Select Publications


Sutherland R; Breen C, 2017, South Australian Trends in Ecstasy and Related Drug Markets 2016: Findings from the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS), National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney,

Sutherland R; Burns LA, 2013, SA Drug Trends 2012: Findings from the Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS), National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW,

Sutherland R; Burns LA, 2013, SA Trends in Ecstasy and Related Drug Markets 2012: Findings from the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS), National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW,

Sutherland R; Burns L, 2012, SA Drug Trends 2011: Findings from the Illicit Drug Reporting System (IDRS), National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW,

Sutherland R; Burns L, 2012, SA Trends in Ecstasy and Related Drug Markets 2011: Findings from the Ecstasy and Related Drugs Reporting System (EDRS), National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW,

McKetin R; Sutherland R; Ross JE; Najman JM; Mamun A; Baker A; Mattick RP; Rosenfeld J, 2010, Methamphetamine Treament Evaluation Study (MATES): Three-year outcomes from the Sydney site, National Drug and Alcohol Research Centre, University of New South Wales,

Book Chapters

Sutherland R; Barratt M, 2017, 'New & emerging psychoactive substances', in A Quick Guide to Drugs & Alcohol, pp. 87 - 93,

Journal articles

Price O; Lewer D; Peacock A; Maher L; Zolala F; Degenhardt L; Larney S; Agramunt S; Dietze P; Colledge-Frisby S; Scott N; Wilson J; Sutherland R, 2025, 'Population Aging and Apparent Decline in Initiation of Injecting Drug Use in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 267, pp. 111591 - 111591,

Akhurst J; Price O; Sutherland R; Gibbs D; Dietze P; Bruno R; Agramunt S; Colledge-Frisby S; Lenton S; Salom C; Thomas N; Peacock A, 2024, 'Naloxone cascade of care among people who regularly inject drugs in Australia, 2020–2022', International Journal of Drug Policy, 133,

Price O; Machalek DA; Sutherland R; Gibbs D; Colledge-Frisby S; Read P; Peacock A, 2024, 'Coverage of cervical cancer prevention interventions among people in Australia who inject drugs', International Journal of Drug Policy, 132,

Sutherland R; Gisev N; Larney S, 2024, 'Trends in substance use and related harms among older adults in high-income countries', Addiction, 119, pp. 1676 - 1678,

Sutherland R; Peacock A; Crawford S; Holly C; Gava P; Dicka J; Manu G; Byrne J, 2024, 'Information acquisition and dissemination among a sample of people who inject drugs in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 43, pp. 1104 - 1111,

Sutherland R; King C; Karlsson A; Treloar C; Broady T; Chandrasena U; Salom C; Dietze P; Peacock A, 2024, 'Stigma, and factors associated with experiencing stigma, while visiting health-care services among samples of people who use illegal drugs in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 43, pp. 1264 - 1279,

Clay S; Wilkinson Z; Ginley M; Arunogiri S; Christmass M; Membrey D; MacCartney P; Sutherland R; Colledge-Frisby S; Marshall AD; Nagle J; Degenhardt L; Farrell M; McKetin R, 2024, 'The reflections of health service providers on implementing contingency management for methamphetamine use disorder in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 43, pp. 1313 - 1322,

Wolfenden L; Hall A; Bauman A; Milat A; Hodder R; Webb E; Mooney K; Yoong S; Sutherland R; Mccrabb S, 2024, 'Research outcomes informing the selection of public health interventions and strategies to implement them: A cross-sectional survey of Australian policy-maker and practitioner preferences', HEALTH RESEARCH POLICY AND SYSTEMS, 22,

Riley-Gibson E; Hall A; Shoesmith A; Wolfenden L; Shelton RC; Doherty E; Pollock E; Booth D; Salloum RG; Laur C; Powell BJ; Kingsland M; Lane C; Hailemariam M; Sutherland R; Nathan N, 2024, 'A systematic review to determine the effect of strategies to sustain chronic disease prevention interventions in clinical and community settings: study protocol', SYSTEMATIC REVIEWS, 13,

