
My Expertise

My expertise is in designing social experiences with neurodivergent people. I use UX (user experience) and interaction design methods to co-create novel opportunities for engagement with groups that are often marginalised or otherwise not given a voice in the development of interactive products and services. I am currently working on haptic and audio technologies for use by a range of neurodiverse people and researching the effectiveness of 'quiet rooms' by autistic children and their families at large sporting events.


Fields of Research (FoR)

Design, Interaction and experience design, Affective computing, Social robotics

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I am a Lecturer at UNSW Arts, Design and Architecture (ADA) using interactive technologies and human-centred design approaches to work with neurodiverse populations. Based in the School of Art & Design, I bring an interaction design and UX perspective to inclusive practices, co-design and assistive technology. My teaching and research examines creative implementations of embodied and sensory interaction and the value of accessible technology...view more


Paddington Campus
Cnr Oxford St & Greens Rd,
Paddington, NSW 2021

Map reference (Google map)


+61-2-9065 6094