Book Chapters
Sharma S, 2023, 'Inequities in pain: pain in low- and middle-income countries and among indigenous peoples', in Pain A Textbook for Health Professionals, Elsevier
Sharma S, 2022, 'A Framework to Guide the Development of Health Care Professional Education and Training in Best Evidence Osteoarthritis Care', in Osteoarthritis, an Issue of Clinics in Geriatric Medicine, 38, Elsevier
Journal articles
Gava V; Xavier de Araujo F; Sharma S; Abbott JH; Lamb SE; Ribeiro DC, 2025, 'Insufficient structure and reporting of process evaluations of complex interventions for musculoskeletal conditions in randomized controlled trials: a systematic review', Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 179,
Selva Ganapathy V; Desai G; Krishnamurthy L; Manjula M; Banu MR; R V; Sharma S, 2025, 'Development of pain science education for chronic low back pain in India.', J Man Manip Ther, pp. 1 - 7,
Karran EL; Cashin AG; Barker T; Boyd MA; Chiarotto A; Mohabir V; Petkovic J; Sharma S; Tugwell P; Moseley GL, 2025, 'It is time to take a broader equity lens to highlight health inequalities in people with pain', British Journal of Anaesthesia, 134, pp. 235 - 237,
Orange GM; Hince DA; Travers MJ; Stanton TR; Jones M; Sharma S; Kim S; Wand BM; Murphy MC, 2025, 'Physical Function Following Total Knee Arthroplasty for Osteoarthritis: A Longitudinal Systematic Review With Meta-analysis', Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 55, pp. 1 - 11,
Maharjan R; Bovonsunthonchai S; Vachalathiti R; Basnet R; Pathak A; Hill J; Sharma S, 2024, 'The STarT Back Screening Tool: The Nepali Translation, Cross-Cultural Adaptation and Measurement Properties in Adults With Non-Specific Low Back Pain', Musculoskeletal Care, 22,
Rizzo RRN; Wand BM; Leake HB; O’Hagan ET; Traeger AC; Gustin SM; Moseley GL; Sharma S; Cashin AG; Bagg MK; McAuley JH; Bunzli S, 2024, 'Why might fears and worries persist after a pain education-grounded multimodal intervention for chronic back pain? A qualitative study', Pain Reports, 9, pp. e1197,
Raghava Neelapala YV; Sharma S; C. Carlesso L, 2024, 'Exploring the association of gender role expectations of pain and measures of pain sensitization in people with knee osteoarthritis: A cross-sectional study', Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 32, pp. 1172 - 1177,
Jin Y; Guo C; Abbasian M; Abbasifard M; Abbott JH; Abdullahi A; Abedi A; Abidi H; Abolhassani H; Abu-Gharbieh E; Aburuz S; Abu-Zaid A; Addo IY; Adegboye OA; Adepoju AV; Adikusuma W; Adnani QES; Aghamiri S; Ahmad D; Ahmed A; Aithala JP; Akhlaghi S; Akkala S; Alalwan TA; Albashtawy M; Alemi H; Alhalaiqa FAN; Ali EA; Almustanyir S; Al-Raddadi RM; Alvis-Zakzuk NJ; Al-Worafi YM; Alzahrani H; Alzoubi KH; Amiri S; Amu H; Amzat J; Anderson DB; Anil A; Antony B; Arabloo J; Areda D; Artaman A; Artamonov AA; Aryal KK; Asghari-Jafarabadi M; Ashraf T; Athari SS; Atinafu BT; Atout MMDW; Azadnajafabad S; Azhdari Tehrani H; Azzam AY; Badawi A; Baghcheghi N; Bai R; Baigi V; Banach M; Banakar M; Banik B; Bardhan M; Bärnighausen TW; Barqawi HJ; Barrow A; Bashiri A; Batra K; Bayani M; Bayileyegn NS; Begde A; Beyene KA; Bhagavathula AS; Bhardwaj P; Bhatti GK; Bhatti JS; Bhatti R; Bijani A; Bitra VR; Brazo-Sayavera J; Buchbinder R; Burkart K; Bustanji Y; Butt MH; Cámera LA; Carvalho F; Chattu VK; Chaurasia A; Chen G; Chen H; Chen L; Christensen SWMP; Chu DT; Chukwu IS; Comachio J; Cruz-Martins N; Cuschieri S; Dadana S; Dadras O; Dai X; Dai Z; Das S, 2024, 'Global pattern, trend, and cross-country inequality of early musculoskeletal disorders from 1990 to 2019, with projection from 2020 to 2050', Med, 5, pp. 943 - 962.e6,
