Select Publications

Journal articles

Fedtke C; Tilia D; Ehrmann K; Diec J; Lahav-Yacouel K; Falk D; Bakaraju RC, 2024, 'Visual performance of optical films utilizing Spatio-Temporal Optical Phase technology', Optometry and Vision Science, 101, pp. 195 - 203,

Tilia D; Diec J; Ehrmann K; Falk D; Fedtke C; Conrad F; Wu R; Bakaraju RC, 2023, 'Visual Performance and Binocular/Accommodative Function of S.T.O.P. Contact Lenses Compared with MiSight', Eye and Contact Lens, 49, pp. 63 - 70,

Weng R; Lan W; Bakaraju R; Conrad F; Naduvilath T; Yang ZK; Sankaridurg P, 2022, 'Efficacy of contact lenses for myopia control: Insights from a randomised, contralateral study design', Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 42, pp. 1253 - 1263,

Tilia D; Bakaraju RC; Asper LJ; Papas EB, 2021, 'Associations between Binocular Vision Disorders and Contact Lens Dissatisfaction', Optometry and Vision Science, 98, pp. 1160 - 1168,

Diec J; Naduvilath T; Tilia D; Bakaraju RC, 2021, 'The Relationship Between Vision and Comfort in Contact Lens Wear', Eye and Contact Lens, 47, pp. 271 - 276,

Richdale K; Cox I; Kollbaum P; Bullimore MA; Bakaraju RC; Gifford P; Plainis S; McKenney C; Newman S; Tomiyama ES; Morgan PB, 2021, 'CLEAR – Contact lens optics', Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 44, pp. 220 - 239,

Fedtke C; Ehrmann K; Bakaraju RC, 2020, 'Peripheral refraction and spherical aberration profiles with single vision, bifocal and multifocal soft contact lenses', Journal of Optometry, 13, pp. 15 - 28,

Sankaridurg P; Bakaraju RC; Naduvilath T; Chen X; Weng R; Tilia D; Xu P; Li W; Conrad F; Smith EL; Ehrmann K, 2019, 'Myopia control with novel central and peripheral plus contact lenses and extended depth of focus contact lenses: 2 year results from a randomised clinical trial', Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 39, pp. 294 - 307,

Tilia D; Sha J; Thomas V; Bakaraju RC, 2019, 'Vision Performance and Accommodative/Binocular Function in Children Wearing Prototype Extended Depth-of-Focus Contact Lenses', Eye and Contact Lens, 45, pp. 260 - 270,

Jong M; Tilia D; Sha J; Diec J; Thomas V; Bakaraju RC, 2019, 'The Relationship between Visual Acuity, Subjective Vision, and Willingness to Purchase Simultaneous-image Contact Lenses', Optometry and Vision Science, 96, pp. 283 - 290,

Sha J; Fedtke C; Tilia D; Yeotikar N; Jong M; Diec J; Thomas V; Bakaraju RC, 2019, 'Effect of cylinder power and axis changes on vision in astigmatic participants', Clinical Optometry, 11, pp. 27 - 38,

Conrad F; Naduvilath T; Bakaraju R; Weng R; Sankaridurg P, 2019, 'Subjective wearing experience and discontinuation rates with novel, extended depth of focus (EDOF), myopia management lenses', Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 42, pp. e31 - e32,

Sha J; Tilia D; Kho D; Amrizal H; Diec J; Yeotikar N; Jong M; Thomas V; Bakaraju RC, 2018, 'Visual Performance of Daily-disposable Multifocal Soft Contact Lenses: A Randomized, Double-blind Clinical Trial', Optometry and Vision Science, 95, pp. 1096 - 1104,

Sha J; Tilia D; Kho D; Diec J; Thomas V; Bakaraju RC, 2018, 'Comparison of Extended Depth-of-Focus Prototype Contact Lenses With the 1-Day ACUVUE MOIST MULTIFOCAL After One Week of Wear', Eye & contact lens, 44, pp. S157 - S163,

Kho D; Fedtke C; Tilia D; Diec J; Sha J; Thomas V; Bakaraju RC, 2018, 'Effects of relative negative spherical aberration in single vision contact lens visual performance', Clinical Optometry, 10, pp. 9 - 17,

Bakaraju RC; Ehrmann K; Ho A, 2018, 'Extended depth of focus contact lenses vs. two commercial multifocals: Part 1. Optical performance evaluation via computed through-focus retinal image quality metrics', Journal of Optometry, 11, pp. 10 - 20,

