Reddi B; Mackay J; Jones C; Krishnan A; Harward M; Meyer J; Walsham J; de Wit D; Webb L; Brieva J; Dalton S; Poulter AL; McLean L; Houbert M; McCullough J; Pitman J; Gough M; Tallott M; Winearls J; Gallagher M; Range L; Breguet S; Trickey J; Horton M; Salerno T; Bone A; Kakho N; Maiden M; McCaffrey J; Bihari S; McIntyre J; Wiersema U; Allen C; Palermo AM; Robertson N; Gellie K; Liew C; Hunter S; Dyett J; Hilton A; Peck L; Young H; Brown A; McCracken P; Jones A; Board J; Young M; Ng S; Corley A, 2024, 'Conservative or liberal oxygen targets in patients on venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation', Intensive Care Medicine, 50, pp. 1470 - 1483,
Zochios V; Nasa P; Yusuff H; Schultz MJ; Antonini MV; Duggal A; Dugar S; Ramanathan K; Shekar K; Schmidt M; Zakhary B; Zaaqoq A; Vuylsteke A; Ventetuolo C; Valchanov K; Usman A; Tonna JE; Swol J; Šribar A; Slobod D; Slaughter MS; Shelley B; Read M; Qadir N; Price S; Pinsky MR; Pettenuzzo T; Peek G; Parhar K; Noordegraaf AV; Nickson C; Nair P; Maybauer MO; MacLaren G; Lim HS; Liliequist A; Levy D; Ledot S; Lazzeri C; Lahm T; Khorsandi M; Karagiannidis C; Joyce D; Jones N; Isgro G; Hemnes A; Hassoun PM; Haji JY; Finney S; Fan E; Douflé G; Donker DW; Cornwell W; Combes A; Camporota L; Cain M; Brodie D; Brogan TV; Vieillard-Baron A; Badulak J; Akkanti B; Agerstrand C, 2024, 'Definition and management of right ventricular injury in adult patients receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for respiratory support using the Delphi method: a PRORVnet study. Expert position statements', Intensive Care Medicine, 50, pp. 1411 - 1425,
Cheung W; Naganathan V; Myburgh J; Saxena MK; Blyth F; Seppelt I; Parr M; Hooker C; Kerridge I; Nguyen N; Kelly S; Skowronski G; Hammond N; Attokaran A; Chalmers D; Gandhi K; Kol M; McGuinness S; Nair P; Nayyar V; Orford N; Parke R; Shah A; Wagh A, 2024, 'Corrigendum to: A survey of Australian public opinion on using comorbidity to triage intensive care patients in a pandemic', Australian health review : a publication of the Australian Hospital Association, 48, pp. 487,
Cheung W; Naganathan V; Myburgh J; Saxena MK; Fiona B; Seppelt I; Parr M; Hooker C; Kerridge I; Nguyen N; Kelly S; Skowronski G; Hammond N; Attokaran A; Chalmers D; Gandhi K; Kol M; McGuinness S; Nair P; Nayyar V; Orford N; Parke R; Shah A; Wagh A, 2024, 'A survey of Australian public opinion on using comorbidity to triage intensive care patients in a pandemic', Australian Health Review, 48, pp. 459 - 468,
Burrell A; Ng S; Ottosen K; Bailey M; Buscher H; Fraser J; Udy A; Gattas D; Totaro R; Bellomo R; Forrest P; Martin E; Reid L; Ziegenfuss M; Eastwood G; Higgins A; Hodgson C; Litton E; Nair P; Orford N; Pellegrino V; Shekar K; Trapani T; Pilcher D, 2024, 'Corrigendum to “Blend to Limit OxygEN in ECMO: A RanDomised ControllEd Registry (BLENDER) trial: Study protocol and statistical analysis plan” [Crit Care Resuscit 25 (2023) 118–125, (S1441277223000224), (10.1016/j.ccrj.2023.06.001)]', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 26, pp. 60,
Gale D; Al-Soufi S; Macdonald P; Nair P, 2024, 'Severe Acute Kidney Injury Postheart Transplantation: Analysis of Risk Factors', Transplantation Direct, 10, pp. E1585,