Sharma S; Pathak A; Parker R; Costa LOP; Ghai B; Igwesi-Chidobe C; Janwantanakul P; de Jesus-Moraleida FR; Chala MB; Pourahmadi M; Briggs AM; Gorgon E; Ardern CL; Khan KM; McAuley JH; Alghwiri AA; Aoko OA; Badamasi HS; Calvache JA; Cardosa MS; Ganesh S; Gashaw M; Ghiringhelli J; Gigena S; Hasan ATMT; Haq SA; Jacob ENW; van Rensburg DCJ; Kossi O; Liu C; Malani R; Mason BJN; Najem C; Nava-Bringas TI; Nduwimana I; Perera R; Perveen W; Pierobon A; Pinto E; Pinto RZ; Purwanto F; Rahimi MD; Reis FJJ; Siddiq AB; Shrestha D; Tamang M; Vasanthan LT; Viljoen C, 2024, 'How Low Back Pain is Managed—A Mixed-Methods Study in 32 Countries. Part 2 of Low Back Pain in Low- and Middle-Income Countries Series', Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 54, pp. 560 - 572,
Gilanyi YL; Rizzo RRN; Sharma S; Venter M; McAuley JH; Jones MD, 2024, 'A Qualitative Study Identifying Barriers and Enablers to Exercise Adherence in People with Chronic Low Back Pain. “It's a personal journey”', Journal of Pain, 25, pp. 104488,
Hansford HJ; Jones MD; Cashin AG; Ostelo RWJG; Chiarotto A; Williams SA; Sharma S; Rose JM; Devonshire JJ; Ferraro MC; Wewege MA; McAuley JH, 2024, 'The Smallest Worthwhile Effect on Pain Intensity of Exercise Therapy for People With Chronic Low Back Pain: A Discrete Choice Experiment Study', Journal of Orthopaedic and Sports Physical Therapy, 54, pp. 477 - 485,
Ciobanu LG; Baryshnikova NV; Jawahar MC; Toben CG; Sokolenko E; Arnet VK; Addo IY; Adegboye OA; Ahinkorah BO; Alam K; Alif SM; Ameyaw EK; Anderlini D; Angell B; Ansar A; Anyasodor AE; Astell-Burt T; Atorkey P; Ayala Quintanilla BP; Ayano G; Babu AS; Bagheri N; Baune BT; Bhandari D; Bhaskar S; Boufous S; Briggs AM; Bulamu NB; Burns RA; Carvalho AF; Cerin E; Cherbuin N; Chowdhury EK; Cross M; De Leo D; Driscoll TR; Du M; Edvardsson D; Edvardsson K; Efendi F; Endalamaw A; Fauk NK; Flavel J; Franklin RC; Gill TK; Gupta B; Gupta VK; Hamiduzzaman M; Hankey GJ; Hay SI; Hebert JJ; Hendrie D; Hill CL; Huda MM; Islam SMS; Kaambwa B; Kandel H; Kassie GM; Kerr JA; Khan A; Khan MN; Kulkarni V; Lalloo R; Le LKD; Leigh J; Liu G; Mahumud RA; Mamun AA; McGrath JJ; Meretoja A; Miller TR; Mitchell PB; Mokdad AH; Morawska L; Obamiro KO; Peden AE; Pesudovs K; Rahman A; Rahman MM; Rahman MA; Ratan ZA; Rawal L; Rumisha SF; Sachdev PS; Seidu AA; Sharma S; Shorofi SA; Siabani S; Singh A; Singh BB; Slater H; Stokes MA; Subedi N; Tadakamadla SK; Thrift AG; Tran MTN; Vandelanotte C; Wang N; Ward P; Woodward M, 2024, 'Pre-COVID life expectancy, mortality, and burden of diseases for adults 70 years and older in Australia: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease 2019 Study', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 47,
Vollset SE; Ababneh HS; Abate YH; Abbafati C; Abbasgholizadeh R; Abbasian M; Abbastabar H; Abd Al Magied AHA; ElHafeez SA; Abdelkader A; Abdelmasseh M; Abd-Elsalam S; Abdi P; Abdollahi M; Abdoun M; Abdullahi A; Abebe M; Abiodun O; Aboagye RG; Abolhassani H; Abouzid M; Aboye GB; Abreu LG; Absalan A; Abualruz H; Abubakar B; Abukhadijah HJJ; Addolorato G; Adekanmbi V; Adetunji CO; Adetunji JB; Adeyeoluwa TE; Adha R; Adhikary RK; Adnani QES; Adzigbli LA; Afrashteh F; Afzal MS; Afzal S; Agbozo F; Agodi A; Agrawal A; Agyemang-Duah W; Ahinkorah BO; Ahlstrom AJ; Ahmad A; Ahmad F; Ahmad MM; Ahmad S; Ahmad S; Ahmed A; Ahmed A; Ahmed H; Ahmed S; Ahmed SA; Akinosoglou K; Akkaif MA; Akrami AE; Akter E; Awaidy SA; Al Hasan SM; Al Mosa AS; Al Ta'ani O; Al Zaabi OAM; Alahdab F; Alajlani MM; Al-Ajlouni Y; Alalalmeh SO; Al-Aly Z; Alam K; Alam N; Alam T; Alam Z; Al-Amer RM; Alanezi FM; Alanzi TM; Albakri A; Aldhaleei WA; Aldridge RW; Alemohammad SY; Alemu YM; Al-Gheethi AAS; Al-Hanawi MK; Ali A; Ali A; Ali I; Ali MU; Ali R; Ali SSS; Ali VE; Ali W; Al-Ibraheem A; Alicandro G; Alif SM; Aljunid SM; Alla F; Almazan JU; Al-Mekhlafi HM; Alqutaibi AY; Alrawashdeh A; Mitchell P; Boufous S; Onie S; Dai-Keller Z; Sharma S; Sundstorm J; Peprah P; Schutte A; Pesudovs K; Peden A; Resnikoff S; Sachdev P; Si Y; Feng X, 2024, 'Burden of disease scenarios for 204 countries and territories, 2022–2050: a forecasting analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021', The Lancet, 403, pp. 2204 - 2256,
