Select Publications

Book Chapters

Moradkhani H; Nearing G; Abbaszadeh P; Pathiraja S, 2018, 'Fundamentals of Data Assimilation and Theoretical Advances', in Handbook of Hydrometeorological Ensemble Forecasting, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, pp. 1 - 26,

Journal articles

Pathiraja S, 2024, 'L 2 convergence of smooth approximations of stochastic differential equations with unbounded coefficients', Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 42, pp. 354 - 369,

Kapoor A; Pathiraja S; Marshall L; Chandra R, 2023, 'DeepGR4J: A deep learning hybridization approach for conceptual rainfall-runoff modelling', Environmental Modelling and Software, 169,

Pathiraja S; van Leeuwen PJ, 2022, 'Multiplicative Non-Gaussian Model Error Estimation in Data Assimilation', Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 14,

Pathiraja S; Stannat W, 2021, 'ANALYSIS OF THE FEEDBACK PARTICLE FILTER WITH DIFFUSION MAP BASED APPROXIMATION OF THE GAIN', Foundations of Data Science, 3, pp. 615 - 645,

Gaidzik F; Pathiraja S; Saalfeld S; Stucht D; Speck O; Thévenin D; Janiga G, 2021, 'Hemodynamic Data Assimilation in a Subject-specific Circle of Willis Geometry', Clinical Neuroradiology, 31, pp. 643 - 651,

Pathiraja S; Reich S; Stannat W, 2021, 'Mckean-Vlasov SDEs In Nonlinear Filtering', SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization, 59, pp. 4188 - 4215,

De Wiljes J; Pathiraja S; Reich S, 2020, 'Ensemble transform algorithms for nonlinear smoothing problems', SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 42, pp. A87 - A114,

Pathiraja S; Reich S, 2019, 'Discrete gradients for computational Bayesian inference', Journal of Computational Dynamics, 6, pp. 385 - 400,

del Moral P; Bishop A; Pathiraja S, 2018, 'Perturbations and projections of Kalman–Bucy semigroups', Stochastic Processes and their Applications,

Pathiraja S; Anghileri D; Burlando P; Sharma A; Marshall L; Moradkhani H, 2018, 'Time-varying parameter models for catchments with land use change: The importance of model structure', Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 22, pp. 2903 - 2919,

Pathiraja S; Anghileri D; Burlando P; Sharma A; Marshall L; Moradkhani H, 2018, 'Insights on the impact of systematic model errors on data assimilation performance in changing catchments', Advances in Water Resources, 113, pp. 202 - 222,

Pathiraja S; Moradkhani H; Marshall L; Sharma A; Geenens G, 2018, 'Data-Driven Model Uncertainty Estimation in Hydrologic Data Assimilation', Water Resources Research, 54, pp. 1252 - 1280,

Pathiraja S; Marshall L; Sharma A; Moradkhani H, 2016, 'Detecting non-stationary hydrologic model parameters in a paired catchment system using data assimilation', Advances in Water Resources, 94, pp. 103 - 119,

Pathiraja S; Marshall L; Sharma A; Moradkhani H, 2016, 'Hydrologic modeling in dynamic catchments: A data assimilation approach', Water Resources Research, 52, pp. 3350 - 3372,

Pathiraja SD; Westra SP; Sharma A, 2012, 'Why continuous simulation? the role of antecedent moisture in design flood estimation', Water Resources Research, 48, pp. Article number: W06534,

Conference Papers

Phillips BC; Thomson RS; Pathiraja S, 2014, 'Uncertainty in estimation of urban runoff', in Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium 2014, HWRS 2014 - Conference Proceedings, pp. 796 - 803

Thomson RS; Phillips BC; Goyen AG; Pathiraja S; Griffin M, 2012, 'How connected are Urban catchments? Estimating the effective impervious area', in Proceedings of the 34th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, HWRS 2012, pp. 1417 - 1424

Thomson RSD; Phillips BC; Yu S; Kilaparty B; Fang T; Pathiraja S, 2012, 'Is smaller really better? 2D grid cell size and perceived accuracy', in Proceedings of the 34th Hydrology and Water Resources Symposium, HWRS 2012, pp. 1317 - 1324


Pathiraja S; Wacker P, 2024, Connections between sequential Bayesian inference and evolutionary dynamics,

Pathiraja S, 2020, L2 convergence of smooth approximations of Stochastic Differential Equations with unbounded coefficients,

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