Select Publications


Ross A; Ross PCOIPAPA; Hall B; Griffin A, 2015, The Search for Tactical Success in Vietnam An analysis of Australian Task Force combat operations, Cambridge University Press

Ross A; Hall R; Griffin A, 2015, The Search for Tactical Success in Vietnam An Analysis of Australian Task Force Combat Operations, Cambridge University Press

Ross AT; Hall R; Griffin AL, 2015, The Search For Tactical Success in Vietnam, Cambridge University Press, Port Melbourne

Hall RA, 2000, Combat Battalion The Eighth Battalion in Vietnam, Allen & Unwin

Cheeseman GL; Hall RA, 1997, Preparing for Australia`s Military After Next: The Price Report and a `New Model` Australian Defence Force Academy, Original, Australian Defence Studies Centre, Canberra

Hall RA, 1997, The Black Diggers Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders in the Second World War, Aboriginal Studies Press

Hall R, 1995, Fighters from the Fringe: Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders Recall the Second World War, Original, Aboriginal Studies Press, Canberra

Book Chapters

Hall R, 2020, 'A Long Bridge in Time: The 1st Australian Task Force in Vietnam via Malaya and Borneo', in Glenn R (ed.), Trust and Leadership: The Australian Army Approach to Mission Command, University of North Georgia Press, Dohlonega, Georgia, USA, pp. 127 - 155

Hall RA, 2017, '‘Vietnam: Insights Gained, Lessons Lost’', in Frame T (ed.), The Long Road,, Sydney

Hall RA; Andrew Ross , 2012, '‘‘Landmark’ battles and the myths of Vietnam’', in Stockings (ed.), Anzac’s Dirty Dozen: Twelve myths and misconceptions of Australian military history, Sydney

Hall R; Ross A, 2003, 'Lessons From Vietnam – Combined Arms Assault Against Prepared Defences', in Evans M; Ryan A (ed.), From Breitenfeld to Baghdad: Perspectives on Combined Arms Warfare, Land Warfare Studies Centre, Canberra

Hall R, 1991, 'Aborigines and Australian Defence Planning', in Ball D (ed.), Aborigines in the Defence of Australia, Australian National University Press, Botany, pp. 205 - 221

Hall R, 1991, 'Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders in the Second World War', in Ball D (ed.), Aborigines in the Defence of Australia, Australian National University Press, Botany, pp. 32 - 63

Journal articles

Hall B, 2020, 'Danger Close: battle without context', History Australia, 17, pp. 195 - 196,

Ross A; Hall B, 2018, 'Shots per casualty: An indicator of combat efficiency for the first australian task force in south Vietnam', Defense and Security Analysis, 34, pp. 410 - 423,

Hall RA, 2018, '‘Fifty Years Since the Tet Offensive’', Australian Outlook

Griffin AL; Hall B; Ross AT, 2014, 'The Australian counterinsurgency campaign in the Vietnam war: the ambush battle', Journal of Maps, 10, pp. 61 - 64,

Hall R, 2011, 'Aborigines, the Army and the Second World War in northern Australia', Aboriginal History Journal, 4,

Hall R, 2011, 'Operation Wandering Souls’: Australians are helping Vietnam locate some of its thousands of missing in action', Wartime

Hall RA; Ross A, 2010, 'Kinetics in counterinsurgency: some influences on soldier combat performance in the 1st Australian Task Force in the Vietnam War', Small Wars and Insurgencies, 21, pp. 498 - 518

Hall RA; Ross AT, 2009, 'Bang on Target: Infantry marksmanship and combat effectiveness in Vietnam', Australian Army Journal, vi

Hall RA; Ross A, 2008, 'The political and military effectiveness of Commonwealth Forces in Confrontation 1963-66.', Small Wars and Insurgencies, 19, pp. 238 - 255

Hall R, 2001, 'Accidental Discharges – The Soldier’s Industrial Accident in Vietnam and East Timor', Australian Defence Force Journal

Hall R, 1992, 'Black Magic: Leonard Waters – Second World War fighter pilot', Aboriginal History, 16

Hall R, 1992, 'Finding the Black parts of the Digger Legend: A guide to archival sources on the Aboriginal and Islander contribution', Aboriginal History, 16

Hall R, 1990, 'An Invitation to National Disunity’: Chinese Support for Australia’s War Effort in the Second World War and the White Australian Response', War and Society, 8

Hall R, 1990, 'Black Australians in the Second World War', Revue Internationale d’Histoire Militaire


Hall R, 1980, 'Aborigines and the Army', Australian Defence Force Journal


Hall RA; Ross AT; De Heer D, 2012, Comparative Study: Combat operations in North Borneo (Indonesian Confrontation) and 1ATF in Vietnam.

Hall RA; Ross AT, 2008, Study of the structures, arms and approaches to the employment of fires of the Australian rifle section in South Vietnam, 1966-1971

Hall RA; Ross AT, 2006, Historical soldier load carrying

Hall RA; Ross AT, 2006, The effectiveness of combined arms teams in urban terrain: The battle of Binh Ba, Vietnam 1969, and the battles of Fallujah, Iraq, 2004.

Hall RA; Ross AT, 2004, Indirect fire support for the Australian Army in Vietnam, 1965-1971

Hall RA; Ross AT, 2003, Ambush and attack incidents involving the Australian Army in Vietnam

Hall RA; Ross AT, 2003, Analysis of Australian urban engagements in Vietnam

Hall RA; Ross AT, 2002, Attacks on prepared defended positions by units of 1st ATF, 1966-1971

Hall RA; Ross AT, 2002, Friendly fire in low level warfare: The experience of the First Australian Task Force in Vietnam, 1966-1971.

Hall R, 1985, Report: Employment of Aborigines and Torres Strait Islanders by the Defence Force During the Second World War, Canberra

Working Papers

Hall RA; Ross A, 2010, Case Study: Confronting moral dilemmas in combat: Vietnam 1966-1971, Centre for Defence Leadership and Ethics, Australian Defence College, Weston, Canberra, Canberra ACT, 1/2010,


Hall RA, 2018, ‘Tet ’68 in Phuoc Tuy: Impact on communities’, Australia's Vietnam War website, ,

Hall RA, 2018, ‘More about Tet ’68 in Baria’, Australia's Vietnam War website, ,

Hall RA, 2017, ‘50th Anniversary: South Vietnam’s 1967 Presidential election’, 'Australia's Vietnam War' website, ,

Hall RA; Andrew Ross , 2016, ‘Keeping the Troops in the Field Part 1: Rations’, ,

Hall RA; Andrew Ross , 2016, ‘Keeping the Troops in the Field Part 2: Water Resupply’, ,

Hall RA; Andrew Ross , 2015, ‘Contact! Wait, Out’: Battle procedure after contact’, 'Australia's Vietnam War' website, ,

Hall RA; Ross AT; De Heer D; Griffin A; Kimberley P; Smith B; Turner T; Doyle J, 2015, 'Australia's Vietnam War' website, ,

Hall RA; Ross AT; De Heer D; Griffin A, 2010, Operation Wandering Souls,

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