Schumacher AE; Kyu HH; Antony CM; Aravkin AY; Azhar GS; Bisignano C; Burkart K; Cercy KM; Chung E; Coberly K; Comfort H; Cousin E; Culbreth GT; Cunningham M; Weaver ND; Degenhardt L; Deitesfeld L; Dirac MA; Estep K; Feigin VL; Flaxman AD; Flor LS; Force LM; Fuller JE; Gakidou E; Hay SI; Ikuta KS; Jones DP; Kassebaum NJ; Kassel MB; Keller C; Kinzel KE; Krohn KJ; Lozano R; May EA; McKowen ALW; McLaughlin SA; Mehlman ML; Mestrovic T; Mokdad AH; Mosser JF; Mougin V; Naghavi M; Nesbit OD; Novotney A; Ozten Y; Pease SA; Pigott DM; Reiner RC; Robinson-Oden HE; Shaw DH; Slepak ELN; Sorensen RJD; Verghese NA; Vollset SE; Vongpradith A; Vos T; Wang D; Watson S; Weaver MR; Wells KM; Wilson S; Wool EE; Zheng P; Lim SS; Murray CJL; Boyko EJ; Chahine Y; Kalani R; Krishnamoorthy V; Khalil IA; Minja NW; Morrison SD; Nafukho FM; Olivas-Martinez A; Orellana ER; Tram KH; Aali A; Rahnavard N; Ahmadzade AM; Mohammad-Pour S; Morovatdar N; Pourali G; Zafari N; Abbafati C; Cattaruzza MS; Abbas J; Phillips MR; Abbasgholizadeh R; Emamverdi M; Friedman J; Abbasi MA; Daneshvar S; Dashti M; Ghasemzadeh A; Mirza-Aghazadeh-Attari M; Doshmangir L; Ghafourifard M; Lotfi M; Hosseini MS; Mitchell P; Sharma S; Xu L; Addo I; Biswas RK; Okeke S; Aboagye R; Huda MN; Cullen P; Sitas F; Resnikoff S; Si Y; Dai-Keller Z, 2024, 'Global age-sex-specific mortality, life expectancy, and population estimates in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1950–2021, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic: a comprehensive demographic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021', The Lancet, 403, pp. 1989 - 2056,
Naghavi M; Ong KL; Aali A; Ababneh HS; Abate YH; Abbafati C; Abbasgholizadeh R; Abbasian M; Abbasi-Kangevari M; Abbastabar H; Abd ElHafeez S; Abdelmasseh M; Abd-Elsalam S; Abdelwahab A; Abdollahi M; Abdollahifar MA; Abdoun M; Abdulah DM; Abdullahi A; Abebe M; Abebe SS; Abedi A; Abegaz KH; Abhilash ES; Abidi H; Abiodun O; Aboagye RG; Abolhassani H; Abolmaali M; Abouzid M; Aboye GB; Abreu LG; Abrha WA; Abtahi D; Abu Rumeileh S; Abualruz H; Abubakar B; Abu-Gharbieh E; Abu-Rmeileh NM; Aburuz S; Abu-Zaid A; Accrombessi MMK; Adal TG; Adamu AA; Addo IY; Addolorato G; Adebiyi AO; Adekanmbi V; Adepoju AV; Adetunji CO; Adetunji JB; Adeyeoluwa TE; Adeyinka DA; Adeyomoye OI; Admass BA; Adnani QES; Adra S; Afolabi AA; Afzal MS; Afzal S; Agampodi SB; Agasthi P; Aggarwal M; Aghamiri S; Agide FD; Agodi A; Agrawal A; Agyemang-Duah W; Ahinkorah BO; Ahmad A; Ahmad D; Ahmad F; Ahmad MM; Ahmad S; Ahmad S; Ahmad T; Ahmadi K; Ahmadzade AM; Ahmed A; Ahmed A; Ahmed H; Ahmed LA; Ahmed MS; Ahmed MS; Ahmed MB; Ahmed SA; Ajami M; Aji B; Akara EM; Akbarialiabad H; Akinosoglou K; Akinyemiju T; Akkaif MA; Akyirem S; Al Hamad H; Al Hasan SM; Alahdab F; Alalalmeh SO; Alalwan TA; Al-Aly Z; Sharma S; Mitchell P; Cullen P; Xu L; Peprah P; Degenhardt L; Sitas F; Schutte A; Pesudovs K; Maulik PK; Godinho M; Okeke S; Hunter J; Sachdev P; Dai-Keller Z, 2024, 'Global burden of 288 causes of death and life expectancy decomposition in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021', The Lancet, 403, pp. 2100 - 2132,
