Book Chapters
Pett SL; Emery S, 2010, 'Atazanavir', in Grayson ML; Crowe SM; McCarthy JS; Mills J; Mouton JW; Norrby SR; Paterson DL; Pfaller MA (ed.), Kucers' the use of antibiotics: A clinical review of antibacterial, antifungal, antiparasitic and antiviral drugs, Hodder Arnold, London, pp. 2830 - 2841
Pett SL; Post JJ, 2009, 'Mycobacterium tuberculosis', in Hoy J; Lewin S; Post JJ; Street A (ed.), HIV Management in Australasia: a guide for clinical care, Australasian Society for HIV Medicine Inc., Darlinghurst, NSW, pp. 149 - 153
Pett SL; Cooper DA, 2008, 'Classification and spectrum', in Mildvan D (ed.), International Atlas of AIDS, 4th ed., Springer, Philadelphia, PA, pp. 77 - 90
Pett SL; Emery S; Cooper DA, 2006, 'Initial treatment of HIV-1 infection. Online access:', in Singh N; Swindells S; Shafer R (ed.), HIV Clinical Manual, ESun Technologies, LLC, online
Aichelburg A; Pett SL; Cooper DA, 2002, 'AIDS as a World Health Problem', in AIDS as a World Health Problem, MacMillan Publishers,, pp. 1 - 6
Aichelburg A; Pett SL; Cooper DA, 2002, 'AIDS: Understanding HIV Transmission', in Encyclopedia of World Sciences, MacMillan Publishers,, pp. 1 - 6
Journal articles
Wood GK; Sargent BF; Ahmad Z-U-A; Tharmaratnam K; Dunai C; Egbe FN; Martin NH; Facer B; Pendered SL; Rogers HC; Hübel C; van Wamelen DJ; Bethlehem RAI; Giunchiglia V; Hellyer PJ; Trender W; Kalsi G; Needham E; Easton A; Jackson TA; Cunningham C; Upthegrove R; Pollak TA; Hotopf M; Solomon T; Pett SL; Shaw PJ; Wood N; Harrison NA; Miller KL; Jezzard P; Williams G; Duff EP; Williams S; Zelaya F; Smith SM; Keller S; Broome M; Kingston N; Husain M; Vincent A; Bradley J; Chinnery P; Menon DK; Aggleton JP; Nicholson TR; Taylor J-P; David AS; Carson A; Bullmore E; Breen G; Hampshire A; COVID-CNS Consortium ; Michael BD; Paddick S-M; Leek EC, 2025, 'Posthospitalization COVID-19 cognitive deficits at 1 year are global and associated with elevated brain injury markers and gray matter volume reduction.', Nat Med, 31, pp. 245 - 257,
Jensen TO; Harper K; Gupta S; Liu ST; Dharan NJ; Baker JV; Pett SL; Shaw-Saliba K; Esmail A; Ho MQ; Almasri E; Dewar RL; Lundgren J; Vock DM, 2024, 'Impact of Baseline SARS-CoV-2 Load in Plasma and Upper Airways on the Incidence of Acute Extrapulmonary Complications of COVID-19: A Multicentric, Prospective, Cohort Study', Clinical Infectious Diseases, 79, pp. 1394 - 1403,
Griffiths J; Adshead F; Al-Shahi Salman R; Anderson C; Bedson E; Bliss J; Boshoff A; Chen X; Cranley D; Doran P; Dunne F; Gamble C; Gillies K; Hood K; Kavanagh C; Malone J; Mcgregor N; Mcnamara C; Midha E; Moore K; Murphy L; Newman C; O'reilly S; Perkins AM; Pett S; Sydes MR; Whitty L; You F; Fox L; Williamson PR, 2024, 'What is the carbon footprint of academic clinical trials? A study of hotspots in 10 trials', BMJ Open, 14, pp. e088600,
