Select Publications

Journal articles

Mehta MC; Narayanan R; Thomas Aretz H; Khanna R; Rao GN, 2020, 'The L V Prasad Eye Institute: A comprehensive case study of excellent and equitable eye care.', Healthc (Amst), 8, pp. 100408,

Panda L; Nayak S; Khanna RC; Das T, 2020, 'Tribal Odisha Eye Disease Study (TOES) # 7. Prevalence of refractive error in children in tribal Odisha (India) school screening.', Indian J Ophthalmol, 68, pp. 1596 - 1599,

Leasher JL; Braithwaite T; Furtado JM; Flaxman SR; Lansingh VC; Silva JC; Resnikoff S; Taylor HR; Bourne RRA, 2019, 'Prevalence and causes of vision loss in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2015: Magnitude, temporal trends and projections', British Journal of Ophthalmology, 103, pp. 885 - 893,

Marmamula S; Khanna RC; Yellapragada S; Challa R; Mohd J; Rao GN, 2019, 'Temporal trends in the prevalence and causes of visual impairment in the South Indian state of Telangana: A population-based cross-sectional study', BMJ Open, 9,

Addepalli UK; Jonnadula GB; Garudadri CS; Khanna RC; Papas EB, 2019, 'Prevalence of Primary Glaucoma as Diagnosed by Study Optometrists of L. V. Prasad eye Institute–Glaucoma Epidemiology and Molecular Genetics Study', Ophthalmic Epidemiology, 26, pp. 150 - 154,

Das AV; Mididoddi S; Kammari P; Deepthi Davara N; Loomba A; Khanna R; Taneja M, 2019, 'App-Based Tele Ophthalmology: A Novel Method of Rural Eye Care Delivery Connecting Tertiary Eye Care Center and Vision Centers in India', International Journal of Telemedicine and Applications, 2019,

Gogate P; Chottopadhyay T; Kaur H; Narayandas S; Phadke S; Kharat M; Dhangar A; Inamdar M; Badkere A; Khanna R, 2019, 'Making blind children see: Impact of correcting moderate and severe visual impairment in schools for the blind', Middle East African Journal of Ophthalmology, 26, pp. 216 - 221,

Choudhari NS; George R; Asokan R; Khanna R; Vijaya L; Garudadri CS, 2019, 'Combination of Simple Diagnostic Tests to Detect Primary Angle Closure Disease in a Resource-constrained Region.', Ophthalmic Epidemiol, 26, pp. 430 - 438,

Choudhari NS; Chanda S; Khanna R; Senthil S; Garudadri CS, 2019, 'Diagnostic Accuracy of Van Herick Technique to Detect Pre-Disease States of Primary Angle Closure Glaucoma in a Resource Constraint Region.', Ophthalmic Epidemiol, 26, pp. 175 - 182,

Pehere NK; Khanna RC; Marlapati R; Sannapaneni K, 2019, 'Prevalence of ophthalmic disorders among hearing-impaired school children in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh.', Indian J Ophthalmol, 67, pp. 530 - 535,

Choudhari NS; Mundhe G; Khanna R; Rathi V; Garudadri CS, 2019, 'Toward Better Health Outcomes in Rural and Under-served Areas: L. V. Prasad Eye Institute's Diagonal Model of Glaucoma Care.', Ophthalmic Epidemiol, 26, pp. 420 - 429,

Panda L; Nayak S; Warkad VU; Das T; Khanna R, 2019, 'Tribal Odisha Eye Disease Study (TOES) report # 5: Comparison of prevalence and causes of visual impairment among tribal children in native and urban schools of Odisha (India).', Indian J Ophthalmol, 67, pp. 1012 - 1015,

Khanna RC; Murthy GVS; Giridhar P; Marmamula S; Pant HB; Shantha GPS; Chakrabarti S; Gilbert CE; Rao GN, 2018, 'Glaucoma-associated long-term mortality in a rural cohort from India: The Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study', British Journal of Ophthalmology, 102, pp. 1477 - 1482,

