Select Publications


Ghasemi O; Cologna V; Mede NG; Stanley S; Strahm N; Ross RM; Alfano M; Kerr JR; Berger S; Marques MD; Besley JC; Brick C; Joubert M; Maibach E; Mihelj S; Newell BR; Oreskes N; Schäfer MS, 2024, Investigating the trust gap between scientists and climate scientists in 68 countries,

Stanley S; Kirkland K; Karl JA; Ghasemi O; Ross RM; Klas A; Contu D; Constantino SM; Doell KC; Vlasceanu M, 2024, Validating the Climate Policy Support Scale in 63 countries and examining responses across political divides,

Lee A; Kirkland K; Stanley S; Robinson A; Leviston Z; Walker I, 2024, “Real proof instead of over hyped up bullshit”: Exploring the content of what would change people’s minds about climate change using OpenAI’s GPT,

Stanley S; Leviston Z; Hogg T; Walker I, 2023, Anger about climate inaction: The content of eco-anger shapes emotional and behavioral engagement with climate change,

Stanley S; Millin P; Mickleson K; Milfont T, 2018, Not here, not to us, maybe not at all: The psychological distance of climate change in relation to environmental engagement,

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