de Kretser D; Mora J; Bloomfield M; Campbell A; Cheng MP; Guy S; Hensgens M; Kalimuddin S; Lee TC; Legg A; Mahar RK; Marks M; Marsh J; McGlothin A; Morpeth SC; Sud A; Ten Oever J; Yahav D; Bonten M; Bowen AC; Daneman N; van Hal SJ; Heriot GS; Lewis RJ; Lye DC; McQuilten Z; Paterson DL; Owen Robinson J; Roberts JA; Scarborough M; Webb SA; Whiteway L; Tong SYC; Davis JS; Walls G; Goodman AL; SNAP Early Oral Switch Domain-Specific Working Group and SNAP Global Trial Steering Committee ; SNAP Trial Group , 2024, 'Early Oral Antibiotic Switch in Staphylococcus aureus Bacteraemia: The Staphylococcus aureus Network Adaptive Platform (SNAP) Trial Early Oral Switch Protocol.', Clin Infect Dis, 79, pp. 871 - 887,
McCabe L; Burns JE; Latifoltojar A; Post FA; Fox J; Pool E; Waters A; Santana B; Garvey L; Johnson M; McGuinness I; Chouhan M; Edwards J; Goodman AL; Cooke G; Murphy C; Collaco-Moraes Y; Webb H; Gregory A; Mohamed F; Rauchenberger M; Ryder SD; Sandford C; Baker JV; Angus B; Boesecke C; Orkin C; Punwani S; Clark A; Gilson R; Dunn D; Pett SL; the MAVMET Study group , 2024, 'MAVMET trial: maraviroc and/or metformin for metabolic dysfunction associated fatty liver disease in adults with suppressed HIV.', AIDS, 38, pp. 1513 - 1522,
Aggarwal NR; Nordwall J; Braun DL; Chung L; Coslet J; Der T; Eriobu N; Ginde AA; Hayanga AJ; Highbarger H; Holodniy M; Horcajada JP; Jain MK; Kim K; Laverdure S; Lundgren J; Natarajan V; Nguyen HH; Pett SL; Phillips A; Poulakou G; Price DA; Robinson P; Rogers AJ; Sandkovsky U; Shaw-Saliba K; Sturek JM; Trautner BW; Waters M; Reilly C; ACTIV-3/TICO Study Group , 2024, 'Viral and Host Factors Are Associated With Mortality in Hospitalized Patients With COVID-19.', Clin Infect Dis, 78, pp. 1490 - 1503,
Moore AEB; Burns JE; Sally D; Milinkovic A; Krokos G; John J; Rookyard C; Borca A; Pool ERM; Tostevin A; Harman A; Dulnoan DS; Gilson R; Arenas-Pinto A; Cook GJR; Saunders J; Dunn D; Blake GM; Pett SL, 2024, 'Bone turnover change after randomized switch from tenofovir disoproxil to tenofovir alafenamide fumarate in men with HIV.', AIDS, 38, pp. 521 - 529,
Scott K; Chappell E; Mostafa A; Volokha A; Najmi N; Ebeid F; Posokhova S; Sikandar R; Vasylyev M; Zulfiqar S; Kaminskyi V; Pett S; Malyuta R; Karpus R; Ayman Y; Ahmed RHM; Hamid S; El-Sayed MH; Gibb D; Judd A; Collins IJ, 2024, 'Acceptability of hepatitis C screening and treatment during pregnancy in pregnant women in Egypt, Pakistan, and Ukraine: A cross-sectional survey.', Clin Liver Dis (Hoboken), 23, pp. e0140,
Ko S; Dominguez-Dominguez L; Ottaway Z; Campbell L; Fox J; Burns F; Hamzah L; Ustianowski A; Clarke A; Kegg S; Schoeman S; Jones R; Pett SL; Hudson J; Post FA, 2024, 'Cardiovascular disease risk in people of African ancestry with HIV in the United Kingdom.', HIV Med, 25, pp. 1289 - 1297,