Bakaraju RC; Tilia D; Sha J; Diec J; Chung J; Kho D; Delaney S; Munro A; Thomas V, 2018, 'Extended depth of focus contact lenses vs. two commercial multifocals: Part 2. Visual performance after 1 week of lens wear', Journal of Optometry, 11, pp. 21 - 32,

Diec J; Tilia D; Thomas V; Bakaraju RC, 2018, 'Predicting short-term subjective vision performance of contact lenses used in myopia control', Eye and Contact Lens, 44, pp. 308 - 315,

Sha J; Tilia D; Diec J; Fedtke C; Yeotikar N; Jong M; Thomas V; Bakaraju RC, 2018, 'Visual performance of myopia control soft contact lenses in non-presbyopic myopes', Clinical Optometry, 10, pp. 75 - 86,

Tilia D; Bakaraju R; Chung J; Sha J; Delaney S; Munro A; Thomas V; Ehrmann K; Holden B, 2018, 'Evaluation of novel-design extended depth of focus multifocal contact lenses', Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 41, pp. S22 - S22,

Munro A; Bakaraju R; Chung J; Sha J; Tilia D; Delaney S; Ehrmann K; Thomas V; Holden B, 2018, 'Evaluation of the potential of novel extended depth-of-focus contact lenses compared with AirOptix AQUA multifocal contact lenses', Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 41, pp. S23 - S24,

Delaney S; Bakaraju R; Tilia D; Chung J; Sha J; Munro A; Ehrmann K; Naduvilath T; Holden B, 2018, 'Factors determining success with presbyopic contact lenses', Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 41, pp. S24 - S24,

Sha J; Bakaraju RC; Chung J; Tilia D; Delaney S; Munro A; Ehrmann K; Thomas V; Holden BA, 2018, 'Visual performance with commercial soft multifocal contact lenses', Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 41, pp. S22 - S23,

Fedtke C; Ehrmann K; Thomas V; Bakaraju RC, 2017, 'Peripheral Refraction and Aberration Profiles with Multifocal Lenses', Optometry and Vision Science, 94, pp. 876 - 885,

Fedtke C; Sha J; Thomas V; Ehrmann K; Bakaraju RC, 2017, 'Impact of Spherical Aberration Terms on Multifocal Contact Lens Performance', Optometry and Vision Science, 94, pp. 197 - 207,

Kim E; Bakaraju RC; Ehrmann K, 2017, 'Power Profiles of Commercial Multifocal Soft Contact Lenses', Optometry and Vision Science, 94, pp. 183 - 196,

Diec J; Tilia D; Naduvilath T; Bakaraju RC, 2017, 'Predicting short-term performance of multifocal contact lenses', Eye and Contact Lens, 43, pp. 340 - 345,

Tilia D; Munro A; Chung J; Sha J; Delaney S; Kho D; Thomas V; Ehrmann K; Bakaraju RC, 2017, 'Short-term comparison between extended depth-of-focus prototype contact lenses and a commercially-available center-near multifocal', Journal of Optometry, 10, pp. 14 - 25,

Fedtke C; Ehrmann K; Thomas V; Bakaraju RC, 2016, 'Association between multifocal soft contact lens decentration and visual performance', Clinical Optometry, 8, pp. 57 - 69,

Tilia D; Bakaraju RC; Chung J; Sha J; Delaney S; Munro A; Thomas V; Ehrmann K; Holden BA, 2016, 'Erratum: Short-Term Visual Performance of Novel Extended Depth-of-Focus Contact Lenses (Optometry and Vision Science (2016) 93 (435-444))', Optometry and Vision Science, 93, pp. 656,

Fedtke C; Eehrmann K; Thomas V; Bakaraju RC; Ehrmann K, 2016, 'Visual performance with multifocal soft contact lenses in non-presbyopic myopic eyes during an adaptation period', Clinical Optometry, 8, pp. 37 - 46,

Kim E; Bakaraju RC; Ehrmann K, 2016, 'Reliability of power profiles measured on NIMO TR1504 (Lambda-X) and effects of lens decentration for single vision, bifocal and multifocal contact lenses', Journal of Optometry, 9, pp. 126 - 136,

Fedtke C; Bakaraju RC; Ehrmann K; Chung J; Thomas V; Holden BA, 2016, 'Visual performance of single vision and multifocal contact lenses in non-presbyopic myopic eyes', Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 39, pp. 38 - 46,