Marmamula S; Khanna RC; Mettla AL; Pehere NK; Keeffe JE; Yameneni DK; Rao GN, 2018, 'Agreement and diagnostic accuracy of vision screening in children by teachers, community eye-health workers and vision technicians', Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 101, pp. 553 - 559,

Khanna RC; Kim S; Giridhar P; Mettla AL; Marmamula S; Rao GN, 2018, 'Barriers to uptake of referral services from secondary care to tertiary care and its associated factors in L v Prasad Eye Institute network in Southern India: A cross-sectional study', BMJ Open, 8,

Gala JM; Khanna RC, 2018, 'Misplaced capsule tension ring in anterior chamber: A unique way of explantation', Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 66, pp. 1009 - 1011,

Khanna RC, 2018, 'Commentary: Childhood blindness in India: Regional variations.', Indian J Ophthalmol, 66, pp. 1461 - 1462,

Khanna RC, 2018, 'Commentary: Should we restrict vision screening in primary school children?', Indian J Ophthalmol, 66, pp. 1224,

Rani PK; Nangia V; Murthy KR; Khanna RC; Das T, 2018, 'Community care for diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma in India: A panel discussion.', Indian J Ophthalmol, 66, pp. 916 - 920,

Khanna RC; Rao GN, 2018, 'Presbyopia and the Sustainable Development Goals.', Lancet Glob Health, 6, pp. e944 - e945,

Warkad VU; Panda L; Behera P; Das T; Mohanta BC; Khanna R, 2018, 'The Tribal Odisha Eye Disease Study (TOES) 1: prevalence and causes of visual impairment among tribal children in an urban school in Eastern India.', J AAPOS, 22, pp. 145.e1 - 145.e6,

Panda L; Das T; Nayak S; Barik U; Mohanta BC; Williams J; Warkad V; Tapas Kumar GP; Khanna RC, 2018, 'Tribal Odisha Eye Disease Study (TOES # 2) Rayagada school screening program: efficacy of multistage screening of school teachers in detection of impaired vision and other ocular anomalies.', Clin Ophthalmol, 12, pp. 1181 - 1187,

Flaxman SR; Bourne RRA; Resnikoff S; Ackland P; Braithwaite T; Cicinelli MV; Das A; Jonas JB; Keeffe J; Kempen JH; Leasher J; Limburg H; Naidoo K; Pesudovs K; Silvester A; Stevens GA; Tahhan N; Wong TY; Taylor HR; Arditi A; Barkana Y; Bozkurt B; Bron A; Budenz D; Cai F; Casson R; Chakravarthy U; Choi J; Congdon N; Dana R; Dandona R; Dandona L; Dekaris I; Del Monte M; Deva J; Dreer L; Ellwein L; Frazier M; Frick K; Friedman D; Furtado J; Gao H; Gazzard G; George R; Gichuhi S; Gonzalez V; Hammond B; Hartnett ME; He M; Hejtmancik J; Hirai F; Huang J; Ingram A; Javitt J; Joslin C; Khairallah M; Khanna R; Kim J; Lambrou G; Lansingh VC; Lanzetta P; Lim J; Mansouri K; Mathew A; Morse A; Munoz B; Musch D; Nangia V; Palaiou M; Parodi MB; Pena FY; Peto T; Quigley H; Raju M; Ramulu P; Reza D; Robin A; Rossetti L; Saaddine J; Sandar M; Serle J; Shen T; Shetty R; Sieving P; Silva JC; Sitorus RS; Stambolian D; Tejedor J; Tielsch J; Tsilimbaris M; van Meurs J; Varma R; Virgili G; Wang YX; Wang NL; West S; Wiedemann P; Wormald R; Zheng Y; Keeffe J, 2017, 'Global causes of blindness and distance vision impairment 1990–2020: a systematic review and meta-analysis', The Lancet Global Health, 5, pp. e1221 - e1234,

Khanna RC; Marmamula S; Rao GN, 2017, 'International Vision Care: Issues and Approaches', Annual Review of Vision Science, 3, pp. 53 - 68,