Hachicha-Maalej N; Collins IJ; Ades AE; Scott K; Judd A; Mostafa A; Chappell E; Hamdy-El-Sayed M; Gibb D; Pett S; Mariné-Barjoan E; Volokha A; Yazdanpanah Y; Deuffic-Burban S, 2024, 'Corrigendum to "Modelling the potential effectiveness of hepatitis C screening and treatment strategies during pregnancy in Egypt and Ukraine" [J Hepatol (2023) 937-946].', J Hepatol, 80, pp. 379,
Arenas-Pinto A; Bakewell N; Milinkovic A; Williams I; Vera J; Post FA; Anderson J; Beynon M; O'Brien A; Doyle N; Gilson R; Pett SL; Winston A; Sabin CA; Pharmacokinetic and clinical Observations in People over fiftY [POPPY]) study , 2024, 'Hepatic steatosis in people older and younger than fifty who are living with HIV and HIV-negative controls: A cross-sectional study nested within the POPPY cohort.', HIV Med, 25, pp. 95 - 106,
Hachicha-Maalej N; Lepers C; Collins IJ; Mostafa A; Ades AE; Judd A; Scott K; Gibb DM; Pett S; Indolfi G; Yazdanpanah Y; El Sayed MH; Deuffic-Burban S, 2024, 'Modelling the potential clinical and economic impact of universal antenatal hepatitis C (HCV) screening and providing treatment for pregnant women with HCV and their infants in Egypt: a cost-effectiveness study.', BMJ Public Health, 2, pp. e000517,
AMR-X Collaborators , 2024, 'System-wide approaches to antimicrobial therapy and antimicrobial resistance in the UK: the AMR-X framework.', Lancet Microbe, 5, pp. e500 - e507,
Anagnostou N; Archuleta S; Athan E; Barina L; Best E; Bloomfield M; Bostock J; Botheras C; Bowen A; Britton P; Burden H; Campbell A; Carter H; Cheng M; Chew KL; Chong IRLM; Coombs G; Daley P; Daneman N; Davies J; Davis J; Dishon-Benattar Y; Dotel R; Dunlop A; Flack F; Flanagan K; Foo H; Ghanem-Zoubi N; Giulieri S; Goodman A; Grant J; Gregson D; Guy S; Gwee A; Hardy E; Henderson A; Heriot G; Howden B; Hudson F; Johnstone J; Kalimuddin S; de Kretser D; Kwa A; Lee T; Legg A; Lewis R; Llewelyn M; Lumley T; Lye D; MacFadden D; Mahar R; Malhame I; Marks M; Marsh J; Martinello M; Matthews G; McArthur C; McGlothlin A; McKew G; McMullan B; McQuilten Z; Milliken E; Mora J; Morpeth S; Murthy S; Nourse C; O'Sullivan M; Paterson D; Paul M; Petersiel N; Petrella L; Pett S; Price D; Roberts J; Robinson JO; Rogers B; Saville B; Scarborough M; Scheetz M; Scheuerman O; Schwartz K; Smith S; Snelling T; Soares M; Sommerville C; Stewardson A; Stone N; Sud A; Tilley R; Tong S; Turner R; Underwood J; van Hal S; Voss L; Walls G; Webb R; Webb S; Whiteway L; Wilson H; Wuerz T; Yahav D, 2023, 'The Staphylococcus aureus Network Adaptive Platform Trial Protocol: New Tools for an Old Foe (vol 75, pg 2027, 2022)', CLINICAL INFECTIOUS DISEASES,
Flower B; Hung LM; Mccabe L; Ansari MA; Le Ngoc C; Vo Thi T; Vu Thi Kim H; Nguyen Thi Ngoc P; Phuong LT; Quang VM; Dang Trong T; Le Thi T; Nguyen Bao T; Kingsley C; Smith D; Hoglund RM; Tarning J; Kestelyn E; Pett SL; van Doorn R; Van Nuil JI; Turner H; Thwaites GE; Barnes E; Rahman M; Walker AS; Day JN; Chau NVV; Cooke GS, 2023, 'Efficacy of ultra-short, response-guided sofosbuvir and daclatasvir therapy for hepatitis C in a single-arm mechanistic pilot study.', Elife, 12,
