
My Expertise

- Patient safety and quality 

- Medicines safety and policy

- Safety climate assessments 

- Health services leadership and management

- Clinician and Patient Experience 

- Psychometric analysis 


Fields of Research (FoR)

Clinical pharmacy and pharmacy practice, Health services and systems, Public health not elsewhere classified, Cancer therapy (excl. chemotherapy and radiation therapy), Public Health and Health Services

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 Dr Ramesh Walpola is a pharmacist, certified health manager (CHM) and the Pharmacy Academic Lead & Program Authority at the School of Health Sciences. His main area of research expertise and interest is in patient and medication safety, particularly examining the social determinants of safe practices. Ramesh completed his PhD at The University of Sydney in 2016, which focused on the development of educational interventions to enhance...view more


Room 318, Level 3, Samuels Building


+61-2-9385 1136