Select Publications

Book Chapters

Lingam R; Zwi K; Amarasena L; Raman S, 2024, 'Healthy Environments for Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Children and Young People: A Biopsychosocial Lens', in Bishop K; Dimoulias K (ed.), The Routledge Handbook on the Influence of Built Environments on Diverse Childhoods, Taylor & Francis (Routledge), pp. 387 - 400,


Journal articles

Hodgins M; Ostojic K; Rimes T; Edwards K; Lawson K; Fonseka M; Crespo C; Lyle K; Dadich A; Eapen V; Grace R; Green M; Henry A; Hopwood N; Kaplun C; Kohlhoff J; Raman S; Szanto T; Woolfenden S, 2025, 'The Building Blocks for Successful Hub Implementation for Migrant and Refugee Families and Their Children in the First 2000 Days of Life', Health Expectations, 28,

Seth R; Girotra TG; Mohammad I; Qaiyum Y; Taneja I; Raman S, 2025, 'Mobile health van as an intervention to provide clinical support and health promotion to street children and marginalised populations in the National Capital Region of Delhi: a mixed-methods evaluation', BMJ Paediatrics Open, 9,

Spencer N; Gunnlaugsson G; Raman S, 2024, 'Prevalence and correlates of child labour in five low-income countries: A descriptive study based on UNICEF Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys 6 (MICS6)', BMJ Paediatrics Open, 8,

Barr KR; Hawker P; Winata T; Wang S; Smead M; Ignatius H; Kohlhoff J; Schmied V; Jalaludin B; Lawson K; Liaw ST; Lingam R; Page A; Lam-Cassettari C; Boydell K; Lin PI; Katz I; Dadich A; Raman S; Grace R; Doyle AK; McClean T; Di Mento B; Preddy J; Woolfenden S; Eapen V; Wood A; Blight V; Arora A; Kaplun C; Descallar J; Myers N; Bruce J; Diaz AM; Cibralic S; Grace R; Lin DP, 2024, 'Family member and service provider experiences and perspectives of a digital surveillance and service navigation approach in multicultural context: a qualitative study in identifying the barriers and enablers to Watch Me Grow-Electronic (WMG-E) program with a culturally diverse community', BMC Health Services Research, 24,

Jörgensen E; Napier-Raman S; Macleod S; Seth R; Goodman M; Howard N; Einarsdóttir J; Banerjee M; Raman S, 2024, 'Access to health and rights of children in street situations and working children: a scoping review', BMJ Paediatrics Open, 8,

Vivekanandarajah S; Carr D; Hurwitz R; So L; Raman S, 2024, 'Evaluation of telehealth in delivering diagnostic developmental assessments for children in South Western Sydney during the COVID-19 pandemic: Clinician and family perspectives', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 60, pp. 579 - 585,

Raman S; Napier-Raman S; Pinzón-Segura MC, 2024, 'Exploring cultural influences in perinatal and early childhood nutrition', Revista de Salud Publica, 26,

Trajkovski S; Al-Dabbas MA; Raman S; Giannoutsos N; Langman M; Schmied V, 2024, 'Immigrant and minority parents' experiences in a neonatal intensive care unit: A meta-ethnography review', JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NURSING,

Seth R; MacRae P; Goldhagen J; Raman S, 2024, 'Street and working children: a call for rights-based approach to their health and well-being', BMJ Paediatrics Open, 8,

Takeuchi H; Satoh Y; Raman S; Spencer N, 2024, 'Did Inequalities in Mothers’ and Children’s Health and Well-Being in Japan Increase through the Pandemic? Evidence from Nationwide Surveys and Routinely Collected Data', Children, 11,

Price AMH; White N; Burley J; Zhu A; Contreras-Suarez D; Wang S; Stone M; Trotter K; Mrad M; Caldwell J; Bishop R; Chota S; Bui L; Sanger D; Roles R; Watts A; Samir N; Grace R; Raman S; Kemp L; Lingam R; Eapen V; Woolfenden S; Goldfeld S, 2023, 'Feasibility of linking universal child and family healthcare and financial counselling: findings from the Australian Healthier Wealthier Families (HWF) mixed-methods study', BMJ Open, 13,

Amarasena L; Zwi K; Hu N; Lingam R; Raman S, 2023, 'Changing landscape of paediatric refugee health in South Western Sydney, Australia: A retrospective observational study', BMJ Open, 13,

Tinoco Mendoza G; Stack J; Abdel-Latif ME; Raman S; Garg P, 2023, 'Language outcomes at 4 years of linguistically diverse children born very preterm: an Australian retrospective single-centre study', BMJ Paediatrics Open, 7,

Wong-See H; Calik A; Ostojic K; Raman S; Woolfenden S, 2023, 'Clinical pathways for the identification and referral for social needs: A systematic review', Pediatrics, 151,

Amarasena L; Samir N; Sealy L; Hu N; Rostami MR; Isaacs D; Gunasekera H; Young H; Agrawal R; Levitt D; Francis JR; Coleman J; Mares S; Larcombe P; Cherian S; Raman S; Lingam R; Zwi K, 2023, 'Offshore detention: cross-sectional analysis of the health of children and young people seeking asylum in Australia', Archives of Disease in Childhood, 108, pp. 185 - 191,