Grundmann A; Wu C-H; Hardwick M; Baillie JK; Openshaw PJM; Semple MG; Böhning D; Pett S; Michael BD; Thomas RH; Galea I; ISARIC4C investigators , 2023, 'Fewer COVID-19 Neurological Complications with Dexamethasone and Remdesivir.', Ann Neurol, 93, pp. 88 - 102,
Hachicha-Maalej N; Collins IJ; Ades AE; Scott K; Judd A; Mostafa A; Chappell E; Hamdy-El-Sayed M; Gibb D; Pett S; Mariné-Barjoan E; Volokha A; Yazdanpanah Y; Deuffic-Burban S, 2023, 'Modelling the potential effectiveness of hepatitis C screening and treatment strategies during pregnancy in Egypt and Ukraine.', J Hepatol, 78, pp. 937 - 946,
Sy A; McCabe L; Hudson E; Ansari AM; Pedergnana V; Lin S-K; Santana S; Fiorino M; Ala A; Stone B; Smith M; Nelson M; Barclay ST; McPherson S; Ryder SD; Collier J; Barnes E; Walker AS; Pett SL; Cooke G; STOP-HCV-1 trial team , 2023, 'Utility of a buccal swab point-of-care test for the IFNL4 genotype in the era of direct acting antivirals for hepatitis C virus.', PLoS One, 18, pp. e0280551,
Rogers AJ; Wentworth D; Phillips A; Shaw-Saliba K; Dewar RL; Aggarwal NR; Babiker AG; Chang W; Dharan NJ; Davey VJ; Higgs ES; Gerry N; Ginde AA; Hayanga JWA; Highbarger H; Highbarger JL; Jain MK; Kan V; Kim K; Lallemand P; Leshnower BG; Lutaakome JK; Matthews G; Mourad A; Mylonakis E; Natarajan V; Padilla ML; Pandit LM; Paredes R; Pett S; Ramachandruni S; Rehman MT; Sherman BT; Files DC; Brown SM; Matthay MA; Thompson BT; Neaton JD; Lane HC; Lundgren JD, 2022, 'The Association of Baseline Plasma SARS-CoV-2 Nucleocapsid Antigen Level and Outcomes in Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19', Annals of Internal Medicine, 175, pp. 1401 - 1410,
Holland TL; Ginde AA; Paredes R; Murray TA; Engen N; Grandits G; Vekstein A; Ivey N; Mourad A; Sandkovsky U; Gottlieb RL; Berhe M; Jain MK; Marines-Price R; Agbor Agbor BT; Mateu L; España-Cueto S; Lladós G; Mylonakis E; Rogers R; Shehadeh F; Filbin MR; Hibbert KA; Kim K; Tran T; Morris PE; Cassity EP; Trautner B; Pandit LM; Knowlton KU; Leither L; Matthay MA; Rogers AJ; Drake W; Jones B; Poulakou G; Syrigos KN; Fernández-Cruz E; Natale MD; Almasri E; Balerdi-Sarasola L; Bhagani SR; Boyle KL; Casey JD; Chen P; Douin DJ; Files DC; Günthard HF; Hite RD; Hyzy RC; Khan A; Kibirige M; Kidega R; Kiweewa F; Jensen JU; Leshnower BG; Lutaakome JK; Manian P; Menon V; Morales-Rull JL; O'Mahony DS; Overcash JS; Ramachandruni S; Steingrub JS; Taha HS; Waters M; Young BE; Phillips AN; Murray DD; Jensen TO; Padilla ML; Sahner D; Shaw-Saliba K; Dewar RL; Teitelbaum M; Natarajan V; Rehman MT; Pett S; Hudson F; Touloumi G; Brown SM; Self WH; Chang CC; Sánchez A; Weintrob AC; Hatlen T; Grund B; Sharma S; Reilly CS; Garbes P; Esser MT; Templeton A; Babiker AG; Davey VJ; Gelijns AC; Higgs ES; Kan V; Matthews G; Thompson BT; Neaton JD, 2022, 'Tixagevimab–cilgavimab for treatment of patients hospitalised with COVID-19: a randomised, double-blind, phase 3 trial', The Lancet Respiratory Medicine, 10, pp. 972 - 984,