Bakaraju RC; Fedtke C; Ehrmann K; Falk D; Thomas V; Holden BA, 2016, 'Peripheral refraction and higher-order aberrations with cycloplegia and fogging lenses using the BHVI-EyeMapper', Journal of Optometry, 9, pp. 5 - 12,

Tilia D; Bakaraju RC; Chung J; Sha J; Delaney S; Munro A; Thomas V; Ehrmann K; Holden BA, 2016, 'Short-term visual performance of novel extended depth-of-focus contact lenses', Optometry and Vision Science, 93, pp. 435 - 444,

Bakaraju RC; Fedtke C; Ehrmann K; Ho A, 2015, 'Comparing the relative peripheral refraction effect of single vision and multifocal contact lenses measured using an autorefractor and an aberrometer: A pilot study', Journal of Optometry, 8, pp. 206 - 218,

Bakaraju RC; Fedtke C; Ehrmann K; Falk D; Thomas V; Holden BA, 2015, 'Peripheral refraction and higher-order aberrations with cycloplegia and fogging lenses using the BHVI-EyeMapper', Journal of Optometry,

Wagner S; Conrad F; Bakaraju RC; Fedtke C; Ehrmann K; Holden BA, 2015, 'Power profiles of single vision and multifocal soft contact lenses', Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 38, pp. 2 - 14,

Sha J; Bakaraju RC; Tilia D; Chung J; Delaney S; Munro A; Ehrmann K; Thomas V; Holden BA, 2015, 'Short-term visual performance of soft multifocal contact lenses for presbyopia', Arquivos Brasileiros de Oftalmologia, 79, pp. 73 - 77,

Fedtke C; Bakaraju RC; Ehrmann K; Chung J; Thomas V; Holden BA, 2014, 'Visual performance of single vision and multifocal contact lenses in non-presbyopic myopic eyes', Contact Lens and Anterior Eye,

Fedtke C; Ehrmann K; Falk D; Bakaraju RC; Holden BA, 2014, 'The BHVI-eyemapper: Peripheral refraction and aberration profiles', Optometry and Vision Science, 91, pp. 1199 - 1207,

Ozkan J; Bakaraju R; Fedtke C; Chung J; Ehrmann K; Falk D; Ho A; Holden B, 2013, 'Short-term adaptation of accommodative lag, facility and phoria in myopes fitted with multifocal contact lenses',

Wagner S; Conrad F; Bakaraju RC; Fedtke C; Ehrmann K, 2013, 'Power profiles of single vision soft contact lenses', Contact Lens and Anterior Eye, 36, pp. e33 - e33,

Bakaraju RC; Ehrmann K; Ho A; Papas EB, 2010, 'Inherent ocular spherical aberration and multifocal contact lens optical performance', Optometry and Vision Science, 87, pp. 1009 - 1022,

Bakaraju RC; Ehrmann K; Papas EB; Ho A, 2009, 'Do peripheral refraction and aberration profiles vary with the type of myopia? - An illustration using a ray-tracing approach', Journal of Optometry, 2, pp. 29 - 38

Bakaraju RC; Ehrmann K; Papas EB; Ho A, 2008, 'Finite schematic eye models and their accuracy to in-vivo data', Vision Research, 48, pp. 1681 - 1694

Bakaraju RC; Ehrmann K; Ho A; Papas EB, 2008, 'Pantoscopic tilt in spectacle-corrected myopia and its effect on peripheral refraction', Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics, 28, pp. 538 - 549

Bakaraju RC; Yeotikar NS; Rao VS, 2007, 'Accommodative lag versus different stimuli', Journal of Modern Optics, 54, pp. 1299 - 1305,

Yeotikar NS; Bakaraju RC; Reddy PSR; Prasad K, 2007, 'Cycloplegic refraction and non-cycloplegic refraction using contralateral fogging: A comparative study', Journal of Modern Optics, 54, pp. 1317 - 1324,

Conference Papers

Tilia D; Falk D; Ehrmann K; Diec J; Fedtke C; Bakaraju RC, 2022, 'Binocular and Accommodative Function of STOP (R) contact lenses compared to MiSight', in INVESTIGATIVE OPHTHALMOLOGY & VISUAL SCIENCE, ASSOC RESEARCH VISION OPHTHALMOLOGY INC,

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