Price O; Dietze P; Maher L; Dore GJ; Sutherland R; Salom C; Bruno R; Crawford S; Degenhardt L; Larney S; Peacock A, 2024, 'High COVID-19 vaccine uptake following initial hesitancy among people in Australia who inject drugs', Vaccine, 42, pp. 2877 - 2885,

Barnes C; Jones J; Wolfenden L; Robertson K; Seidler AL; Norman J; Budgen P; Mattingly M; Piliskic C; Moorhouse L; Mozina J; Plaskett J; McDermott S; Darney S; Vuong C; Douglass N; McDonnell K; Sutherland R, 2024, 'A collaborative network trial to evaluate the effectiveness of implementation strategies to maximize adoption of a school-based healthy lunchbox program: a study protocol', FRONTIERS IN PUBLIC HEALTH, 12,

Manson AC; Johnson BJ; Wolfenden L; Sutherland R; Golley RK, 2024, 'Unpacking the cost of the lunchbox for Australian families: a secondary analysis', Health Promotion International, 39,

Yoong SL; Turon H; Wong CK; Grady A; Pearson N; Sutherland R, 2024, 'A rapid review of the scalability of interventions targeting obesity prevention in infants', HEALTH PROMOTION JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA, 35, pp. 365 - 370,

Lee K; Mckay H; Crane M; Milat A; Wolfenden L; Rankin NM; Sutherland R; Bauma A, 2024, 'Are they the same? Disentangling the concepts of implementation science research and population scale-up', PUBLIC HEALTH RESEARCH & PRACTICE, 34,

Wolfenden L; Wiggers J; Barnes C; Lane C; Groombridge D; Robertson K; Jones J; Mccrabb S; Hodder RK; Shoesmith A; Hudson N; Mccarthy N; Kingsland M; Doherty E; Princehorn E; Finch M; Nathan N; Sutherland R, 2024, 'Learning health systems to implement chronic disease prevention programs: A novel framework and perspectives from an Australian health service', LEARNING HEALTH SYSTEMS, 8,

Mclaughlin M; Duff J; Campbell E; Mckenzie T; Davies L; Wolfenden L; Wiggers J; Sutherland R, 2024, 'Process Evaluation of a Scaled-Up School-Based Physical Activity Program for Adolescents: Physical Activity 4 Everyone', JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH, 21, pp. 741 - 755,

Grady A; Pearson N; Lamont H; Leigh L; Wolfenden L; Barnes C; Wyse R; Finch M; Mclaughlin M; Delaney T; Sutherland R; Hodder R; Yoong SL, 2023, 'The Effectiveness of Strategies to Improve User Engagement With Digital Health Interventions Targeting Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Overweight and Obesity: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis', JOURNAL OF MEDICAL INTERNET RESEARCH, 25,

Nathan N; Hall A; Shoesmith A; Bauman AE; Peden B; Duggan B; Gardner C; Lane C; Lecathelinais C; Oldmeadow C; Duncan C; Groombridge D; Riley-Gibson E; Pollock E; Boyer J; Wiggers J; Gillham K; Pattinson M; Mattingly M; McCarthy N; Naylor PJ; Reeves P; Budgen P; Sutherland R; Jackson R; Croft T; Pascoe W; Wolfenden L, 2023, 'A cluster randomised controlled trial to assess the effectiveness of a multi-strategy sustainability intervention on teachers’ sustained implementation of classroom physical activity breaks (energisers): study protocol', BMC Public Health, 23,

Gibbs D; King C; Hughes C; Peacock A; Grigg J; Yuen WS; Sutherland R, 2023, 'Comparing police use of drug detection dogs amongst injecting and non-injecting groups of people who regularly use drugs in Australia', International Journal of Drug Policy, 122,