Douin DJ; Siegel L; Grandits G; Phillips A; Aggarwal NR; Baker J; Brown SM; Chang CC; Goodman AL; Grund B; Higgs ES; Hough CL; Murray DD; Paredes R; Parmar M; Pett S; Polizzotto MN; Sandkovsky U; Self WH; Young BE; Babiker AG; Davey VJ; Kan V; Gelijns AC; Matthews G; Thompson BT; Lane HC; Neaton JD; Lundgren JD; Ginde AA; Meintjes GA; Armstrong W; Glidden D; Maldonado Y; Murray BE; Ray SC; Rolla VC; Saloojee H; Tsiatis AA; Volberding PA; Kimmelman J; Hunsberger S, 2022, 'Evaluating Primary Endpoints for COVID-19 Therapeutic Trials to Assess Recovery', American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine, 206, pp. 730 - 739,
Mylonakis E, 2022, 'Efficacy and Safety of Ensovibep for Adults Hospitalized With COVID-19 A Randomized Controlled Trial', Annals of Internal Medicine, 175, pp. 1266 - 1274,
Self WH; Sandkovsky U; Reilly CS; Vock DM; Gottlieb RL; Mack M; Golden K; Dishner E; Vekstein A; Ko ER; Der T; Franzone J; Almasri E; Fayed M; Filbin MR; Hibbert KA; Rice TW; Casey JD; Hayanga JA; Badhwar V; Leshnower BG; Sharifpour M; Knowlton KU; Peltan ID; Bakowska E; Kowalska J; Bowdish ME; Sturek JM; Rogers AJ; Files DC; Mosier JM; Gong MN; Douin DJ; Hite RD; Trautner BW; Jain MK; Gardner EM; Khan A; Jensen JU; Matthay MA; Ginde AA; Brown SM; Higgs ES; Pett S; Weintrob AC; Chang CC; Murrary DD; Günthard HF; Moquete E; Grandits G; Engen N; Grund B; Sharma S; Cao H; Gupta R; Osei S; Margolis D; Zhu Q; Polizzotto MN; Babiker AG; Davey VJ; Kan V; Thompson BT; Gelijns AC; Neaton JD; Lane HC; Jundgren JD; Tierney J; Barrett K; Herpin BR; Smolskis MC; Voge SE; McNay LA; Cahill K; Crew P; Kirchoff M; Sardana R; Raim SS; Chiu J; Hensley L; Lorenzo J; Mock R; Shaw-Saliba K; Zuckerman J; Adam SJ; Currier J; Read S; Hughes E; Amos L; Carlsen A; Carter A; Davis B; Denning E; DuChene A; Harrison M; Kaiser P; Koopmeiners J; Meger S; Murray T; Quan K, 2022, 'Efficacy and safety of two neutralising monoclonal antibody therapies, sotrovimab and BRII-196 plus BRII-198, for adults hospitalised with COVID-19 (TICO): a randomised controlled trial', The Lancet Infectious Diseases, 22, pp. 622 - 635,
Polizzotto M; Nordwall J; Babiker AG; Phillips A; Vock DM; Eriobu N; Khwaghe V; Paredes R; Mateu L; Ramachandruni S; Narang R; Jain MK; Lazarte SM; Baker JV; Frosch AEP; Poulakou G; Syrigos KN; Arnoczy GS; McBride NA; Robinson PA; Sarafian F; Bhagani S; Taha HS; Benfield T; Liu STH; Antoniadou A; Jensen JUS; Kalomenidis I; Susilo A; Hariadi P; Jensen TO; Morales-Rull JL; Helleberg M; Meegada S; Johansen IS; Canario D; Fernández-Cruz E; Metallidis S; Shah A; Sakurai A; Koulouris N; Trotman R; Weintrob AC; Podlekareva D; Hadi U; Lloyd KM; Røge BT; Saito S; Sweerus K; Malin JJ; Lübbert C; Muñoz J; Cummings MJ; Losso MH; Turner D; Shaw-Saliba K; Highbarger H; Lallemand P; Rehman T; Dewar R; Gerry N; Arlinda D; Chang