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Book Chapters

Akbarzadeh M; Oberst S; Sepehrirahnama S; Chiang YK; Halkon BJ; Melnikov A; Powell DA, 2022, 'A Numerical Study of Acoustic Radiation Forces for the Contactless Excitation of a Microcantilever', in NODYCON Conference Proceedings Series, Springer International Publishing, pp. 335 - 345,

Hayati H; Eager D; Oberst S, 2022, 'Recurrence Plot Qualification Analysis of the Greyhound Rotary Gallop Gait', in NODYCON Conference Proceedings Series, Springer International Publishing, pp. 331 - 341,

Rudorf M; Oberst S; Stender M; Hoffmann N, 2021, 'Bifurcation analysis of a doubly curved thin shell considering inertial effects', in Vibration Engineering for a Sustainable Future: Numerical and Analytical Methods to Study Dynamical Systems. Vol. 3, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland

Rudorf M; Oberst S; Stender M; Hoffmann N, 2020, 'Bifurcation analysis of a doubly curved thin shell considering inertial effects', in Oberst S; Halkon B; Ji J; Brown T (ed.), Vibration Engineering for a Sustainable Future: Numerical and Analytical Methods to Study Dynamical Systems, Springer International Publishing,

Zhang Z; Oberst S; Lai JCS, 2020, 'Towards Overcoming the Challenges of the Prediction of Brake Squeal Propensity', in Oberst S; Halkon B; Ji J; Brown T (ed.), Vibration Engineering for a Sustainable Future, Active and Passive Noise and Vibration Control, Vol. 1, Springer International Publishing,

Martin R; Oberst S; Stender M, 2020, 'Numerical analysis of dynamic hysteresis in tape springs for space applications', in Oberst S; Benjamin H; Ji J; Brown T (ed.), Vibration Engineering for a Sustainable Future, Numerical and Analytical Methods to Study Dynamical Systems, Springer International Publishing,

Gong S; Oberst S; Xinwen W, 2020, 'A Non-linear Model of Rubber Shear Springs Validated by Experiments', in Lacarbonara W; Balachandran B; Ma J; Tenreiro Machado J; Stepan G (ed.), Nonlinear Dynamics of Structures, Systems and Devices Proceedings of the International Nonlinear Dynamics Conference (NODYCON 2019), |, Springer,

Martin R; Stender M; Oberst S, 2020, 'Numerical Analysis of Dynamic Hysteresis in Tape Springs for Space Applications', in Vibration Engineering for a Sustainable Future: Active and Passive Noise and Vibration Control, Vol. 1, pp. 179 - 184,

Zhang Z; Oberst S; Lai JCS, 2020, 'Towards Overcoming the Challenges of the Prediction of Brake Squeal Propensity', in Vibration Engineering for a Sustainable Future: Active and Passive Noise and Vibration Control, Vol. 1, pp. 47 - 53,

Lu S; Oberst S; Zhang G; Luo Z, 2019, 'Novel order patterns recurrence plot-based quantification measures to unveil deterministic dynamics from stochastic processes', in Valenzuela O; Rojas F; Pomares H; Rojas I (ed.), Theory and Applications of Time Series Analysis, Springer International Publishing, Cham, Switzerland,

Oberst S; Lai JCS; Evans T, 2019, 'Physical Basis of Vibrational Behavior – Channel Properties and Noise', in Hill PSM; Lakes-Harlan R; Narins PM; Virant-Doberlet M; Wessel A (ed.), Biotremology: Studying Vibrational Behavior, Springer, pp. 53 - 78,

Oberst S; Lai JCS; Evans TA, 2019, 'Physical Basis of Vibrational Behaviour: Channel Properties, Noise and Excitation Signal Extraction', in Hill PSM; LakesHarlan R; Mazzoni V; Narins PM; VirantDoberlet M; Wessel A (ed.), BIOTREMOLOGY: STUDYING VIBRATIONAL BEHAVIOR, SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, pp. 53 - 78,

Lu S; Oberst S; Zhang G; Luo Z, 2019, 'Novel Order Patterns Recurrence Plot-Based Quantification Measures to Unveil Deterministic Dynamics from Stochastic Processes', in Valenzuela O; Rojas F; Pomares H; Rojas I (ed.), , SPRINGER INTERNATIONAL PUBLISHING AG, pp. 57 - 70,

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