Ferrari AJ; Santomauro DF; Aali A; Abate YH; Abbafati C; Abbastabar H; Abd ElHafeez S; Abdelmasseh M; Abd-Elsalam S; Abdollahi A; Abdullahi A; Abegaz KH; Zuñiga RAA; Aboagye RG; Abolhassani H; Abreu LG; Abualruz H; Abu-Gharbieh E; Abu-Rmeileh NME; Ackerman IN; Addo IY; Addolorato G; Adebiyi AO; Adepoju AV; Adewuyi HO; Afyouni S; Afzal S; Afzal S; Agodi A; Ahmad A; Ahmad D; Ahmad F; Ahmad S; Ahmed A; Ahmed LA; Ahmed MB; Ajami M; Akinosoglou K; Akkaif MA; Al Hasan SM; Alalalmeh SO; Al-Aly Z; Albashtawy M; Aldridge RW; Alemu MD; Alemu YM; Alene KA; Ali Saeed A; Al-Gheethi ; Alharrasi M; Alhassan RK; Ali MU; Ali R; Ali SSS; Alif SM; Aljunid SM; Al-Marwani S; Almazan JU; Alomari MA; Al-Omari B; Altaany Z; Alvis-Guzman N; Alvis-Zakzuk NJ; Alwafi H; Al-Wardat MS; Al-Worafi YM; Aly S; Alzoubi KH; Amare AT; Amegbor PM; Ameyaw EK; Amin TT; Amindarolzarbi A; Amiri S; Amugsi DA; Ancuceanu R; Anderlini D; Anderson DB; Andrade PP; Andrei CL; Ansari H; Antony CM; Anwar S; Anwar SL; Anwer R; Anyanwu PE; Arab JP; Arabloo J; Arafat M; Araki DT; Aravkin AY; Arkew M; Armocida B; Arndt MB; Arooj M; Artamonov AA; Aruleba RT; Arumugam A; Ashbaugh C; Ashemo MY; Onie S; Godinho M; Okeke S; Dai-Keller Z; Sharma S; Xu L; Peprah P; Degenhardt L; Pesudovs K; Peden A; Hunter J; Sachdev P; Mitchell P; Leung J, 2024, 'Global incidence, prevalence, years lived with disability (YLDs), disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs), and healthy life expectancy (HALE) for 371 diseases and injuries in 204 countries and territories and 811 subnational locations, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021', The Lancet, 403, pp. 2133 - 2161,
Décary S; de Wit M; Naye F; Barton JL; Fraenkel L; Li LC; Brooks P; Stacey D; Maxwell LJ; Campbell W; Hofstetter C; Voshaar M; Meara A; Christensen R; Boonen A; Suarez-Almazor ME; Meade T; March L; Jull JE; Alten R; Morgan EM; Stewart Hazlewood G; Barber CEH; Guillemin F; El-Miedany Y; Mittoo S; Robertson TW; Bartlett SJ; Singh JA; Mannion M; Nasef SI; Boel A; Adebajo A; Arnaud L; Gill TK; Moholt E; Burt J; Jayatilleke A; Hmamouchi I; Berthelsen DB; Blanco FJ; Mather K; Maharaj A; Sharma S; Caso F; Beaton D; Shea B; Fong C; Fernandez AP; Mackie S; Nikiphorou E; Jones A; Greer-Smith R; Sloan VS; Akpabio A; Strand V; Lee RR; Umaefulam V; Monti S; Abaza N; Schultz G; Stones S; Gossec L; Nielsen SM; Cavallo S; Srinivasalu H; Constien D; Evans V; Tugwell P; Toupin-April K, 2024, 'Consensus on the definitions and descriptions of the domains of the OMERACT Core Outcome Set for shared decision making interventions in rheumatology trials', Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 65,
Karmacharya RM; Maharjan S; Vaidya S; Bhatt S; Sharma S; Timalsina G; Kunwar K; Joshi HN, 2024, 'Diabetic Foot Ulcer and its Associated Risk Factors in Diabetic Patients with Peripheral Arterial Disease Presenting in the University Hospital of Nepal', Kathmandu University Medical Journal, 22, pp. 175 - 178
Weinbrecht-Mischkewitz M; Kamal M; Asim F; Guillemin F; Goel N; Voshaar M; Boonen A; Berthelsen DB; Toupin-April K; Lopez-Olivo MA; Sloan VS; Boers M; Jones CA; van der Horst-Bruinsma I; Cashin AG; Sharma S; Leong A; Alten R; Shea B; March L; Tugwell P; Christensen R; Nielsen SM, 2024, 'Generating a list of potentially important contextual factors covering randomized trials, cohorts, and measurement property studies: An OMERACT initiative', Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 65,
