Select Publications

Journal articles

Zaman F; Elsayed SM; Ray T; Sarker RA, 2018, 'Evolutionary Algorithms for Finding Nash Equilibria in Electricity Markets', IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 22, pp. 536 - 549,

Elsayed S; Sarker R; Ray T; Coello CC; Coello Coello C, 2017, 'Consolidated optimization algorithm for resource-constrained project scheduling problems', Information Sciences, 418-419, pp. 346 - 362,

Sallam KM; Elsayed SM; Sarker RA; Essam DL, 2017, 'Landscape-based adaptive operator selection mechanism for differential evolution', Information Sciences, 418-419, pp. 383 - 404,

Elsayed S; Sarker R; Coello Coello CA, 2017, 'Fuzzy Rule-Based Design of Evolutionary Algorithm for Optimization', IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 49, pp. 301 - 314,

Elsayed S; Sarker R; Coello Coello CA, 2017, 'Sequence-Based Deterministic Initialization for Evolutionary Algorithms', IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics, 47, pp. 2911 - 2923,

Shafi K; Elsayed S; Sarker R; Ryan M, 2017, 'Scenario-based multi-period program optimization for capability-based planning using evolutionary algorithms', Applied Soft Computing Journal, 56, pp. 717 - 729,

Zaman F; Elsayed SM; Ray T; Sarker RA, 2017, 'Co-evolutionary approach for strategic bidding in competitive electricity markets', Applied Soft Computing Journal, 51, pp. 1 - 22,

Zaman F; Elsayed SM; Ray T; Sarker RA, 2016, 'Evolutionary algorithms for power generation planning with uncertain renewable energy', Energy, 112, pp. 408 - 419,

Zaman MF; Elsayed ; Ray ; Sarker , 2016, 'Configuring two-algorithm-based evolutionary approach for solving dynamic economic dispatch problems', Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 53, pp. 105 - 125,

Elsayed S; Sarker R, 2016, 'Differential evolution framework for big data optimization', Memetic Computing, 8, pp. 17 - 33,

Zaman MF; Elsayed SM; Ray T; Sarker RA, 2016, 'Evolutionary Algorithms for Dynamic Economic Dispatch Problems', IEEE Transactions on Power Systems, 31, pp. 1486 - 1495,

Sarker R; Elsayed S, 2015, 'Evolutionary algorithm for analyzing higher degree research student recruitment and completion', Cogent Engineering, 2,

Elsayed S; Sarker R; Essam D, 2015, 'Survey of Uses of Evolutionary Computation Algorithms and Swarm Intelligence for Network Intrusion Detection', International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications, 14,

Mabrok MA; Elsayed S; Ryan MJ, 2015, 'Mathematical framework for recursive model-based system design', Nonlinear Dynamics, 84, pp. 223 - 236,

Sayed E; Essam D; Sarker R; Elsayed S, 2015, 'Decomposition-based evolutionary algorithm for large scale constrained problems', Information Sciences, 316, pp. 457 - 486,

Elsayed SM; Sarker RA; Essam DL, 2015, 'Training and testing a self-adaptive multi-operator evolutionary algorithm for constrained optimization', Applied Soft Computing Journal, 26, pp. 515 - 522,

Hamza NM; Sarker RA; Essam DL; Deb K; Elsayed SM, 2014, 'A constraint consensus memetic algorithm for solving constrained optimization problems', Engineering Optimization, 46, pp. 1447 - 1464,

Sarker RA; Elsayed SM; Ray T, 2014, 'Differential evolution with dynamic parameters selection for optimization problems', IEEE Transactions on Evolutionary Computation, 18, pp. 689 - 707,

Elsayed SM; Sarker RA; Mezura-Montes E, 2014, 'Self-adaptive mix of particle swarm methodologies for constrained optimization', Information Sciences, 277, pp. 216 - 233,

Elsayed SM; Sarker RA; Essam DL, 2014, 'A self-adaptive combined strategies algorithm for constrained optimization using differential evolution', Applied Mathematics and Computation, 241, pp. 267 - 282,

Elsayed SM; Sarker RA; Essam DL, 2014, 'A new genetic algorithm for solving optimization problems', Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 27, pp. 57 - 69,

Elsayed SM; Sarker RA; Essam DL, 2013, 'Adaptive Configuration of evolutionary algorithms for constrained optimization', Applied Mathematics and Computation, 222, pp. 680 - 711,

Elsayed ; Sarker R; Essam D, 2013, 'An improved self-adaptive differential evolution algorithm for optimization problems', IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 9, pp. 89 - 99,

Elsayed ; Sarker R; Essam D, 2013, 'Self-adaptive differential evolution incorporating a heuristic mixing of operators', Computational Optimization and Applications, 54, pp. 771 - 790,

Elsayed ; Sarker R; Essam D, 2012, 'On an Evolutionary Approach for Constrained Optimization Problem Solving', Applied soft computing : the official journal of the World Federation on Soft Computing (WFSC), 12, pp. 3208 - 3227,

Elsayed ; Sarker R; Essam D, 2011, 'Multi-operator based evolutionary algorithms for solving constrained optimization problems', Computers and Operations Research, 38, pp. 1877 - 1896,

Conference Papers

Hamza N; Sarker R; Essam D; Elsayed S, 2024, 'Constraint Consensus for Solving Large-scale Constrained Optimization Problems', in 2024 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2024 - Proceedings,