CC; Grund B; Holbrook M; Holley HP; Hudson F; McNay LA; Murray DD; Pett S; Shaughnessy M; Smolskis MC; Touloumi G; Wright M; Doyle MK; Popik S; Hall C; Ramanathan R; Cao H; Mondou E; Willis T; Thakuria JV; Yel L; Higgs E; Kan VL; Lundgren JD; Neaton JD; Lane HC; Amos L; Carlsen A; Carter A; Davis B; Denning E; DuChene A; Engen N; Grandits G; Harrison M; Kaiser P; Meger S; Murray T, 2022, 'Hyperimmune immunoglobulin for hospitalised patients with COVID-19 (ITAC): a double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3, randomised trial', The Lancet, 399, pp. 530 - 540,
Murray DD; Babiker AG; Baker JV; Barkauskas CE; Brown SM; Chang CC; Davey VJ; Gelijns AC; Ginde AA; Grund B; Higgs E; Hudson F; Kan VL; Lane HC; Murray TA; Paredes R; Parmar MKB; Pett S; Phillips AN; Polizzotto MN; Reilly C; Sandkovsky U; Sharma S; Teitelbaum M; Thompson BT; Young BE; Neaton JD; Lundgren JD, 2022, 'Design and implementation of an international, multi-arm, multi-stage platform master protocol for trials of novel SARS-CoV-2 antiviral agents: Therapeutics for Inpatients with COVID-19 (TICO/ACTIV-3)', Clinical Trials, 19, pp. 52 - 61,
Hung RKY; Binns-Roemer E; Booth JW; Hilton R; Harber M; Santana-Suarez B; Campbell L; Fox J; Ustianowski A; Cosgrove C; Burns JE; Clarke A; Price DA; Chadwick D; Onyango D; Hamzah L; Bramham K; Sabin CA; Winkler CA; Post FA; GEN-AFRICA Study Group , 2022, 'Genetic Variants of APOL1 Are Major Determinants of Kidney Failure in People of African Ancestry With HIV.', Kidney Int Rep, 7, pp. 786 - 796,
Hung RKY; Rosenberg K-L; David V; Binns-Roemer E; Booth JW; Hilton R; Fox J; Burns F; Ustianowski A; Cosgrove C; Hamzah L; Burns JE; Clarke A; Chadwick D; Price DA; Kegg S; Campbell L; Bramham K; Sabin CA; Post FA; Winkler CA; GEN-AFRICA Study Group , 2022, 'GSTM1 Copy Number and Kidney Disease in People With HIV.', Kidney Int Rep, 7, pp. 1901 - 1904,
Burns JE; Stirrup O; Waters L; Dunn D; Gilson R; Pett SL, 2022, 'No overall impact on rate of weight gain with integrase inhibitor-containing regimens in antiretroviral-naïve adults.', HIV Med, 23, pp. 294 - 300,
Grundmann A; Hardwick M; Wu C-H; Semple M; Böhning D; Pett S; Michael B; Thomas R; Galea I, 2022, 'Prevention of neurological complications during COVID-19: a retrospective analysis of the ISARIC4C national cohort', Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry, 93, pp. e2.135 - e2.135,
Hung RKY; Binns-Roemer E; Booth JW; Hilton R; Fox J; Burns F; Harber M; Ustianowski A; Hamzah L; Burns JE; Clarke A; Price DA; Kegg S; Onyango D; Santana-Suarez B; Campbell L; Bramham K; Sharpe CC; Sabin CA; Winkler CA; Post FA; GEN-AFRICA Study Group , 2022, 'Sickle Cell Trait and Kidney Disease in People of African Ancestry With HIV.', Kidney Int Rep, 7, pp. 465 - 473,