Bourne RRA; Flaxman SR; Braithwaite T; Cicinelli MV; Das A; Jonas JB; Keeffe J; Kempen JH; Leasher J; Limburg H; Naidoo K; Pesudovs K; Resnikoff S; Silvester A; Stevens GA; Tahhan N; Wong TY; Taylor HR; Ackland P; Arditi A; Barkana Y; Bozkurt B; Wormald R; Bron A; Budenz D; Cai F; Casson R; Chakravarthy U; Congdon N; Peto T; Choi J; Dana R; Palaiou M; Dandona R; Dandona L; Shen T; Dekaris I; Del Monte M; Deva J; Dreer L; Frazier M; Ellwein L; Hejtmancik J; Frick K; Friedman D; Javitt J; Munoz B; Quigley H; Ramulu P; Robin A; Tielsch J; West S; Furtado J; Gao H; Gazzard G; George R; Gichuhi S; Gonzalez V; Hammond B; Hartnett ME; He M; Hirai F; Huang J; Ingram A; Joslin C; Khanna R; Stambolian D; Khairallah M; Kim J; Lambrou G; Lansingh VC; Lanzetta P; Lim J; Mansouri K; Mathew A; Morse A; Musch D; Nangia V; Battaglia M; Yaacov F; Raju M; Rossetti L; Saaddine J; Sandar M; Serle J; Shetty R; Sieving P; Silva JC; Sitorus RS; Tejedor J; Tsilimbaris M; van Meurs J; Varma R; Virgili G; Volmink J; Xing Y; Wang NL; Wiedemann P; Zheng Y; Keeffe J, 2017, 'Magnitude, temporal trends, and projections of the global prevalence of blindness and distance and near vision impairment: a systematic review and meta-analysis', The Lancet Global Health, 5, pp. e888 - e897,

Kabra M; Zhang W; Rathi S; Mandal AK; Senthil S; Pyatla G; Ramappa M; Banerjee S; Shekhar K; Marmamula S; Mettla AL; Kaur I; Khanna RC; Khanna H; Chakrabarti S, 2017, 'Angiopoietin receptor TEK interacts with CYP1B1 in primary congenital glaucoma', Human Genetics, 136, pp. 941 - 949,

Marmamula S; Khanna RC; Kunuku E; Rao GN, 2017, 'Near visual impairment and spectacle coverage in Telangana, India', Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 45, pp. 568 - 574,

Judson K; Courtright P; Ravilla T; Khanna R; Bassett K, 2017, 'Impact of systematic capacity building on cataract surgical service development in 25 hospitals.', BMC Ophthalmol, 17, pp. 96,

Marmamula S; Khanna RC; Kunuku E; Rao GN, 2017, 'Spectacles use in a rural population in the state of Telangana in South India', Indian Journal of Ophthalmology, 65, pp. 509 - 515,

Marmamula S; Pyda G; Khanna RC, 2017, 'Utilization of eye care services among those with unilateral visual impairment in rural South India: Andhra Pradesh eye disease study (APEDS)', International Journal of Ophthalmology, 10, pp. 473 - 479,

Mettla AL; Marmamula S; Khanna RC, 2017, 'Children’s eye health programmes: Successful strategies and challenges', Community Eye Health Journal, 30, pp. 28 - 30

Khanna RC; Murthy G, 2017, 'Importance of integrating eye health into school health initiatives.', Community Eye Health, 30, pp. S3 - S5,

Rathi VM; Thakur M; Sharma S; Khanna R; Garg P, 2017, 'KOH mount as an aid in the management of infectious keratitis at secondary eye care centre.', Br J Ophthalmol, 101, pp. 1447 - 1450,

Khanna RC, 2017, 'Ocular surface disorders.', Community Eye Health, 30, pp. S1 - S2,

Marmamula S; Khanna RC; Shekhar K; Rao GN, 2016, 'Outcomes of cataract surgery in urban and rural population in the South Indian state of Andhra Pradesh: Rapid Assessment of Visual Impairment (RAVI) project', PLoS ONE, 11,

