Research Interests:
In the field of large international clinical trials, of immune-based therapies and new therapeutic strategies for the treatment of HIV-1-infection in the developed and developing world.
Broad Research Areas:
HIV - AIDS, Clinical Research, Infectious Diseases, Immunology
BSc(Hons), MBBS (Hons), DTM&H, FRACP, FRCP Edin, PhD
Society Memberships & Professional Activities:
Australian Soceity of Infectious...view more
Research Interests:
In the field of large international clinical trials, of immune-based therapies and new therapeutic strategies for the treatment of HIV-1-infection in the developed and developing world.
Broad Research Areas:
HIV - AIDS, Clinical Research, Infectious Diseases, Immunology
BSc(Hons), MBBS (Hons), DTM&H, FRACP, FRCP Edin, PhD
Society Memberships & Professional Activities:
Australian Soceity of Infectious Diseases, Australasian Soceity of HIV Medicine, Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians, Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians Edinburgh
Specific Research Keywords:
Clinical Research, HIV/AIDS, Immunology and Infectious Disease, Immunotherapy
My Grants
Emery S, Hoy J, Pett S, Roth N, NHMRC5688666 grant in support of the START study a Randomised trial to determine the safety and efficacy of early versus deferred treatment of adult HIV-infection. Role: Co-investigator. Award AUD405,401.00 over 2 years (2009-2011);
Emery S, Matthews G, Hoy, J, Wright E, Pett S, NHMRC grant in support of the START study a Randomised trial to determine the safety and efficacy of early versus deferred treatment of adult HIV-infection. Role: Co-investigator. Award AUD $1,016,666.25 (2012-2017);
INSIGHT. Funding agency: University of Minnesota. Grant: insight hin1v outpatient study flu 002 and h1n1v hospitalization study flu 003 (Sydney ICC). Start date: 01 Sep 2009 ongoing. Role: Chief Investigator (2009-2013); Award AUD400,000 (2009-2013);
INSIGHT. Funding agency: University of Minnesota. Grant name: insight hin1v outpatient study flu 002 and h1n1v hospitalization study flu 003 (Australia Site Coordinating Centre & flu pro). Start date: 01 Sep 2009 ongoing. Role: Chief Investigator (2009-2013); Award AUD400,000 (2009-2013).
UCL grants since 2013:
As Chief Investigator
1) Independent Academic Grant from ViiV Healthcare, “A randomised study of maraviroc +/- metformin for hepatic steatosis in chronic HIV-1-infection (MAVMET)”; award £650,000 in November 2015 (duration of grant 3.5 years from May 2017).
2) Independent Academic Grant from Sysmex to conduct the SASA study: An observational study exploring the utility of the Sysmex-XN 20 analyser to assess lymphocyte subsets and other haematological parameters in chronic or acute viral infections; award £45,000 in April 2017 (duration of the grant 18 months). Role: Chief Investigator;
3) Anti-Influenza Hyperimmune Intravenous Immunoglobulin Clinical Outcome Study (FLU-IVIG) award USD250,000/year commenced 2014 ongoing until 2019. Role: Global Co-Chair; Chief Investigator of the FLU-IVIG study at the UK and Greece sites (n=10);
4) Investigator initiated study funded by Gilead Sciences. Understanding changes in regional bone turnover using 18F-PET/CT in HIV-1-infected men switching from EvipleraÒ (RPV/FTC/TDF) to Rilpivirine/Emtricitabine/Tenofovir Alafenamide (RPV/FTC/TAF) (PETRAM); award £284,000 in September 2016 (duration of the grant 3.5 years).
5) UK-India research collaboration to meet the challenges of tuberculosis (TB) research priorities in India. Global Challenges Research Fund Networking Grants, Academy of Medical Sciences. Awarded £23,493.32 March 2018-March 2019.
As Co-Applicant
1) Independent Academic Grant from ViiV Healthcare, “Observational study of fatty liver disease, a substudy of POPPY”. Independent Academic Grant from ViiV Healthcare; award £280,000 in September 2016 (duration of the grant 3 years).
2) STOP-HCV-1; EME award £1.4 million in Sep-2015 (duration of the grant 4 years).
3) Mechanisms underlying enhanced infection prophylaxis for advanced HIV in Africa. MRC Infections and Immunity Board (REF: MR/P022251/1); award £813,361 in April 2017 (duration of the grant 3 years).
4) SEARCH: South East Asian Research Collaboration in Hepatitis: SEARCH-2 VietnARMS study. Wellcome Trust. Collaborative Award in science 206296/Z/17/Z; award £3,786,213 (2018-2023) (duration of the grant 5 years).
5) UCL’s Global Engagement Funds 2017/18. £1688.
6) Metabolomic profile and clinical outcomes of adults hospitalized with influenza A. Role: Co-Applicant. Funding to support laboratory work (USD14,955) from NIAID, USA in October 2017;
7) HCVAVERT: designing a trial to cure hepatitis C virus (HCV) in HCV-infected pregnant women And prevent VERTical HCV transmission. MRC NIHR DfID Wellcome Global Health Trials Call 8 - Development grant. Funded 15-December-2017, sterling 150,000.
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