Select Publications

Conference Papers

Clarke R, 2023, 'The Theory of Identity Management Extended to the Authentication of Identity Assertions', in 36th Bled eConference – Digital Economy and Society: The Balancing Act for Digital Innovation in Times of Instability: June 25 – 28, 2023, Bled, Slovenia, Conference Proceedings, University of Maribor Press, presented at 36th Bled eConference – Digital Economy and Society: The Balancing Act for Digital Innovation in Times of Instability,

Clarke R, 2023, 'The theory of identity management extended to the authentication of identity assertions', in 36th Bled eConference: Digital Economy and Society: The Balancing Act for Digital Innovation in Times of Instability, BLED 2023 - Proceedings, University of Maribor Press, Bled, Slovenia, pp. 663 - 694, presented at 36th Bled eConference, Bled, Slovenia, 25 June 2023 - 28 June 2023,

Clarke R, 2023, 'Access Control in the Era of Active Artefacts: A Generic Theory of Authorization to Support IS Practice and Research', in International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2023: "Rising like a Phoenix: Emerging from the Pandemic and Reshaping Human Endeavors with Digital Technologies"

Clarke R, 2023, 'How Confident are We in the Reliability of Information? A Generic Theory of Authentication to Support IS Practice and Research', in International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2023: "Rising like a Phoenix: Emerging from the Pandemic and Reshaping Human Endeavors with Digital Technologies"

Clarke R, 2022, 'A RECONSIDERATION OF THE FOUNDATIONS OF IDENTITY MANAGEMENT', in 35th Bled eConference: Digital Restructuring and Human (Re)action, BLED 2022 - Proceedings, pp. 1 - 30,

Clarke R, 2021, 'A Platform for a Pragmatic Metatheoretic Model for Information Systems Practice and Research', in ACIS 2021 - Australasian Conference on Information Systems, Proceedings

Clarke R, 2021, 'A SIMULATION MODEL FOR COVID-19 PUBLIC HEALTH MANAGEMENT: DESIGN AND PRELIMINARY EVALUATION', in 42nd International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2021 TREOs: "Building Sustainability and Resilience with IS: A Call for Action",

Clarke R, 2020, 'Beyond de-identification record falsification to disarm expropriated data-sets', in 32nd Bled eConference Humanizing Technology for a Sustainable Society, BLED 2019 - Conference Proceedings, pp. 121 - 147,

Clarke R, 2020, 'REGTECH OPPORTUNITIES IN THE PLATFORM-BASED BUSINESS SECTOR', in 33rd Bled eConference: Enabling Technology for a Sustainable Society, BLED 2020 - Proceedings, pp. 79 - 106,

Clarke R, 2018, ''The Critical Analysis of Published Works: How to Establish a New Research Technique in the IS Discipline?', Canberra, presented at Proc. IS >> Foundations Workshop, ANU, Canberra, September 2018, PrePrint at >>, Canberra, 13 September 2018 - 14 September 2018,

Clarke RA, 2017, 'Content Analysis in Support of Critical Theory Research: How to Deliver an Unwelcome Message Without Being Shot', in BLED 2017 Proceedings, University of Maribor Press, SLOVENIA, presented at 30TH BLED eCONFERENCE: DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION – FROM CONNECTING THINGS TO TRANSFORMING OUR LIVES (JUNE 18 – 21, 2017, BLED, SLOVENIA), SLOVENIA, 18 June 2017 - 21 June 2017,

Clarke R, 2016, 'Quality assurance for security applications of big data', in Proceedings - 2016 European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference, EISIC 2016, Uppsala, Sweden, pp. 1 - 8, presented at 2016 European Intelligence and Security Informatics Conference (EISIC), Uppsala, Sweden, 17 August 2016 - 19 August 2016,

Clarke R, 2016, 'An empirical assessment of researcher perspectives', in 29th Bled eConference: Digital Economy, BLED 2016, pp. 91 - 112

Clarke R, 2016, 'Big data prophylactics', in IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, pp. 3 - 14,

Yesudas R; Clarke R, 2015, 'Identifying consumer requirements as an antidote to resistance to smart meters', in IEEE PES Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference Europe,

Yesudas R; Clarke R, 2015, 'Consumer concerns about smart meters', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 625 - 635,

Yesudas R; Clarke R, 2015, 'Measures to improve public acceptance of Smart metering system identifying requirements for residential consumers', in CEUR Workshop Proceedings, pp. 1 - 10

Clarke R, 2015, 'Quasi-Empirical Scenario Analysis and its application to big data quality', in 28th Bled eConference: #eWellbeing - Proceedings, pp. 449 - 468

Yesudas R; Clarke R, 2014, 'Architecture and data flow model for consumer-oriented smart meter design', in Information Systems Development: Transforming Organisations and Society Through Information Systems - Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Information Systems Development, ISD 2014, pp. 31 - 41

Clarke R, 2014, 'The prospects for consumer-oriented social media', in 27th Bled eConference: eEcosystems - Proceedings

Clarke R; Pucihar A, 2013, 'Electronic interaction research 1988 - 2012 through the lens of the Bled eConference', in Electronic Markets, pp. 271 - 283,

Clarke R; Pucihar A; Gričar J, 2012, 'Editors' Introduction', in 25th Bled eConference - The First 25 Years of the Bled eConference, pp. 4 - 11

Clarke R, 2010, 'Cyborg rights', in International Symposium on Technology and Society, Proceedings, pp. 9 - 22,

Clarke R, 2010, 'User requirements for cloud computing architecture', in CCGrid 2010 - 10th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Cluster, Cloud, and Grid Computing, pp. 625 - 630,

Clarke R, 2010, 'Civil society must publish standards documents', in IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, pp. 180 - 184,

Clarke R, 2010, 'Computing clouds on the horizon?: Benefits and risks from the user's perspective', in 23rd Bled eConference eTrust: Implications for the Individual, Enterprises and Society - Proceedings, pp. 569 - 590

Clarke R, 2009, 'An eCommerce perspective on carbon trading', in 22nd Bled eConference eEnablement: Facilitating an Open, Effective and Representative eSociety - Proceedings, pp. 250 - 265

Clarke R, 2008, 'A risk assessment framework for mobile payments', in 21st Bled eConference "eCollaboration: Overcoming Boundaries Through Multi-Channel Interaction" - Proceedings, pp. 63 - 77

Clarke R, 2000, 'Notes for the workshop on freedom and privacy by design', in Proceedings of the 10th Conference on Computers, Freedom and Privacy: Challenging the Assumptions, CFP 2000, pp. 43 - 44,

Kock N; Davison R; Clarke R; Loch K, 2000, 'IS RESEARCH ETHICS: DEFINING ETHICAL, BARELY ETHICAL, AND UNETHICAL BEHAVIOR', in Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2000, pp. 720 - 723

Bieber M; Clarke R; Ditosto N; Kling R; O'rourke P, 1993, 'PANEL 10 PRIVACY AND ACCURACY ISSUES FOR INFORMATION SYSTEMS IN THE 1990s AND BEYOND', in Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 1993, pp. 404

Clarke RA, 1982, 'GENERATING SELF-CONTAINED ON-LINE PROGRAMS USING DELTA.', in Proceedings - Australian Computer Conference, pp. 250 - 265

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