Select Publications


Forouzandeh S; Krivitsky PN; Chandra R, 2025, Multiview graph dual-attention deep learning and contrastive learning for multi-criteria recommender systems,

Farahbakhsh E; Goel D; Pimparkar D; Muller RD; Chandra R, 2025, Convolutional neural networks for mineral prospecting through alteration mapping with remote sensing data,

Panat T; Chandra R, 2025, Global Ease of Living Index: a machine learning framework for longitudinal analysis of major economies,

Ibenegbu A; Schaeffer A; Micheaux PLD; Chandra R, 2025, A Machine Learning Framework for Handling Unreliable Absence Label and Class Imbalance for Marine Stinger Beaching Prediction,

Chandra R; Ren G; Group-H , 2025, Longitudinal Abuse and Sentiment Analysis of Hollywood Movie Dialogues using LLMs,

Deo R; Sisson S; Webster JM; Chandra R, 2025, Compact Bayesian Neural Networks via pruned MCMC sampling,

Singh A; Chandra R, 2025, HP-BERT: A framework for longitudinal study of Hinduphobia on social media via LLMs,

Cheung J; Rangarajan S; Maddocks A; Chen X; Chandra R, 2024, Quantile deep learning models for multi-step ahead time series prediction,

Kulkarni O; Chandra R, 2024, Bayes-CATSI: A variational Bayesian deep learning framework for medical time series data imputation,

Wang X; Beard R; Chandra R, 2024, Evaluation of Google Translate for Mandarin Chinese translation using sentiment and semantic analysis,

Wang C; Chandra R, 2024, A longitudinal sentiment analysis of Sinophobia during COVID-19 using large language models,

Chandra R; Kapoor A; Khedkar S; Ng J; Vervoort RW, 2024, Ensemble quantile-based deep learning framework for streamflow and flood prediction in Australian catchments,

Chandra R; Zhu B; Fang Q; Shinjikashvili E, 2024, Large language models for sentiment analysis of newspaper articles during COVID-19: The Guardian,

Wu J; Zhang X; Huang F; Zhou H; Chandra R, 2024, Review of deep learning models for crypto price prediction: implementation and evaluation,

Nagar S; Farahbakhsh E; Awange J; Chandra R, 2024, Remote sensing framework for geological mapping via stacked autoencoders and clustering,

Vora M; Blau T; Kachhwal V; Solo AMG; Chandra R, 2024, Large language model for Bible sentiment analysis: Sermon on the Mount,

Haggerty H; Chandra R, 2024, Self-supervised learning for skin cancer diagnosis with limited training data,

Bansal C; Chandra R; Agarwal V; Deepa PR, 2023, A clustering and graph deep learning-based framework for COVID-19 drug repurposing,

Chandra R; Sonawane J; Lande J; Yu C, 2023, An analysis of vaccine-related sentiments from development to deployment of COVID-19 vaccines,

Khan AA; Chaudhari O; Chandra R, 2023, A review of ensemble learning and data augmentation models for class imbalanced problems: combination, implementation and evaluation,

Chandra R; Simmons J, 2023, Bayesian neural networks via MCMC: a Python-based tutorial,

Lande J; Pillay A; Chandra R, 2023, Deep learning for COVID-19 topic modelling via Twitter: Alpha, Delta and Omicron,

Shukla A; Bansal C; Badhe S; Ranjan M; Chandra R, 2023, An evaluation of Google Translate for Sanskrit to English translation via sentiment and semantic analysis,

Wang T; Beard R; Hawkins J; Chandra R, 2023, Recursive deep learning framework for forecasting the decadal world economic outlook,

Barve S; Webster JM; Chandra R, 2023, Reef-insight: A framework for reef habitat mapping with clustering methods via remote sensing,

Jain HA; Agarwal V; Bansal C; Kumar A; Faheem F; Mohammed M-U-R; Murugesan S; Simpson MM; Karpe AV; Chandra R; MacRaild CA; Styles IK; Peterson AL; Cooper MA; Kirkpatrick CMJ; Shah RM; Palombo EA; Trevaskis NL; Creek DJ; Vasan SS, 2022, CoviRx: A User-Friendly Interface for Systematic Down-Selection of Repurposed Drug Candidates for COVID-19,