Naye F; Toupin-April K; de Wit M; LeBlanc A; Dubois O; Boonen A; Barton JL; Fraenkel L; Li LC; Stacey D; March L; Barber CEH; Hazlewood GS; Guillemin F; Bartlett SJ; Berthelsen DB; Mather K; Arnaud L; Akpabio A; Adebajo A; Schultz G; Sloan VS; Gill TK; Sharma S; Scholte-Voshaar M; Caso F; Nikiphorou E; Nasef SI; Campbell W; Meara A; Christensen R; Suarez-Almazor ME; Jull JE; Alten R; Morgan EM; El-Miedany Y; Singh JA; Burt J; Jayatilleke A; Hmamouchi I; Blanco FJ; Fernandez AP; Mackie S; Jones A; Strand V; Monti S; Stones SR; Lee RR; Nielsen SM; Evans V; Srinivasalu H; Gérard T; Demers JLB; Bouchard R; Stefan T; Dugas M; Bergeron F; Beaton D; Maxwell LJ; Tugwell P; Décary S, 2024, 'OMERACT Core outcome measurement set for shared decision making in rheumatic and musculoskeletal conditions: a scoping review to identify candidate instruments', Seminars in Arthritis and Rheumatism, 65,
Basnet R; Jensen MP; Pathak A; Gurung G; Thagunna NS; Elisa Maharjan ; Hansford H; Riju Maharjan ; Nicholas M; Sharma S, 2024, 'Self-Efficacy in Nepali Adults With Musculoskeletal Pain: Measurement Properties of Hard-Copy and Online Versions of the Pain Self-Efficacy Questionnaire', Journal of Pain, 25, pp. 918 - 933,
Wu AM; Cross M; Elliott JM; Culbreth GT; Cousin E; Haile LM; Steinmetz JD; Hagins H; Kopec JA; Brooks PM; Woolf AD; Kopansky-Giles DR; Walton DM; Treleaven JM; Dreinhoefer KE; Betteridge N; Abbasifard M; Abbasi-Kangevari Z; Addo IY; Adesina MA; Adnani QES; Aithala JP; Alhalaiqa FAN; Alimohamadi Y; Amiri S; Amu H; Antony B; Arabloo J; Aravkin AY; Asghari-Jafarabadi M; Atomsa GH; Azadnajafabad S; Azzam AY; Baghdadi S; Balogun SA; Balta AB; Banach M; Banakar M; Barrow A; Bashiri A; Bekele A; Bensenor IM; Bhardwaj P; Bhat AN; Bilchut AH; Briggs AM; Buchbinder R; Cao C; Chaurasia A; Chirinos-Caceres JL; Christensen SWMP; Coberly K; Dadras O; Dai X; de Luca K; Dehghan A; Dong HJ; Ekholuenetale M; Elhadi M; Eshetu HB; Eskandarieh S; Etaee F; Fagbamigbe AF; Fares J; Fatehizadeh A; Feizkhah A; Ferreira ML; Ferreira N; Fischer F; Franklin RC; Ganesan B; Gebremichael MA; Gerema U; Gholami A; Ghozy S; Gill TK; Golechha M; Goleij P; Golinelli D; Graham SM; Haj-Mirzaian A; Harlianto NI; Hartvigsen J; Hasanian M; Hassen MB; Hay SI; Hebert JJ; Heidari G; Hoveidaei AH; Hsiao AK; Ibitoye SE; Iwu CCD; Jacob L; Janodia MD; Jin Y; Jonas JB; Joshua CE; Kandel H; Khader YS; Khajuria H, 2024, 'Global, regional, and national burden of neck pain, 1990–2020, and projections to 2050: a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021', The Lancet Rheumatology, 6, pp. e142 - e155,
Chang JR; Cheung YK; Sharma S; Li SX; Tao RR; Lee JLC; Sun ER; Pinto SM; Zhou Z; Fong H; Chan WW; Zheng K; Samartzis D; Fu SN; Wong AY, 2024, 'Comparative effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions on sleep in individuals with chronic musculoskeletal pain: A systematic review with network meta-analysis', Sleep Medicine Reviews, 73,
Sharma S; Verhagen A; Elkins M; Brismée JM; Fulk GD; Taradaj J; Steen L; Jette A; Moore A; Stewart A; Hoogenboom BJ; Söderlund A; Harms M; Zambelli Pinto R, 2024, 'Research from Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries Will Benefit Global Health and the Physiotherapy Profession, but It Requires Support', Journal of Neurologic Physical Therapy, 48, pp. 1 - 5,
Sharma S; Verhagen AP; Elkins M; Brismée JM; Fulk GD; Taradaj J; Steen L; Jette A; Moore A; Stewart A; Hoogenboom BJ; Söderlund A; Harms M; Pinto RZ, 2024, 'Research from low-income and middle-income countries will benefit global health and the physiotherapy profession, but it requires support', Journal of Physiotherapy, 70, pp. 1 - 4,
Karran EL; Cashin AG; Barker T; Boyd MA; Chiarotto A; Mohabir V; Petkovic J; Sharma S; Tugwell P; Moseley GL, 2024, 'Development of recommendations for a minimum dataset for Identifying Social factors that Stratify Health Opportunities and Outcomes (ISSHOOs) in pain research', METHODSX, 12,