Dennis M; Shekar K; Burrell AJC; Austin D; Anderson D; Bernard S; Burns B; Buscher H; Christie G; Collett L; Coggins A; Doan T; Dhanani J; Finn J; Fisher C; Ferguson I; Forrest P; Gill D; Granger E; Higgins L; Hodgson C; Jones D; Kruit N; La Gerche A; Marasco S; Maruno K; McCanny P; Moylan E; Nanjayya V; Nair P; Nichol A; Oliver M; Pellegrino V; Plunkett B; Ramanan M; Richardson S; Southwood TJ; Sackley M; Semsarian C; Totaro R; Winearls J, 2024, 'Extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation for refractory cardiac arrest in Australia: a narrative review', Medical Journal of Australia, 220, pp. 46 - 53,
Boey JJE; Dhundi U; Ling RR; Chiew JK; Fong NCJ; Chen Y; Hobohm L; Nair P; Lorusso R; MacLaren G; Ramanathan K, 2024, 'Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation for Pulmonary Embolism: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis', Journal of Clinical Medicine, 13,
Nair P; Orford N; Kerschan-Schindl K, 2023, 'Micronutrient intake to protect against osteoporosis during and after critical illness', Current Opinion in Clinical Nutrition and Metabolic Care, 26, pp. 557 - 563,
Siriwardena M; Breeding J; Gopalakrishnan M; Jansz P; Granger EK; Jackson A; MacDonald PS; Lowe D; Buscher H; Nair P, 2023, 'Pulse pressure within the first 2 days of veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation is predictive of death prior to hospital discharge, renal dysfunction requiring dialysis and pulmonary oedema', Perfusion (United Kingdom), 38, pp. 1568 - 1576,
Burrell A; Ng S; Ottosen K; Bailey M; Buscher H; Fraser J; Udy A; Gattas D; Totaro R; Bellomo R; Forrest P; Martin E; Reid L; Ziegenfuss M; Eastwood G; Higgins A; Hodgson C; Litton E; Nair P; Orford N; Pellegrino V; Shekar K; Trapani T; Pilcher D, 2023, 'Blend to Limit OxygEN in ECMO: A RanDomised ControllEd Registry (BLENDER) Trial: Study Protocol and Statistical Analysis Plan', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 25, pp. 118 - 125,
Basu S; Irving C; Roberts P; Orr Y; Reilly C; Casey C; Griffiths A; Oake D; McElduff M; Macdonald P; Nair P; Jansz P; Festa M, 2023, 'Quality care close to home: Objectives and early outcomes of a second paediatric heart transplant service in Australia', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 59, pp. 937 - 942,
Skrifvars MB; Luethi N; Bailey M; French C; Nichol A; Trapani T; McArthur C; Arabi YM; Bendel S; Cooper DJ; Bellomo R; Newby CMAL; Van Haren F; Spiller S; Nourse M; Brown JR; Henderson S; Mehrtens J; Silverman D; Hutchinson R; Richards B; Tallott M; Field J; Vartiala H; Eliasson M; Koivikko M; Harrigan P; Hardie M; Tolfree A; Haddad S; Kishi MA; Deeb A; Harbi SA; Al-Swaidan L; Moammar TA; Lingling J; Caliwag S; Richi H; Jandan AA; Rahikainen S; Tam V; Robinson J; Micallef S; Cole L; Weisbrodt L; Gresham R; Nikas M; Richie A; Strickland R; Rivett J; Kloeden S; O’Connor S; McAllister R; Barge D; Presneill J; Finfer S; Yarad E; Bird S; O’Connor A; Hammond N; Bass F; Boardman M; Waterson S; Gattas D; Buhr H; Nair P; Reynolds C; Tantau R; Board J; Vallance S; McCracken P; Young M; Gordon G; Reeves S; Brennan S; Young P; Hunt A; Beehre N; Smellie H; Nayyar V; Whitehead C; Kong J; Bonovas G; Kong J, 2023, 'The effect of recombinant erythropoietin on long-term outcome after moderate-to-severe traumatic brain injury', Intensive Care Medicine, 49, pp. 831 - 839,