Murray DD; Babiker AG; Baker J; Barkauskas CE; Brown SM; Chang CC; Davey VJ; Gelijns AC; Ginde AA; Grund B; Higgs E; Hudson F; Kan VL; Lane HC; Murray TA; Paredes R; Parmar MKB; Pett S; Phillips AN; Polizzotto MN; Reilly C; Sandkovsky U; Sharma S; Teitelbaum M; Thompson BT; Young BE; Neaton JD; Lundgren JD, 2021, 'Design and implementation of an international, multi-arm, multi-stage platform master protocol for trials of novel SARS-CoV-2 antiviral agents: Therapeutics for Inpatients with COVID-19 (TICO/ACTIV-3)', CLINICAL TRIALS, 19, pp. 52 - 61,
Hung R; Patel N; Fox J; Cosgrove C; Pett SL; Burns F; Ustianowski A; Rosenvinge M; Bhagani S; Dusheiko G; Childs K; Post FA; GEN-AFRICA study group , 2021, 'Prevalence of HIV/hepatitis B and HIV/hepatitis C coinfection among people of East, South, Central and West African ancestry in the United Kingdom.', AIDS, 35, pp. 1701 - 1704,
Cooke GS; Pett S; McCabe L; Jones C; Gilson R; Verma S; Ryder SD; Collier JD; Barclay ST; Ala A; Bhagani S; Nelson M; Ch'Ng C; Stone B; Wiselka M; Forton D; McPherson S; Halford R; Nguyen D; Smith D; Ansari A; Dennis E; Hudson F; Barnes EJ; Walker AS, 2021, 'Strategic treatment optimization for HCV (STOPHCV1): a randomised controlled trial of ultrashort duration therapy for chronic hepatitis C', Wellcome Open Research, 6, pp. 93 - 93,
Yang H; Llano A; Cedeño S; von Delft A; Corcuera A; Gillespie GM; Knox A; Leneghan DB; Frater J; Stöhr W; Fidler S; Mothe B; Mak J; Brander C; Ternette N; Dorrell L; Research in Viral Eradication of Reservoirs (RIVER) trial study group , 2021, 'Incoming HIV virion-derived Gag Spacer Peptide 2 (p1) is a target of effective CD8+ T cell antiviral responses.', Cell Rep, 35, pp. 109103,
Pett SL; Spyer M; Haddow LJ; Nhema R; Benjamin LA; Najjuka G; Bilima S; Daud I; Musoro G; Kitabalwa J; Selemani G; Kandie S; Cornelius KM; Katemba C; Berkley JA; Hassan AS; Kityo C; Hakim J; Heyderman RS; Gibb DM; Walker AS, 2021, 'Benefits of enhanced infection prophylaxis at antiretroviral therapy initiation by cryptococcal antigen status', AIDS, 35, pp. 585 - 594,
Butler M; Tamborska A; Wood GK; Ellul M; Thomas RH; Galea I; Pett S; Singh B; Solomon T; Pollak TA; Michael BD; Nicholson TR, 2021, 'Considerations for causality assessment of neurological and neuropsychiatric complications of SARS-CoV-2 vaccines: from cerebral venous sinus thrombosis to functional neurological disorder.', J Neurol Neurosurg Psychiatry, 92, pp. 1144 - 1151,
Flower B; McCabe L; Le Ngoc C; Le Manh H; Le Thanh P; Dang Trong T; Vo Thi T; Vu Thi Kim H; Nguyen Tat T; Phan Thi Hong D; Nguyen Thi Chau A; Dinh Thi T; Tran Thi Tuyet N; Tarning J; Kingsley C; Kestelyn E; Pett SL; Thwaites G; Nguyen Van VC; Smith D; Barnes E; Ansari MA; Turner H; Rahman M; Walker AS; Day J; Cooke GS, 2021, 'High Cure Rates for Hepatitis C Virus Genotype 6 in Advanced Liver Fibrosis With 12 Weeks Sofosbuvir and Daclatasvir: The Vietnam SEARCH Study.', Open Forum Infect Dis, 8, pp. ofab267,
Judd A; Collins IJ; Pett S; Gibb DM, 2021, 'Labour pains: eliminating HCV in women and children.', Lancet Gastroenterol Hepatol, 6, pp. 150 - 151,