Mensah GA; Fuster V; Murray CJL; Roth GA; Mensah GA; Abate YH; Abbasian M; Abd-Allah F; Abdollahi A; Abdollahi M; Abdulah DM; Abdullahi A; Abebe AM; Abedi A; Abedi A; Abiodun OO; Ali HA; Abu-Gharbieh E; Abu-Rmeileh NME; Aburuz S; Abushouk AI; Abu-Zaid A; Adane TD; Adderley NJ; Adebayo OM; Aden B; Adeyeoluwa TE; Adeyomoye OI; Adnani QES; Afrashteh F; Afyouni S; Afzal S; Agasthi P; Agodi A; Arriagada CEA; Agyemang-Duah W; Ahinkorah BO; Ahmad A; Ahmad D; Ahmad F; Ahmad MM; Ahmed A; Ahmed H; Ahmed MB; Ahmed SA; Ajami M; Akinosoglou K; Ala M; AL-Ahdal TMA; Alalalmeh SO; Al-Aly Z; Alam N; Al-Amer RM; Alashi A; Albashtawy M; AlBataineh MT; Alema HB; Alemi S; Alemu YM; Al-Gheethi AAS; Alhabib KF; Alhalaiqa FAN; Ali MU; Ali R; Ali SSS; Alicandro G; Alikhani R; Aljunid SM; Alla F; Almahmeed W; Al-Marwani S; Alonso J; Al-Raddadi RM; Alvi FJ; Alvis-Guzman N; Alvis-Zakzuk NJ; Alwafi H; Aly H; Amegbor PM; Amin TT; Amindarolzarbi A; Amini-Rarani M; Amiri S; Ammirati E; Anand T; Ancuceanu R; Anderlini D; Anil A; Ansari G; Anyanwu PE; Anyasodor AE; Apostol GLC; Arabloo J; Arafat M; Aravkin AY; Aremu O; Armocida B; Ärnlöv J; Arowosegbe OO; Artamonov AA; Sharma S; Peden A; Feng X; Xu L; Schutte A; Jha V; Sundstorm J; Okeke S; Dai-Keller Z; Wang N, 2023, 'Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases and Risks, 1990-2022', Journal of the American College of Cardiology, 82, pp. 2350 - 2473,
Fandim JV; Hinman RS; Øverås CK; Sharma S; Belton J; Oliveira VC; Dear BF; Parker R; Ghai B; Bennell KL; Ferreira P; Hartvigsen J; Saragiotto BT, 2023, 'One step at a time. Shaping consensus on research priorities and terminology in telehealth in musculoskeletal pain: an international modified e-Delphi study', BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders, 24,
Sharma S; Verhagen A; Elkins M; Brismée JM; Fulk GD; Taradaj J; Steen L; Jette A; Moore A; Stewart A; Hoogenboom BJ; Söderlund A; Harms M; Pinto RZ, 2023, 'Research from low-income and middle-income countries will benefit global health and the physiotherapy profession, but it requires support', Physiotherapy (United Kingdom), 121, pp. A1 - A5,
Briggs AM; Chua J; Cross M; Ahmad NM; Finucane L; Haq SA; Joshipura M; Kalla AA; March L; Moscogiuri F; Reis FJJ; Sarfraz S; Sharma S; Soriano ER; Slater H, 2023, '‘It’s about time’. Dissemination and evaluation of a global health systems strengthening roadmap for musculoskeletal health – insights and future directions', BMJ Global Health, 8,
Pathak A; Abbott JH; Bajracharya N; Gurung G; Nepal GM; Sharma S, 2023, 'Barriers and facilitators to implementation of outcome measures among physiotherapists in Nepal: A mixed-methods study', Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 68,
Gill TK; Mittinty MM; March LM; Steinmetz JD; Culbreth GT; Cross M; Kopec JA; Woolf AD; Haile LM; Hagins H; Ong KL; Kopansky-Giles DR; Dreinhoefer KE; Betteridge N; Abbasian M; Abbasifard M; Abedi K; Adesina MA; Aithala JP; Akbarzadeh-Khiavi M; Thaher YA; Alalwan TA; Alzahrani H; Amiri S; Antony B; Arabloo J; Aravkin AY; Arumugam A; Aryal KK; Athari SS; Atreya A; Baghdadi S; Bardhan M; Barrero LH; Bearne LM; Bekele AB; Bensenor IM; Bhardwaj P; Bhatti R; Bijani A; Bordianu T; Bouaoud S; Briggs AM; Cheema HA; Christensen SWMP; Chukwu IS; Clarsen B; Dai X; de Luca K; Desye B; Dhimal M; Do TC; Fagbamigbe AF; Forghani SF; Ferreira N; Ganesan B; Gebrehiwot M; Ghashghaee A; Graham SM; Harlianto NI; Hartvigsen J; Hasaballah AI; Hasanian M; Hassen MB; Hay SI; Heidari M; Hsiao AK; Ilic IM; Jokar M; Khajuria H; Khan MJ; Khanal P; Khateri S; Kiadaliri A; Kim MS; Kisa A; Kolahi AA; Krishan K; Krishnamoorthy V; Landires I; Larijani B; Le TTT; Lee YH; Lim SS; Lo J; Madani SP; Malagón-Rojas JN; Malik I; Marateb HR; Mathew AJ; Meretoja TJ; Mesregah MK; Mestrovic T; Mirahmadi A; Misganaw A; Mohaghegh S; Mokdad AH; Momenzadeh K; Momtazmanesh S; Monasta L, 2023, 'Global, regional, and national burden of other musculoskeletal disorders, 1990–2020, and projections to 2050: a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021', The Lancet Rheumatology, 5, pp. e670 - e682,
