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Select Publications
2012, 'Multiscale approximation for functions in arbitrary Sobolev spaces by scaled radial basis functions on the unit sphere', Applied and Computational Harmonic Analysis, 32, pp. 401 - 412, http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.acha.2011.07.007
,2012, 'Multiscale methods with compactly supported radial basis functions for elliptic partial differential equations on bounded domains', Proceedings of the 16th Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, published in ANZIAM Journal, 54, pp. C137 - C152, http://journal.austms.org.au/ojs/index.php/ANZIAMJ/article/view/6304
,2012, 'Multiscale RBF collocation for solving PDEs on spheres', Numerische Mathematik, 121, pp. 99 - 125, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00211-011-0428-6
,2011, 'A pseudospectral quadrature method for Navier-Stokes equations on rotating spheres', Mathematics of Computation, 80, pp. 1397 - 1430, http://dx.doi.org/10.1090/S0025-5718-2010-02440-8
,2011, 'A redial basis Galerkin method for spherical surface Stokes equations', ANZIAM Journal, pp. C56 - C71
,2011, 'Additive Schwartz preconditioners for interpolation of divergence-free vector fields on spheres', The ANZIAM Journal, pp. C742 - C758
,2011, 'Meshless BEM and overlapping Schwarz preconditioners for exterior problems on spheroids', Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica, 55, pp. 465 - 477
,2011, 'Numerical solution of a parabolic equation on the sphere using Laplace transforms and radial basis functions', ANZIAM Journal, pp. C89 - C102
,2011, 'Solution to the Neumann problem exterior to a prolate spheroid by radial basis functions', Advances in Computational Mathematics, 34, pp. 83 - 103, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10444-010-9145-4
,2011, 'Stability and preconditioning for a hybrid approximation on the sphere', Numerische Mathematik, 118, pp. 695 - 711, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00211-011-0369-0
,2010, 'A radial basis Galerkin method for spherical surface Stokes equations', ANZIAM Journal, 52
,2010, 'An overlapping additive Schwarz preconditioner for interpolation on the unit sphere with spherical radial basis functions', Journal of Complexity, 26, pp. 552 - 573
,2010, 'Multiscale analysis in Sobolev spaces on the sphere', SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 48, pp. 2065 - 2090, http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/090774550
,2010, 'Preconditioners for pseudodifferential equations on the sphere with radial basis functions', Numerische Mathematik, 115, pp. 141 - 163
,2009, 'Boundary integral equations on the sphere with radial basis functions: error analysis', Applied Numerical Mathematics, 59, pp. 2857 - 2871
,2009, 'Overlapping additive schwarz preconditioners for elliptic pdes on the unit sphere', Mathematics of Computation, 78, pp. 79 - 101
,2008, 'Interpolation on the sphere: a fast solution technique', ANZIAM Journal, pp. 354 - 370
,2008, 'Local radial basis function approximation on the sphere', Bulletin of the Australian Mathematical Society, 77, pp. 197 - 224
,2008, 'Localized linear polynomial operators and quadrature formulas on the sphere', SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis, 47, pp. 440 - 466
,2008, 'Numerical solutions to a boundary integral equation with spherical radial basis functions', ANZIAM Journal, pp. 266 - 281
,2008, 'Post-processing of solutions of incompressible Navier-Stokes equations on rotating spheres', ANZIAM Journal, pp. 90 - 106
,2006, 'Continuous and discrete least-squares approximation by radial basis functions on spheres', Journal of Approximation Theory, 143, pp. 124 - 133
,2006, 'Polynomial operators and local approximation of solutions of pseudo-differential equations on the sphere', Numerische Mathematik, 103, pp. 299 - 322
,2005, 'Approximation of parabolic PDEs on spheres using spherical basis functions', Advances in Computational Mathematics, 22, pp. 377 - 397, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10444-003-3960-9
,2005, 'Approximation of parabolic PDEs on spheres using collocation method', Advances in Computational Mathematics, 22, pp. 377 - 397
,2004, 'Galerkin approximation of elliptic PDEs on spheres', Journal of Approximation Theory, 130, pp. 125 - 149
,2019, 'Inversion of the Shockley-Read-Hall equation using random forests', Canberra, presented at Asia Pacific Solar Research Conference, Canberra, 03 December 2019
,2019, 'A machine learning approach to defect parameters extraction: Using random forests to inverse the shockley-read-hall equation', in Conference Record of the IEEE Photovoltaic Specialists Conference, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), Chicago, USA, pp. 3070 - 3073, presented at 46th IEEE photovoltaic specialists conference, Chicago, USA, 17 June 2019 - 21 June 2019, http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/PVSC40753.2019.8980717
,2016, 'Solving approximate cloaking problems using finite element methods', in Droniou J; Clarke S; Page M (eds.), Proceedings Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, Australian Mathematical Publishing Association, Monash University, Melbourne, presented at Computational Techniques and Applications Conference, Monash University, Melbourne, 27 November 2016 - 30 November 2016, http://dx.doi.org/10.21914/anziamj.v58i0.11729
,2014, 'Higher Order Quasi Monte-Carlo Integration in Uncertainty Quantification', in Kirby RM; Berzins M; Hesthaven JS (eds.), Spectral and High Order Methods for Partial Differential Equations ICOSAHOM 2014, Springer Nature, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, pp. 445 - 453, presented at ICOSAHOM conference, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA, 23 June 2014 - 27 June 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-19800-2_41
,2012, 'A QMC spectral method for elliptic PDEs with random coefficients on the unit sphere', in Dick J; Kuo FY; Peters GW; Sloan IH (eds.), Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo Methods 2012, Sydney, Australia, pp. 517 - 534, presented at MCQMC 2012, Sydney, Australia, 13 February 2012 - 17 February 2012
,2010, 'Meshless boundary element methods for exterior problems on spheroids', in Advances in Boundary Element Techniques XI, EC Ltd, UK, London, pp. 455 - 461, presented at Boundary Element Techniques XI, Berlin, Germany, 12 July 2010 - 14 July 2010
,2004, 'The L2(Sn) error estimate for the Galerkin method for elliptic PDEs on spheres', in Eleventh International Conference on Approximation Theory XI, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, presented at 11th International Conference in Approximation Theory, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, 18 May 2004 - 22 May 2004
,1999, 'FMR: An Incremental Knowledge Acquisition System for Fuzzy Domains', in 11th European Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Management and Modelling, Schloss Dagstuhl Gaermany, presented at 11th European Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Management and Modelling, Schloss Dagstuhl Gaermany, 26 May 1999 - 29 May 1999
,2004, 'Galerkin method for elliptic PDEs on spheres: the L2(Sn) error estimates', presented at 11th International Conference in Approximation Theory, Gatlinburg, Tennessee, 18 May 2004 - 22 May 2004
,2019, A New Probe of Gaussianity and Isotropy applied to the CMB Maps, http://dx.doi.org, http://arxiv.org/abs/1911.11442v2
,2018, Sparse Isotropic Regularization for Spherical Harmonic Representations of Random Fields on the Sphere, http://dx.doi.org
,2023, Removing the mask -- reconstructing a scalar field on the sphere from a masked field, http://dx.doi.org/10.1137/23M1603157
,2023, Numerical solutions to an inverse problem for a non-linear Helmholtz equation, http://arxiv.org/abs/2302.01475v1