Elfeky E; Sherman G; Elsayed S; Shovon MHI; Lodge R; Campbell B; Essam D; Sarker R, 2024, 'Differential Evolution Algorithm for Battlefield Surveillance Sensor Placement', in 2024 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2024 - Proceedings,

Liu J; Elsayed S; Essam D; Sarker R; Garanovich IL; Weir T, 2024, 'Large-Scale Project Portfolio Selection and Scheduling Problem: A Comparison of Exact Solvers and Metaheuristics', in 2024 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2024 - Proceedings,

Elsayed S; Mabrok M, 2024, 'Large-Scale Swarm Control in Cluttered Environments', in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics), pp. 384 - 395,

Liu J; Singh H; Elsayed S; Hunjet R; Abbass HA, 2023, 'Distance Constrained Robotic Swarm Shepherding Based on Two-Phase Ant Colony Optimisation', in Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp. 5224 - 5230,

Liu J; Singh H; Elsayed S; Hunjet R; Abbass HA, 2023, 'Effective Robotic Swarm Shepherding in the Presence of Obstacles', in 2023 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2023,

Windras Mara ST; Sarker R; Essam D; Elsayed S, 2023, 'Electric Vehicle-Drone Routing Problem with Optional Drone Availability', in IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, Proceedings, ITSC, pp. 827 - 832,

Elsayed S; Hassanin M, 2023, 'Improved Shepherding Model for Large-scale Swarm Control', in International Conference on Smart Computing and Application, ICSCA 2023,

Li K; Elsayed S; Sarker R; Essam D, 2023, 'Landscape-Based Genetic Algorithm with Quantum Entanglement for Dynamic Optimization Problems', in International Conference on Software, Knowledge Information, Industrial Management and Applications, SKIMA, pp. 187 - 192,

Nguyen DT; Singh H; Elsayed S; Hunjet R; Abbass HA, 2023, 'Multi-agent Knowledge Transfer in a Society of Interpretable Neural Network Minds for Dynamic Context Formation in Swarm Shepherding', in Proceedings of the International Joint Conference on Neural Networks,

Paul D; Mo H; Elsayed S; Chakrabortty RK, 2023, 'Predicting Energy Consumption of Battery-Operated Electric Vehicles: A Comparative Performance Assessment', in 2023 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management, IEEM 2023, pp. 1032 - 1036,

Elsayed S, 2023, 'Towards Mitigating ChatGPT's Negative Impact on Education: Optimizing Question Design Through Bloom's Taxonomy', in 2023 IEEE Region 10 Symposium, TENSYMP 2023,

Mara STW; Elsayed S; Essam D; Sarker R, 2023, 'Vehicle Routing Problem for an Integrated Electric Vehicles and Drones System', in Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering, LNICST, pp. 197 - 214,

Elfeky E; Cochrane M; Marsh L; Elsayed S; Sims B; Crase S; Essam D; Sarker R, 2022, 'Coevolutionary Algorithm for Evolving Competitive Strategies in the Weapon Target Assignment Problem', in ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 9 - 18,

Harrison KR; Elsayed SM; Weir T; Garanovich IL; Boswell SG; Sarker RA, 2022, 'A Novel Multi-Objective Project Portfolio Selection and Scheduling Problem', in Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2022, pp. 480 - 487,

Elfeky E; Cochrane M; Crase S; Elsayed S; Sims B; Essam D; Sarker R, 2022, 'Coevolution with Danger Zone Levels Strategy for the Weapon Target Assignment Problem', in Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2022, pp. 596 - 603,

Hamza N; Elsayed S; Sarker R; Essam D, 2022, 'Evolutionary Constrained Optimization with Dynamic Changes and Uncertainty in the Objective Function', in International Conference on Software, Knowledge Information, Industrial Management and Applications, SKIMA, pp. 54 - 60,

Mohamed RE; Elsayed S; Hunjet R; Abbass H, 2022, 'Reinforcement Learning for Solving Communication Problems in Shepherding', in Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE Symposium Series on Computational Intelligence, SSCI 2022, pp. 1626 - 1635,

Hamza N; Elsayed S; Sarker R; Essam D, 2022, 'Solving constrained problems with dynamic objective functions', in 2022 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2022 - Conference Proceedings,

Islam T; Elsayed S; Essam D; Sarker R, 2021, 'A Comparative Study of Different Forecasting Models for Energy Demand Forecasting', in Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies, Tekkali, India, pp. 553 - 564, presented at 6th International Conference on Computational Intelligence in Data Mining, Tekkali, India, 11 December 2021 - 12 December 2021,

Harrison KR; Elsayed S; Sarker RA; Garanovich IL; Weir T; Boswell SG, 2021, 'Project portfolio selection with defense capability options', in GECCO 2021 Companion - Proceedings of the 2021 Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), pp. 1825 - 1826, presented at Proceedings of the Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion,

Saad H; Chakrabortty R; Elsayed S, 2021, 'Quantum-Inspired Differential Evolution for Resource-Constrained Project-Scheduling: Preliminary study', IEEE, Krakow, Poland, presented at 2021 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, Krakow, Poland, 28 June 2021 - 01 July 2021,

Mohamed RE; Elsayed S; Hunjet R; Abbass H, 2021, 'A Graph-based Approach for Shepherding Swarms with Limited Sensing Range', in 2021 IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation, CEC 2021 - Proceedings, pp. 2315 - 2322,

Debie E; Singh H; Elsayed S; Perry A; Hunjet R; Abbass H, 2021, 'A Neuro-Evolution Approach to Shepherding Swarm Guidance in the Face of Uncertainty', in Conference Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, pp. 2634 - 2641,

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