Jörgensen E; Koller D; Raman S; Olatunya O; Asemota O; Ekpenyong BN; Gunnlaugsson G; Okolo A, 2022, 'The voices of children and young people during COVID-19: A critical review of methods', Acta Paediatrica, International Journal of Paediatrics, 111, pp. 1670 - 1681,

Hodgins M; Ostojic K; Hu N; Lawson KD; Samir N; Webster A; Rogers H; Henry A; Murphy E; Lingam R; Raman S; Mendoza Diaz A; Dadich A; Eapen V; Rimes T; Woolfenden S, 2022, 'Study protocol for a real-world evaluation of an integrated child and family health hub for migrant and refugee women', BMJ Open, 12, pp. e061002,

Cibralic S; Alam M; Mendoza Diaz A; Woolfenden S; Katz I; Tzioumi D; Murphy E; Deering A; Mcnamara L; Raman S; Eapen V, 2022, 'Utility of screening for adverse childhood experiences (ACE) in children and young people attending clinical and healthcare settings: a systematic review', BMJ Open, 12,

Dew A; Lenette C; Wells R; Higgins M; McMahon T; Coello M; Momartin S; Raman S; Bibby H; Smith L; Boydell K, 2022, '“In the beginning it was difficult but things got easier”: Service use experiences of family members of people with disability from Iraqi and Syrian refugee backgrounds', Journal of Policy and Practice in Intellectual Disabilities, 20, pp. 33 - 44,

Burley J; Samir N; Price A; Parker A; Zhu A; Eapen V; Contreras-Suarez D; Schreurs N; Lawson K; Lingam R; Grace R; Raman S; Kemp L; Bishop R; Goldfeld S; Woolfenden S, 2022, 'Connecting Healthcare with Income Maximisation Services: A Systematic Review on the Health, Wellbeing and Financial Impacts for Families with Young Children', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19,

Asemota OA; Napier-Raman S; Takeuchi H; Raman S; Asemota EA; Nonye E, 2022, 'Exploring children's knowledge of COVID-19 and stress levels associated with the pandemic in Nigeria: a mixed-method study', BMJ Paediatrics Open, 6,

Anderst A; Hunter K; Andersen M; Walker N; Coombes J; Raman S; Moore M; Ryan L; Jersky M; MacKenzie A; Stephensen J; Williams C; Timbery L; Doyle K; Lingam R; Zwi K; Sheppard-Law S; Erskine C; Clapham K; Woolfenden S, 2022, 'Screening and social prescribing in healthcare and social services to address housing issues among children and families: a systematic review', BMJ Open, 12, pp. e054338,

Takeuchi H; Napier-Raman S; Asemota O; Raman S, 2022, 'Identifying vulnerable children’s stress levels and coping measures during COVID-19 pandemic in Japan: a mixed method study', BMJ Paediatrics Open, 6,

Eapen V; Woolfenden S; Schmied V; Jalaludin B; Lawson K; Liaw ST; Lingam R; Page A; Cibralic S; Winata T; Mendoza Diaz A; Lam-Cassettari C; Burley J; Boydell K; Lin P; Masi A; Katz I; Dadich A; Preddy J; Bruce J; Raman S; Kohlhoff J; Descallar J; Karlov L; Kaplun C; Arora A; Di Mento B; Smead M; Doyle K; Grace R; McClean T; Blight V; Wood A; Raine KH; Lin P, 2021, '“Watch Me Grow- Electronic (WMG-E)” surveillance approach to identify and address child development, parental mental health, and psychosocial needs: study protocol', BMC Health Services Research, 21, pp. 1240,

Burley J; Price AMH; Parker A; Samir N; Zhu A; Eapen V; Contreras-Suarez D; Schreurs N; Lawson KD; Lingam R; Grace R; Raman S; Kemp L; Chota S; Goldfeld S; Woolfenden S, 2021, 'Connecting healthcare with income maximisation services, and their financial, health and well-being impacts for families with young children: A systematic review protocol', BMJ Open, 11,

Etzel RA; Ding J; Gil SM; Githanga D; Goldhagen J; Gupta A; Mercer R; Mroueh S; Raman S; Rubio B; Spencer NJ; Uchtmann N; Waterston T, 2021, 'Pediatric societies’ declaration on responding to the impact of climate change on children', Journal of Climate Change and Health, 4,

Raman S; Muhammad T; Goldhagen J; Seth R; Kadir A; Bennett S; D'Annunzio D; Spencer NJ; Bhutta ZA; Gerbaka B, 2021, 'Ending violence against children: What can global agencies do in partnership?', Child Abuse and Neglect, 119,

Napier-Raman S; Rattani A; Qaiyum Y; Bose V; Seth R; Raman S, 2021, 'Impact of COVID-19 on the lives of vulnerable young people in New Delhi, India: A mixed method study', BMJ Paediatrics Open, 5,