Sharma S; Birnie KA; Wang S; Fernandes Gomes FI; Gibbs JL; Mittinty MM, 2023, 'The value of the International Association for the Study of Pain to career development: perspectives of trainee and early career members', Pain, 164, pp. S31 - S38,
Karran EL; Cashin AG; Barker T; Boyd MA; Chiarotto A; Dewidar O; Mohabir V; Petkovic J; Sharma S; Tejani S; Tugwell P; Moseley GL, 2023, 'Using PROGRESS-plus to identify current approaches to the collection and reporting of equity-relevant data: a scoping review', Journal of Clinical Epidemiology, 163, pp. 70 - 78,
Sharma S; Verhagen A; Elkins M; Brismée JM; Fulk GD; Taradaj J; Steen L; Jette A; Moore A; Stewart A; Hoogenboom BJ; Söderlund A; Harms M; Pinto RZ, 2023, 'Research from low-income and middle-income countries will benefit global health and the physiotherapy profession, but it requires support', Musculoskeletal Science and Practice, 67,
Hansford HJ; Jones MD; Cashin AG; Ostelo RW; Chiarotto A; Williams SA; Sharma S; Devonshire JJ; Ferraro MC; Wewege MA; McAuley JH, 2023, 'The smallest worthwhile effect on pain intensity of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and exercise therapy for acute and chronic low back pain: a benefit-harm trade-off study', Journal of Physiotherapy, 69, pp. 240 - 248,
Ferreira-Valente A; Sharma S; Chan J; Bernardes SF; Pais-Ribeiro J; Jensen MP, 2023, 'Pain-Related Beliefs, Coping, and Function: An Observational Study on the Moderating Influence of Country of Origin', Journal of Pain, 24, pp. 1645 - 1663,
Sharma S; Verhagen A; Elkins M; Brismée JM; Fulk GD; Taradaj J; Steen L; Jette A; Moore A; Stewart A; Hoogenboom BJ; Söderlund A; Harms M; Pinto RZ, 2023, 'Research from low-income and middle-income countries will benefit global health and the physiotherapy profession, but it requires support', Brazilian Journal of Physical Therapy, 27,
Sharma S; Verhagen A; Elkins M; Brismée JM; Fulk GD; Taradaj J; Steen L; Jette A; Moore A; Stewart A; Hoogenboom BJ; Söderlund A; Harms M; Pinto RZ, 2023, 'Research From Low-Income and Middle-Income Countries Will Benefit Global Health and the Physiotherapy Profession, but It Requires Support', Physical Therapy, 103,
Islam SMS; Maddison R; Uddin R; Ball K; Livingstone KM; Khan A; Salmon J; Ackerman IN; Adair T; Adegboye OA; Ademi Z; Adhikary RK; Ahinkorah BO; Alam K; Alene KA; Alif SM; Amare AT; Ameyaw EK; Aminde LN; Anderlini D; Angell B; Ansar A; Antony B; Anyasodor AE; Arnet VK; Astell-Burt T; Atorkey P; Awoke MA; Quintanilla BPA; Ayano G; Bagheri N; Barnett A; Baune BT; Bhandari D; Bhaskar S; Biswas RK; Borschmann R; Boufous S; Briggs AM; Buchbinder R; Bulamu NB; Burns RA; Carvalho AF; Cerin E; Cherbuin N; Chowdhury EK; Ciobanu LG; Clark SR; Cross M; Dadi AF; de Courten B; De Leo D; de Luca K; Doyle KE; Edvardsson D; Edvardsson K; Efendi F; Endalamaw A; Fauk NK; Feng X; Fitzgibbon BM; Flavel J; Gebreyohannes EAA; Gesesew HA; Gill TK; Godinho MA; Gupta B; Gupta VK; Hambisa MT; Hamiduzzaman M; Hankey GJ; Hassanian-Moghaddam H; Hay SI; Hebert JJ; Huda MM; Huda TM; Islam MM; Islam MS; Islam RM; Kaambwa B; Kandel H; Kassie GM; Kelly JT; Kerr JA; Kiross GT; Knibbs LD; Kulkarni VV; Lalloo R; Le LKD; Leigh J; Leung J; Li S; Mahumud RA; Mamun AA; Marzan MB; McGrath JJ; Mehlman ML; Meretoja A; Mersha AG; Miller TR, 2023, 'The burden and trend of diseases and their risk factors in Australia, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019', The Lancet Public Health, 8, pp. e585 - e599,