Nair P; Morgan S; Buscher H, 2023, 'ECMO after stem cell transplantation', The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 11, pp. 400 - 402,
Morgan S; Aneman A; Nair P, 2023, 'Mechanical ventilation post-bilateral lung transplantation: A scoping review', Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica, 67, pp. 576 - 587,
Hodgson CL; Higgins AM; Bailey MJ; Anderson S; Bernard S; Fulcher BJ; Koe D; Linke NJ; Board JV; Brodie D; Buhr H; Burrell AJC; Cooper DJ; Fan E; Fraser JF; Gattas DJ; Hopper IK; Huckson S; Litton E; McGuinness SP; Nair P; Orford N; Parke RL; Pellegrino VA; Pilcher DV; Sheldrake J; Reddi BAJ; Stub D; Trapani TV; Udy AA; Serpa Neto A, 2022, 'Incidence of death or disability at 6 months after extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in Australia: a prospective, multicentre, registry-embedded cohort study', The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 10, pp. 1038 - 1048,
White H; McDonald SJ; Barber B; Davis J; Burr L; Nair P; Mukherjee S; Tendal B; Elliott J; McGloughlin S; Turner T, 2022, 'Care for adults with COVID-19: living guidelines from the National COVID-19 Clinical Evidence Taskforce', Medical Journal of Australia, 217, pp. 368 - 378,
Marczin N; de Waal EEC; Hopkins PMA; Mulligan MS; Simon A; Shaw AD; Van Raemdonck D; Neyrinck A; Gries CJ; Algotsson L; Szegedi L; von Dossow V; Burrell A; Carmona P; Greenhalgh D; Höchter D; Kachulis B; King CS; Licker MJ; McIlroy DR; Nair P; Pasero D; Pilcher D; Rex S; Royston D; Slinger P; Valenza F; Walker C; Arcadipane A; Bastien O; Bekkers JA; Bettex D; Caliandro F; Checco ED; Davis RD; Dellgren G; Espinoza A; Felten ML; Feltracco P; Fischler M; Fitzgerald LJ; Forner AF; Fragata I; Román AG; Harris P; Hommel M; Lees NJ; Guen ML; Leone M; Lepoivre T; Marcucci C; Martelli S; Michel-Cherqui M; Molitoris U; Montravers P; Mosca R; Parizkova B; Prabhu M; Pugliese F; Raman SM; Ramos C; Ranieri VM; Real MI; Ricksten SE; Rozec B; Sale SM; Sanchez JF; Schwarzenberger J; Turan S; Valchanov K; Valentine VG; von Homeyer P; Vuylsteke A; Weig T; Zarragoikoetxea I; Zenz S; Falcoz PE; Inci I; Roscoe A; Senturk M, 2021, 'International consensus recommendations for anesthetic and intensive care management of lung transplantation. An EACTAIC, SCA, ISHLT, ESOT, ESTS, and AST approved document', Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 40, pp. 1327 - 1348,
Hughes T; Zhang D; Nair P; Buscher H, 2021, 'A systematic literature review of packed red cell transfusion usage in adult extracorporeal membrane oxygenation', Membranes, 11,
Chapman JT; Breeding J; Kerr SJ; Bajic M; Nair P; Buscher H, 2021, 'CNS Complications in Adult Patients Treated With Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation', Critical Care Medicine, 49, pp. 282 - 291,