Ngo G; Beard R; Chandra R, 2022, Evolutionary bagging for ensemble learning,

Chandra R; Bansal C; Kang M; Blau T; Agarwal V; Singh P; Wilson LOW; Vasan S, 2022, Unsupervised machine learning framework for discriminating major variants of concern during COVID-19,

Chandra R; Ranjan M, 2022, Artificial intelligence for topic modelling in Hindu philosophy: mapping themes between the Upanishads and the Bhagavad Gita,

Chand S; Rajesh K; Chandra R, 2022, MAP-Elites based Hyper-Heuristic for the Resource Constrained Project Scheduling Problem,

Chandra R; Sharma YV, 2022, Surrogate-assisted distributed swarm optimisation for computationally expensive geoscientific models,

Chandra R; Bhagat A; Maharana M; Krivitsky PN, 2021, Bayesian graph convolutional neural networks via tempered MCMC,

Chandra R; Jain M; Maharana M; Krivitsky PN, 2021, Revisiting Bayesian Autoencoders with MCMC,

Chandra R; Krishna A, 2021, COVID-19 sentiment analysis via deep learning during the rise of novel cases,

Chandra R; Goyal S; Gupta R, 2021, Evaluation of deep learning models for multi-step ahead time series prediction,

Shirmard H; Farahbakhsh E; Muller RD; Chandra R, 2021, A review of machine learning in processing remote sensing data for mineral exploration,

Farahbakhsh E; Hezarkhani A; Eslamkish T; Bahroudi A; Chandra R, 2019, Three-dimensional weights of evidence modeling of a deep-seated porphyry Cu deposit,

Scalzo R; Kohn D; Olierook H; Houseman G; Chandra R; Girolami M; Cripps S, 2019, Efficiency and robustness in Monte Carlo sampling of 3-D geophysical inversions with Obsidian v0.1.2: Setting up for success,

Chandra R; Azam D; Kapoor A; Mulller RD, 2019, Surrogate-assisted Bayesian inversion for landscape and basin evolution models,

Olierook HKH; Scalzo R; Kohn D; Chandra R; Farahbakhsh E; Houseman G; Clark C; Reddy SM; Müller RD, 2019, Bayesian geological and geophysical data fusion for the construction and uncertainty quantification of 3D geological models,

Chandra R; Azam D; Kapoor A; Müller RD, 2018, Surrogate-assisted Bayesian inversion for landscape and basin evolution models,

Scalzo R; Kohn D; Olierook H; Houseman G; Chandra R; Girolami M; Cripps S, 2018, Efficiency and robustness in Monte Carlo sampling of 3-D geophysical inversions with Obsidian v0.1.2: Setting up for success,

Chandra R; Jain K; Kapoor A; Aman A, 2018, Surrogate-assisted parallel tempering for Bayesian neural learning,

Chandra R; Jain K; Deo RV; Cripps S, 2018, Langevin-gradient parallel tempering for Bayesian neural learning,

Farahbakhsh E; Chandra R; Olierook HKH; Scalzo R; Clark C; Reddy SM; Muller RD, 2018, Computer vision-based framework for extracting geological lineaments from optical remote sensing data,

Pall J; Chandra R; Azam D; Salles T; Webster JM; Scalzo R; Cripps S, 2018, Bayesreef: A Bayesian inference framework for modelling reef growth in response to environmental change and biological dynamics,

Chandra R; Müller RD; Azam D; Deo R; Butterworth N; Salles T; Cripps S, 2018, Multi-core parallel tempering Bayeslands for basin and landscape evolution,

Chandra R; Azam D; Müller RD; Salles T; Cripps S, 2018, Bayeslands: A Bayesian inference approach for parameter uncertainty quantification in Badlands,

Deo RV; Chandra R; Sharma A, 2017, Stacked transfer learning for tropical cyclone intensity prediction,

Chandra R; Ong Y-S; Goh C-K, 2017, Co-evolutionary multi-task learning for dynamic time series prediction,

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