McCrabb S; Hall A; Milat A; Bauman A; Hodder R; Mooney K; Webb E; Barnes C; Yoong S; Sutherland R; Wolfenden L, 2023, 'Disseminating health research to public health policy-makers and practitioners: a survey of source, message content and delivery modality preferences', HEALTH RESEARCH POLICY AND SYSTEMS, 21,

Sutherland R; Man N; Brown J; Cairns R; Raubenheimer J; Grigg J; Dawson A; Jamshidi N; Peacock A, 2023, 'Has there been an increase in nitrous oxide use and associated harms in Australia? An analysis of triangulated data sources, 2003–2020', International Journal of Drug Policy, 121,

Kelly HT; Smith JJ; Verdonschot A; Kennedy SG; Scott JJ; McKay H; Nathan N; Sutherland R; Morgan PJ; Salmon J; Penney D; Boyer J; Lloyd RS; Oldmeadow C; Reeves P; Pursey K; Hua M; Longmore S; Norman J; Voukelatos A; Zask A; Lubans DR, 2023, 'Supporting adolescents’ participation in muscle-strengthening physical activity: protocol for the ‘Resistance Training for Teens’ (RT4T) hybrid type III implementation–effectiveness trial', BMJ Open, 13,

Clay S; Wilkinson Z; Ginley M; Arunogiri S; Christmass M; Membrey D; MacCartney P; Sutherland R; Colledge-Frisby S; Marshall AD; Nagle J; Degenhardt L; Farrell M; McKetin R, 2023, 'Perspectives and sentiments on contingency management from people who use methamphetamine', Drug and Alcohol Review, 42, pp. 1427 - 1437,

Grigg J; Peacock A; Lenton S; Salom C; Agramunt S; Thomas N; Lyons T; Sutherland R, 2023, 'Real or fake? Sourcing and marketing of non-prescribed benzodiazepines amongst two samples of people who regularly use illicit drugs in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 42, pp. 1559 - 1565,

McCrabb S; Hall A; McKay H; Gonzalez S; Milat A; Bauman A; Sutherland R; Wolfenden L, 2023, 'From trials to communities: implementation and scale-up of health behaviour interventions', HEALTH RESEARCH POLICY AND SYSTEMS, 21,

Bularga A; Oskoui E; Fujisawa T; Jenks S; Sutherland R; Apple FS; Hammarsten O; Mills NL, 2023, 'Macrotroponin Complex as a Cause for Cardiac Troponin Increase after COVID-19 Vaccination and Infection(vol 68, pg 1015, 2022)', CLINICAL CHEMISTRY, 69, pp. 776 - 776,

Price O; Maher L; Dietze PM; Bruno R; Crawford S; Sutherland R; Salom C; Dore GJ; Peacock A, 2023, 'COVID-19 vaccine attitudes and facilitators among people in Australia who inject drugs', Drug and Alcohol Review, 42, pp. 1066 - 1077,

Turon H; Wolfenden L; Finch M; McCrabb S; Naughton S; O'Connor SR; Renda A; Webb E; Doherty E; Howse E; Harrison CL; Love P; Smith N; Sutherland R; Yoong SL, 2023, 'Dissemination of public health research to prevent non-communicable diseases: a scoping review', BMC PUBLIC HEALTH, 23,

Price O; Man N; Sutherland R; Bruno R; Dietze P; Salom C; Agramunt S; Grigg J; Degenhardt L; Peacock A, 2023, 'Disruption to Australian heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine and ecstasy markets with the COVID-19 pandemic and associated restrictions', International Journal of Drug Policy, 113,

Gibbs D; Peacock A; Hughes C; Grigg J; Chandrasena U; Sutherland R, 2023, 'Encounters with police drug detection dogs at music festivals amongst people who regularly use ecstasy and/or other illicit stimulants in Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 42, pp. 555 - 560,

Murphy J; Milton K; McLaughlin M; Shilton T; McLoughlin GM; Reece LJ; Mair JL; Direito A; Kariippanon KE; Mackenzie KJ; Mavilidi MF; Shellington EM; Kamada M; Heron L; Jauregui E; Abdeta C; Pina I; Pinto R; Sutherland R, 2023, 'Advocating for Implementation of the Global Action Plan on Physical Activity: Challenges and Support Requirements', Journal of Physical Activity and Health, 20, pp. 10 - 19,