Fulcher BJ; Nicholson AJ; Linke NJ; Berkovic D; Hodgson CL; Anderson S; Bailey MJ; Bernard S; Board JV; Brodie D; Buhr H; Burrell AJC; Cooper DJ; Fan E; Fraser JF; Gattas DJ; Higgins AM; Hopper IK; Huckson S; Litton E; McGuinness SP; Nair P; Orford N; Parke RL; Pellegrino VA; Pilcher DV; Reddi BAJ; Stub D; Trapani T; Udy AA, 2020, 'The perceived barriers and facilitators to implementation of ECMO services in acute hospitals', Intensive Care Medicine, 46, pp. 2115 - 2117,
Lal S; Hayward CS; De Pasquale C; Kaye D; Javorsky G; Bergin P; Atherton JJ; Ilton MK; Weintraub RG; Nair P; Rudas M; Dembo L; Doughty RN; Kumarasinghe G; Juergens C; Bannon PG; Bart NK; Chow CK; Lattimore JD; Kritharides L; Totaro R; Macdonald PS, 2020, 'COVID-19 and Acute Heart Failure: Screening the Critically Ill – A Position Statement of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand (CSANZ)', Heart Lung and Circulation, 29, pp. e94 - e98,
Linke NJ; Fulcher BJ; Engeler DM; Anderson S; Bailey MJ; Bernard S; Board JV; Brodie D; Buhr H; Burrell AJC; Cooper DJ; Fan E; Fraser JF; Gattas DJ; Higgins AM; Hopper IK; Huckson S; Litton E; McGuinness SP; Nair P; Orford N; Parke RL; Pellegrino VA; Pilcher DV; Sheldrake J; Reddi BAJ; Stub D; Trapani TV; Udy AA; Hodgson CL, 2020, 'A survey of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation practice in 23 Australian adult intensive care units', Critical care and resuscitation : journal of the Australasian Academy of Critical Care Medicine, 22, pp. 166 - 170,
Copeland H; Hayanga JWA; Neyrinck A; MacDonald P; Dellgren G; Bertolotti A; Khuu T; Burrows F; Copeland JG; Gooch D; Hackmann A; Hormuth D; Kirk C; Linacre V; Lyster H; Marasco S; McGiffin D; Nair P; Rahmel A; Sasevich M; Schweiger M; Siddique A; Snyder TJ; Stansfield W; Tsui S; Orr Y; Uber P; Venkateswaran R; Kukreja J; Mulligan M, 2020, 'Donor heart and lung procurement: A consensus statement', Journal of Heart and Lung Transplantation, 39, pp. 501 - 517,
Dennis M; Buscher H; Gattas D; Burns B; Habig K; Bannon P; Patel S; Buhr H; Reynolds C; Scott S; Nair P; Hayman J; Granger E; Lovett R; Forrest P; Coles J; Lowe DA, 2020, 'Prospective observational study of mechanical cardiopulmonary resuscitation, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and early reperfusion for refractory cardiac arrest in Sydney: the 2CHEER study', Critical Care and Resuscitation, 22, pp. 26 - 34,
Luethi N; Bailey M; Higgins A; Howe B; Peake S; Delaney A; Bellomo R, 2020, 'Gender differences in mortality and quality of life after septic shock: A post-hoc analysis of the ARISE study', Journal of Critical Care, 55, pp. 177 - 183,
Angus DC; Derde L; Al-Beidh F; Annane D; Arabi Y; Beane A; Van Bentum-Puijk W; Berry L; Bhimani Z; Bonten M; Bradbury C; Brunkhorst F; Buxton M; Buzgau A; Cheng AC; De Jong M; Detry M; Estcourt L; Fitzgerald M; Goossens H; Green C; Haniffa R; Higgins AM; Horvat C; Hullegie SJ; Kruger P; Lamontagne F; Lawler PR; Linstrum K; Litton E; Lorenzi E; Marshall J; McAuley D; McGlothin A; McGuinness S; McVerry B; Montgomery S; Mouncey P; Murthy S; Nichol A; Parke R; Parker J; Rowan K; Sanil A; Santos M; Saunders C; Seymour C; Turner A; Van De Veerdonk F; Venkatesh B; Zarychanski R; Berry S; Lewis RJ; McArthur C; Webb SA; Gordon AC, 2020, 'Effect of Hydrocortisone on Mortality and Organ Support in Patients with Severe COVID-19: The REMAP-CAP COVID-19 Corticosteroid Domain Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA - Journal of the American Medical Association, 324, pp. 1317 - 1329,
