Select Publications

Journal articles

Jefferies R; Barratt T; Huang C; Bashford A, 2023, 'Regulating Movement in Pandemic Times', Journal of Bioethical Inquiry, 20, pp. 633 - 638,

Jefferies R; McAdam J, 2023, 'Locked In: Australia’s COVID-19 Border Closures and the Right to Leave', Australian Year Book of International Law, 41, pp. 185 - 231,

Wood T; Barbour B; Hammerschmid A; Ioffe Y; Jefferies R, 2023, 'CASE LAW SUMMARIES', International Journal of Refugee Law, 35, pp. 233 - 237,

Jefferies R; McAdam J; Pillai S, 2022, 'Can we still call Australia home? The right to return and the legality of Australia’s COVID-19 travel restrictions', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 27, pp. 211 - 231,

Gleeson M; Wood T; Barbour B; Jeffries R; Moodley R, 2022, 'Case Law Summaries', International Journal of Refugee Law, 34, pp. 82 - 92,

Wood T; Barbour B; Gleeson M; Jefferies R; Moodley R, 2021, 'Kwatra v Minister for Immigration, Citizenship, Migrant Services and Multicultural Affairs [2021] FCA 58 (4 February 2021)', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFUGEE LAW, 33, pp. 497 - 505,

Jefferies R, 2021, 'Transnational Legal Process: An Evolving Theory and Methodology', Brooklyn Journal of International Law, 46, pp. 311 - 311,

Jefferies R; Ghezelbash D; Hirsch A, 2021, 'ASSESSING REFUGEE PROTECTION CLAIMS AT AUSTRALIAN AIRPORTS: THE GAP BETWEEN LAW, POLICY, AND PRACTICE', Melbourne University Law Review, 44, pp. 162 - 211

Jefferies R, 2021, 'Bringing externalization home: the International Civil Aviation Organization and ‘entry screening’ in Australia', Globalizations,

Golder B; Hush A; Jefferies R; Johns F; Nolan J, 2021, 'Foreword', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 27, pp. 399 - 401,

Gleeson M; Wood T; Barbour B; Jefferies R; Moodley R, 2021, 'Case Law Summaries', International Journal of Refugee Law, 33, pp. 671 - 681

Barbour B; Gleeson M; Jefferies R; Moodley R, 2020, 'BFH16 v Minister for Immigration and Border Protection [2020] FCAFC 54 (31 March 2020)', INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF REFUGEE LAW, 32, pp. 507 - 518,

Jefferies R; Ghezelbash D; Hirsch A, 2020, 'Assessing Refugee Protection Claims at Australian Airports: The Gap Between Law, Policy, and Practice', MELBOURNE UNIVERSITY LAW REVIEW, 44, pp. 162 - 211,

Jefferies R, 2019, 'Data Quality and the Law of Refugee Protection in Australia', Court of Conscience, 13, pp. 63 - 63

Jefferies R, 2019, 'Research Access and Adaptation in the Securitised Field of Australian Refugee and Asylum Law', Journal of the Oxford Centre for Socio-Legal Studies, 2019, pp. 49 - 53,

Jefferies RM, 2012, 'One of These Things is Not Like the Other: An Analysis of Marriage Under the Immigration and Nationality Act', Law Journal for Social Justice,

Jefferies RM, 2006, 'The Supreme Court of Arizona: Its 2004-2005 Decisions', Arizona State Law Journal

Jefferies RM, 2005, 'The Equitable Application of International Law: Revised Principles for a Solution to the Maasai Land Dispute', Arizona State Law Journal

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