Wendt CH; Castro-Pearson S; Proper J; Pett S; Griffin TJ; Kan V; Carbone J; Koulouris N; Reilly C; Neaton JD; INSIGHT FLU003 Plus Study Group , 2021, 'Metabolite profiles associated with disease progression in influenza infection.', PLoS One, 16, pp. e0247493,
Ray STJ; Abdel-Mannan O; Sa M; Fuller C; Wood GK; Pysden K; Yoong M; McCullagh H; Scott D; McMahon M; Thomas N; Taylor M; Illingworth M; McCrea N; Davies V; Whitehouse W; Zuberi S; Guthrie K; Wassmer E; Shah N; Baker MR; Tiwary S; Tan HJ; Varma U; Ram D; Avula S; Enright N; Hassell J; Ross Russell AL; Kumar R; Mulholland RE; Pett S; Galea I; Thomas RH; Lim M; Hacohen Y; Solomon T; Griffiths MJ; Michael BD; Kneen R; CoroNerve study group , 2021, 'Neurological manifestations of SARS-CoV-2 infection in hospitalised children and adolescents in the UK: a prospective national cohort study.', Lancet Child Adolesc Health, 5, pp. 631 - 641,
Alagaratnam J; Stöhr W; Toombs J; Heslegrave A; Zetterberg H; Gisslén M; Pett S; Nelson M; Clarke A; Nwokolo N; Johnson MA; Khan M; Hanke T; Kopycinski J; Dorrell L; Fox J; Kinloch S; Underwood J; Pace M; Frater J; Winston A; Fidler S; RIVER trial study group , 2021, 'No evidence of neuronal damage as measured by neurofilament light chain in a HIV cure study utilising a kick-and-kill approach.', J Virus Erad, 7, pp. 100056,
Nugent D; Stirrup O; Pett S; Panwar K; Checchi M; Mesher D; Soldan K; Beddows S; Gilson R, 2021, 'Performance of human papillomavirus DNA detection in residual specimens taken for Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoeae nucleic acid amplification testing in men who have sex with men.', Sex Transm Infect, 97, pp. 541 - 546,
Ross Russell AL; Hardwick M; Jeyanantham A; White LM; Deb S; Burnside G; Joy HM; Smith CJ; Pollak TA; Nicholson TR; Davies NWS; Manji H; Easton A; Ray S; Zandi MS; Coles JP; Menon DK; Varatharaj A; McCausland B; Ellul MA; Thomas N; Breen G; Keddie S; Lunn MP; Burn JPS; Quattrocchi G; Dixon L; Rice CM; Pengas G; Al-Shahi Salman R; Carson A; Joyce EM; Turner MR; Benjamin LA; Solomon T; Kneen R; Pett S; Thomas RH; Michael BD; Galea I, 2021, 'Spectrum, risk factors and outcomes of neurological and psychiatric complications of COVID-19: a UK-wide cross-sectional surveillance study.', Brain Commun, 3, pp. fcab168,
Russell AR; Hardwick M; Jeyanantham A; White L; Deb S; Burnside G; Joy H; Smith C; Pollak T; Nicholson T; Davies N; Manji H; Easton A; Ray S; Zandi M; Coles J; Menon D; Varatharaj A; Mccausland B; Ellul M; Thomas N; Breen G; Keddie S; Lunn M; Salman RA-S; Carson A; Joyce E; Turner M; Benjamin L; Solomon T; Kneen R; Pett S; Thomas R; Michael B; Galea I, 2021, 'Spectrum, risk factors and outcomes of neurological complications of COVID-19', Journal of the Neurological Sciences, 429, pp. 117807 - 117807,
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