Harley O; Reynolds C; Nair P; Buscher H, 2020, 'Long-Term Survival, Posttraumatic Stress, and Quality of Life post Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation.', ASAIO J, 66, pp. 909 - 914,
Schmidt M; Pham T; Arcadipane A; Agerstrand C; Ohshimo S; Pellegrino V; Vuylsteke A; Guervilly C; McGuinness S; Pierard S; Breeding J; Stewart C; Ching SSW; Camuso JM; Stephens RS; King B; Herr D; Schultz MJ; Neuville M; Zogheib E; Mira JP; Rozé H; Pierrot M; Tobin A; Hodgson C; Chevret S; Brodie D; Combes A, 2019, 'Mechanical ventilation management during extracorporeal membrane oxygenation for acute respiratory distress syndrome an international multicenter prospective cohort', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 200, pp. 1002 - 1012,
Udy AA; Finnis M; Jones D; Delaney A; MacDonald S; Bellomo R; Peake S, 2019, 'Incidence, patient characteristics, mode of drug delivery, and outcomes of septic shock patients treated with vasopressors in the arise trial', Shock, 52, pp. 400 - 407,
Breeding J; Hamp T; Grealy R; Nair P; Iyer A; Kawanishi Y, 2019, 'Effects of extracorporeal membrane oxygenation pump flow, backflow cannulae, mean arterial blood pressure, and pulse pressure on Doppler-derived flow velocities of the lower limbs in patients on peripheral veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation: A pilot study', Australian Critical Care, 32, pp. 206 - 212,
Chew HC; Iyer A; Connellan M; Scheuer S; Villanueva J; Gao L; Hicks M; Harkness M; Soto C; Dinale A; Nair P; Watson A; Granger E; Jansz P; Muthiah K; Jabbour A; Kotlyar E; Keogh A; Hayward C; Graham R; Spratt P; Macdonald P; Dhital K, 2019, 'Outcomes of Donation After Circulatory Death Heart Transplantation in Australia', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 73, pp. 1447 - 1459,
Chew HC; Jabbour A; Keogh A; Kotlyar E; Hayward C; Macdonald P; Dhital K; Scheuer S; Iyer A; Connellan M; Soto C; Nair P; Watson A, 2019, 'Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Post-Dead After Circulatory Death Heart Transplantation: A Retrospective Study', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 28, pp. S87 - S88,
Dennis M; Forrest P; Bannon P; Scott S; Lowe D; Reynolds C; Burns B; Habig K; Nair P; Gattas D; Buscher H, 2019, 'The 2CHEER Study: (Mechanical CPR, Hypothermia, ECMO and Early Re-Perfusion) for Refractory Cardiac arrest', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 28, pp. S322 - S322,
Scheuer S; Jabbour A; Keogh A; Kotlyar E; Hayward C; Macdonald P; Dhital K; Chew HC; Iyer A; Connellan M; Soto C; Nair P; Alas D, 2019, 'The Ongoing Evolution of Dead After Circulatory Death Heart Transplantation in Australia: An Update on Current Clinical Practice', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 28, pp. S86 - S86,
Nair P; Venkatesh B; Hoechter DJ; Buscher H; Kerr S; Center JR; Myburgh JA, 2018, 'Vitamin D Status and Supplementation in Adult Patients Receiving Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation', Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, 46, pp. 589 - 595,