Price O; Sutherland R; Man N; Bruno R; Dietze P; Salom C; Akhurst J; Peacock A, 2023, 'Trends and psychosocial correlates of same day polysubstance use among people who inject drugs in Australia, 2012-2022', International Journal of Drug Policy,

Barnes C; Sutherland R; Jones G; Kingon N; NCOIS Res Collaborative NCOISR; Wolfenden L, 2023, 'Development and piloting of a Community of Practice to support learning and improvement in health promotion practice within NSW local health districts', PUBLIC HEALTH RESEARCH & PRACTICE, 33,

Brown A; Nathan N; Janssen L; Chooi A; Lecathelinais C; Hudson N; Wolfenden L; Sutherland R, 2023, 'New models to support parents to pack healthy lunchboxes: Parents acceptability, feasibility, appropriateness, and adoption of the SWAP IT m-Health program', AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH, 47,

Nathan N; Powell BJ; Shelton RC; Laur CV; Wolfenden L; Hailemariam M; Yoong SL; Sutherland R; Kingsland M; Waltz TJ; Hall A, 2022, 'Do the Expert Recommendations for Implementing Change (ERIC) strategies adequately address sustainment?', FRONTIERS IN HEALTH SERVICES, 2,

Mclaughlin M; Campbell E; Sutherland R; Mckenzie T; Davies L; Wiggers J; Wolfenden L, 2021, 'Extent, Type and Reasons for Adaptation and Modification When Scaling-Up an Effective Physical Activity Program: Physical Activity 4 Everyone (PA4E1)', FRONTIERS IN HEALTH SERVICES, 1,

Gibbs D; Grebely J; Sutherland R; Larney S; Butler K; Dietze PM; Starr M; Peacock A, 2021, 'Concordance between self-reported and current hepatitis C virus infection status in a sample of people who inject drugs in Sydney and Canberra, Australia', Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, pp. 1349 - 1353,

Gibbs D; Price O; Grebely J; Larney S; Sutherland R; Read P; Butler K; Degenhardt L; Peacock A, 2021, 'Hepatitis C virus cascade of care among people who inject drugs in Australia: Factors associated with testing and treatment in a universal healthcare system', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 228,

McKetin R; Sutherland R; Peacock A; Farrell M; Degenhardt L, 2021, 'Patterns of smoking and injecting methamphetamine and their association with health and social outcomes', Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, pp. 1256 - 1265,

Peacock A; Gibbs D; Price O; Barratt MJ; Ezard N; Sutherland R; Hill PL; Grigg J; Lenton S; Page R; Salom C; Hughes C; Bruno R, 2021, 'Profile and correlates of colorimetric reagent kit use among people who use ecstasy/MDMA and other illegal stimulants in Australia', International Journal of Drug Policy, 97,

McKetin R; Chrzanowska A; Man N; Peacock A; Sutherland R; Degenhardt L, 2021, 'Trends in treatment episodes for methamphetamine smoking and injecting in Australia, 2003–2019', Drug and Alcohol Review, 40, pp. 1281 - 1286,

Grebely J; Collins AB; Artenie AA; Sutherland R; Meyer JP; Barocas JA; Falade-Nwulia O; Cepeda JA; Cunningham EB; Hajarizadeh B; Lafferty L; Lazarus JV; Bonn M; Marshall AD; Treloar C, 2021, 'Progress and remaining challenges to address hepatitis C, other infectious diseases, and drug-related harms to improve the health of people who use drugs', International Journal of Drug Policy, 96,

Sutherland R; Jayathilake R; Peacock A; Dietze P; Bruno R; Reddel S; Gisev N, 2021, 'Trends and characteristics of extra-medical use of quetiapine among people who regularly inject drugs in Australia, 2011–2018', Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 221,

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