Basnet R; Mendez DR; Lugo-González I; O'Hagan E; O'Keeffe M; Sharma S; Pate JW; Kennedy DS, 2023, 'Online information on chronic pain in 3 countries: an assessment of readability, credibility, and accuracy', Pain Reports, 8, pp. E1078 - E1078,
Allen KD; Huffman K; Cleveland RJ; van der Esch M; Abbott JH; Abbott A; Bennell K; Bowden JL; Eyles J; Healey EL; Holden MA; Jayakumar P; Koenig K; Lo G; Losina E; Miller K; Østerås N; Pratt C; Quicke JG; Sharma S; Skou ST; Tveter AT; Woolf A; Yu SP; Hinman RS, 2023, 'Evaluating Osteoarthritis Management Programs: outcome domain recommendations from the OARSI Joint Effort Initiative', Osteoarthritis and Cartilage, 31, pp. 954 - 965,
Ferreira ML; de Luca K; Haile LM; Steinmetz JD; Culbreth GT; Cross M; Kopec JA; Ferreira PH; Blyth FM; Buchbinder R; Hartvigsen J; Wu AM; Safiri S; Woolf AD; Collins GS; Ong KL; Vollset SE; Smith AE; Cruz JA; Fukutaki KG; Abate SM; Abbasifard M; Abbasi-Kangevari M; Abbasi-Kangevari Z; Abdelalim A; Abedi A; Abidi H; Adnani QES; Ahmadi A; Akinyemi RO; Alamer AT; Alem AZ; Alimohamadi Y; Alshehri MA; Alshehri MM; Alzahrani H; Amini S; Amiri S; Amu H; Andrei CL; Andrei T; Antony B; Arabloo J; Arulappan J; Arumugam A; Ashraf T; Athari SS; Awoke N; Azadnajafabad S; Bärnighausen TW; Barrero LH; Barrow A; Barzegar A; Bearne LM; Bensenor IM; Berhie AY; Bhandari BB; Bhojaraja VS; Bijani A; Bodicha BBA; Bolla SR; Brazo-Sayavera J; Briggs AM; Cao C; Charalampous P; Chattu VK; Cicuttini FM; Clarsen B; Cuschieri S; Dadras O; Dai X; Dandona L; Dandona R; Dehghan A; Demie TGG; Denova-Gutiérrez E; Dewan SMR; Dharmaratne SD; Dhimal ML; Dhimal M; Diaz D; Didehdar M; Digesa LE; Diress M; Do HT; Doan LP; Ekholuenetale M; Elhadi M; Eskandarieh S; Faghani S; Fares J; Fatehizadeh A; Fetensa G; Filip I; Fischer F; Franklin RC; Ganesan B; Gemeda BNB; Getachew ME; Ghashghaee A; Sharma S; Keshri V, 2023, 'Global, regional, and national burden of low back pain, 1990–2020, its attributable risk factors, and projections to 2050: a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021', The Lancet Rheumatology, 5, pp. e316 - e329,
Rizzo RRN; Wand BM; Leake HB; O'Hagan ET; Bagg MK; Bunzli S; Traeger AC; Gustin SM; Moseley GL; Sharma S; Cashin AG; McAuley JH, 2023, '“My Back is Fit for Movement”: A Qualitative Study Alongside a Randomized Controlled Trial for Chronic Low Back Pain', Journal of Pain, 24, pp. 824 - 839,
Han CS; Hancock MJ; Sharma S; Sharma S; Harris IA; Cohen SP; Magnussen J; Maher CG; Traeger AC, 2023, 'Low back pain of disc, sacroiliac joint, or facet joint origin: a diagnostic accuracy systematic review', eClinicalMedicine, 59,
Sharma S; Wilson R; Pryymachenko Y; Pathak A; Chua J; Gwynne-Jones D; Bennell KL; Metcalf B; Hinman RS; Hunt MA; Lim BW; Abbott JH, 2023, 'Reliability, Validity, Responsiveness, and Minimum Important Change of the Stair Climb Test in Adults With Hip and Knee Osteoarthritis', Arthritis Care and Research, 75, pp. 1147 - 1157,
Pathak A; Sharma S, 2023, 'Clinimetrics: The Patient-Specific Functional Scale', Journal of Physiotherapy, 69, pp. 126,
Higgins C; Sharma S; Bimali I; Hales TG; Cameron PA; Smith BH; Colvin LA, 2023, 'Cross-sectional study examining the epidemiology of chronic pain in Nepal', Pain Reports, 8, pp. 1 - 8,
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