Nair P; Venkatesh B; Center JR, 2018, 'Vitamin D deficiency and supplementation in critical illness - The known knowns and known unknowns', Critical Care, 22,
Lee CH; Ellaway C; Shun A; Thomas G; Nair P; O'Neill J; Shakel N; Stormon MO, 2018, 'Split-graft liver transplantation from an adult donor with an unrecognized UCD to a pediatric and adult recipient', Pediatric Transplantation, 22,
Shehabi Y; Bellomo R; Kadiman S; Ti LK; Howe B; Reade MC; Khoo TM; Alias A; Wong YL; Mukhopadhyay A; McArthur C; Seppelt I; Webb SA; Green M; Bailey MJ; Ibrom E; Maher C; Mashonganyika C; McKee H; Bennett V; Cooper DJ; Vallance S; Eastwood G; Peck L; Young H; Eliott S; Mercer I; Sidhu J; Whitfield A; Ding G; Hatfield P; Smith K; Coles T; Dennett J; Summers T; Ruther A; Anderson R; Jones E; Milliss D; Wong H; Botha J; Allsop S; Kanhere M; Wood J; Hogan C; Tai J; Williams T; Buckley A; Garrett P; McDonald S; Cuzner C; Weisbrodt L; Bass F; Edhouse P; Sana M; Shehabi Y; Chamberlain J; Bicknell A; Roberts B; Casey E; Cheng A; Inskip D; Myburgh J; Holmes J; Santamaria J; Smith R; Nair P; Reynolds C; Johnson B; Sterba M; Wong KK; Venugopal S; Rai V; Shahnaz M; Ramoo V; Jose S; Ozturk O; Ramlee SNZ; Foon BS; Amran R; Narula RKA; Md Ramly ES; Hapiz KA; I-Liang L; Morad MHC; Ali MN; Raihan HN; Azizum SI; Suzana Y; Haryati H; Zawati SS; Ismeev JN; Zulkarnain MA; Omar M; Omar SA; Ismail SR; Hassan N; Zakaria Z; Mohtar S; Ahmad M, 2018, 'Sedation intensity in the first 48 hours of mechanical ventilation and 180-day mortality: A multinational prospective longitudinal cohort study', Critical Care Medicine, 46, pp. 850 - 859,
Song N; Kearney K; Muthiah K; Namasivayam M; Macdonald P; Roy D; Jabbour A; Muller D; Hayward C; Girgis L; Nair P; Connellan M; Jansz P, 2018, 'Bridge to Recovery with Early Mobilisation: The Impella Device via Axillary Artery in Lupus-Associated Acute Cardiomyopathy', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 27, pp. S80 - S81,
Chew HC; Keogh A; Kotlyar E; Hayward C; Nair P; Spratt P; Dhital K; Macdonald P; Iyer A; Soto C; Roshan A; Cropper J; Connellan M, 2018, 'Donation After Cicrulatory Death Heart Transplantation: An Update of Current Outcomes and Experience', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 27, pp. S508 - S509,
Siriwardena M; Breeding J; Gopal M; Buscher H; MacDonald P; Granger E; Nair P, 2018, 'Haemodynamic Assessment of Patients Supported on Veno-Arterial Membrane Oxygenation with Concurrent Evaluation of Echocardiographic Findings', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 27, pp. S242 - S242,
Siriwardena M; Gopal M; Buscher H; Nair P, 2018, 'Left Atrial Analysis Using Velocity Vector Imaging Shows Dys-Synchrony and Negative Strain Values in a Patient with Severe Pulmonary Oedema Complicating Peripheral Veno-Arterial Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation', Heart, Lung and Circulation, 27, pp. S251 - S251,
Liu Q; Jarvis S; Tang K; Danta M; Nair P; Miranda S; Rabbolini D; Joseph J, 2018, 'Pre-procedural rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM) guided transfusion in liver failure patients', Pathology, 50, pp. S105 - S105,
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