Marmamula S; Khanna RC; Kunkunu E; Rao GN, 2016, 'Population-based assessment of prevalence and causes of visual impairment in the state of Telangana, India: A cross-sectional study using the Rapid Assessment of Visual Impairment (RAVI) methodology', BMJ Open, 6,

Marmamula S; Khanna RC; Rao GN, 2016, 'Unilateral visual impairment in rural south India-Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study (APEDS)', International Journal of Ophthalmology, 9, pp. 763 - 767,

Marmamula S; Shekhar K; Banerjee S; Khanna RC; Rao GN, 2016, 'Population-Based Assessment of Unilateral Visual Impairment in the South Indian State of Andhra Pradesh: Rapid Assessment of Visual Impairment (RAVI) Project', Ophthalmic Epidemiology, 23, pp. 171 - 175,

Suram V; Addepalli UK; Krishnaiah S; Kovai V; Khanna RC, 2016, 'Accuracy of vision technicians in screening ocular pathology at rural vision centres of southern India', Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 99, pp. 183 - 187,

Khanna RC; Murthy GVS; Marmamula S; Mettla AL; Giridhar P; Banerjee S; Shekhar K; Chakrabarti S; Gilbert C; Rao GN; Nicholson M; Raghava JV; Sahitya T; Lavanya EY; Pant HB; Kaur I; Tripathi R; Appikonda CS; Raghavender B, 2016, 'Longitudinal Andhra Pradesh Eye Disease Study: Rationale, study design and research methodology', Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 44, pp. 95 - 105,

Matta S; Park J; Shantha GPS; Khanna RC; Rao GN, 2016, 'Cataract surgery visual outcomes and associated risk factors in secondary level eye care centers of L V Prasad Eye Institute, India', PLoS ONE, 11,

Shantha GPS; Kumar AA; Ravi V; Khanna RC; Kahan S; Cheskin LJ, 2016, 'A clinical score to predict dose reductions of antidiabetes medications with intentional weight loss: A retrospective cohort study', Biomedical Journal, 39, pp. 188 - 194,

Khanna R; Murthy G, 2016, 'Inequities in cataract surgical coverage in South Asia.', Community Eye Health, 29, pp. S06 - S09,

Khanna RC; Ray VP; Latha M; Cassard SV; Mathai A; Sekhar GC, 2015, 'Risk factors for endophthalmitis following cataract surgery-our experience at a tertiary eye care centre in India', International Journal of Ophthalmology, 8, pp. 1184 - 1189,

Shantha GPS; Kumar AA; Sethi M; Khanna RC; Pancholy SB, 2015, 'Efficacy and safety of low molecular weight heparin compared to unfractionated heparin for chronic outpatient hemodialysis in end stage renal disease: Systematic review and meta-analysis', PeerJ, 2015,

Marmamula S; Keeffe JE; Narsaiah S; Khanna RC; Rao GN, 2014, 'Population-based assessment of sensitivity and specificity of a pinhole for detection of significant refractive errors in the community', Clinical and Experimental Optometry, 97, pp. 523 - 527,

Singh N; Eeda SS; Gudapati BK; Reddy S; Kanade P; Shantha GPS; Rani PK; Chakrabarti S; Khanna RC, 2014, 'Prevalence and causes of blindness and visual impairment and their associated risk factors, in three tribal areas of Andhra Pradesh, India', PLoS ONE, 9,

Marmamula S; Khanna RC; Shekhar K; Rao GN, 2014, 'A population-based cross-sectional study of barriers to uptake of eye care services in South India: The Rapid Assessment of Visual Impairment (RAVI) project', BMJ Open, 4,

Marmamula S; Khanna RC; Narsaiah S; Shekhar K; Rao GN, 2014, 'Prevalence of spectacles use in Andhra Pradesh, India: Rapid Assessment of Visual Impairment project', Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 42, pp. 227 - 234,

Manjandavida FP; Honavar SG; Reddy VAP; Khanna R, 2014, 'Management and outcome of retinoblastoma with vitreous seeds.', Ophthalmology, 121, pp. 517 - 524,

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