Select Publications


Derricourt R, 2021, Creating God The birth and growth of major religions, Manchester University Press, Manchester UK,

Derricourt R, 2018, Unearthing childhood: Young lives in prehistory, Manchester University Press, Manchester UK,

Derricourt R, 2015, Antiquity Imagined: The Remarkable Legacy of Egypt and the Ancient Near East, I.B.Tauris, London,

, 2012, UNSW Press a History, 1962–2012, UNSW Press

Derricourt RM, 2011, Inventing Africa: history, archaeology and ideas, 1, Pluto, London

Derricourt R, 2011, South Head Sydney and the Origins of Watsons Bay

Derricourt R, 1996, An Author's Guide to Scholarly Publishing, Princeton University Press, Princeton NJ

Derricourt R, 1996, Ideas into Books: a guide to scholarly and non-fiction publishing, Penguin Books Australia, Melbourne

Derricourt RM, 1985, Man on the Kafue The Archaeology and History of the Itezhitezhi Area of Zambia, Lilian Barber Press

Derricourt RM, 1980, People of the Lakes Archaeological Studies in Northern Zambia, Manchester University Press

Derricourt RM, 1977, Prehistoric Man in the Ciskei & Transkei, Struik, Cape Town

Derricourt R, 1976, A classified index of archaeological and other sites in Zambia, National Monuments Commission, Livingstone, Zambia

, 1975, A Supplementary Bibliography of the Archaeology of Zambia, 1967-1973

Saunders CC; Derricourt RM, 1974, Beyond the Cape frontier studies in the history of the Transkei and Ciskei, Longman Publishing Group

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