Rajmil L; Hjern A; Boran P; Gunnlaugsson G; Kraus De Camargo O; Raman S, 2021, 'Impact of lockdown and school closure on children's health and well-being during the first wave of COVID-19: A narrative review', BMJ Paediatrics Open, 5,

Price AMH; Zhu A; Nguyen HNJ; Contreras-Suárez D; Schreurs N; Burley J; Lawson KD; Kelaher M; Lingam R; Grace R; Raman S; Kemp L; Woolfenden S; Goldfeld S, 2021, 'Study protocol for the Healthier Wealthier Families (HWF) pilot randomised controlled trial: Testing the feasibility of delivering financial counselling to families with young children who are identified as experiencing financial hardship by community-based nurses', BMJ Open, 11, pp. e044488,

Wells R; Murad M; Higgins M; Smith L; Lenette C; Lappin J; Dew A; Boydell K; Bibby H; Cassaniti M; Isaacs D; Raman S; Zwi K; Bibby H, 2021, 'Exploring the intersection of human rights, health, disability and refugee status: An arts-based approach', Australian Journal of Human Rights, 26, pp. 387 - 404,

Oberg C; Nathawad R; Raman S; Goldhagen J, 2021, 'Violence Against Children: Recognition, Rights, Responses', Pediatric Clinics of North America, 68, pp. 357 - 369,

Dew A; Lenette C; Smith L; Boydell K; Bibby H; Lappin J; Coello M; Raman S; Velkou K; Wells R; Momartin S; Blunden H; Higgins M; Murad M; Barry J; Mohammad Y; Bibby H, 2020, '“To the Arabic community disability is not normal”: Understandings of disability among Iraqi and Syrian people from refugee backgrounds.', Journal of Refugee Studies, 34, pp. 2849 - 2870,

Raman S; Harries M; Nathawad R; Kyeremateng R; Seth R; Lonne B; Zwi K; Spencer NJ; Goldhagen J; Mercer R; Rubio B; Tamburlini G; Goldfeld S; Woolfenden S; Gander S; Oberg C, 2020, 'Where do we go from here? A child rights-based response to COVID-19', BMJ Paediatrics Open, 4, pp. e000714,

Ghosh S; Dronavalli M; Raman S, 2020, 'Tuberculosis infection in under-2-year-old refugees: Should we be screening? A systematic review and meta-regression analysis', Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 56, pp. 622 - 629,

Zwi K; Sealy L; Samir N; Hu N; Rostami R; Agrawal R; Cherian S; Coleman J; Francis J; Gunasekera H; Isaacs D; Larcombe P; Levitt D; Mares S; Mutch R; Newman L; Raman S; Young H; Norwood C; Lingam R, 2020, 'Asylum seeking children and adolescents in Australian immigration detention on Nauru: A longitudinal cohort study', BMJ Paediatrics Open, 4, pp. e000615,

Goldhagen JL; Shenoda S; Oberg C; Mercer R; Kadir A; Raman S; Waterston T; Spencer NJ, 2020, 'Rights, justice, and equity: a global agenda for child health and wellbeing.', Lancet Child Adolesc Health, 4, pp. 80 - 90,

Uchitel J; Alden E; Bhutta ZA; Goldhagen J; Narayan AP; Raman S; Spencer N; Wertlieb D; Wettach J; Woolfenden S; Mikati MA, 2019, 'The rights of children for optimal development and nurturing care', Pediatrics, 144,

Spencer N; Raman S; O'Hare B; Tamburlini G, 2019, 'Addressing inequities in child health and development: Towards social justice', BMJ Paediatrics Open, 3,

Baker JR; Raman S; Kohlhoff J; George A; Kaplun C; Dadich A; Best CT; Arora A; Zwi K; Schmied V; Eapen V, 2019, 'Optimising refugee children's health/wellbeing in preparation for primary and secondary school: A qualitative inquiry', BMC Public Health, 19, pp. 812,

Pangas J; Ogunsiji O; Elmir R; Raman S; Liamputtong P; Burns E; Dahlen HG; Schmied V, 2019, 'Refugee women's experiences negotiating motherhood and maternity care in a new country: A meta-ethnographic review', International Journal of Nursing Studies, 90, pp. 31 - 45,

Wickramasinghe YM; Raman S; Garg P; Hurwitz R, 2019, 'Burden of adverse childhood experiences in children attending paediatric clinics in South Western Sydney, Australia: a retrospective audit.', BMJ Paediatr Open, 3, pp. e000330,

Wickramasinghe Y; Raman S; Garg P; Jain K; Hurwitz R, 2019, 'The adverse childhood experiences checklist: Can it serve as a clinical and quality indicator?', J Paediatr Child Health, 55, pp. 1113 - 1118,

Raman S; Muhammad T; Goldhagen J; Spencer NJ; Bhutta ZA; Ayesha K; Rajeev S; Catherine M; Bernard G; Thea VZVDA; Susan B; Susan B; Ramya S; Tony W; Danielle DA, 2018, 'Ending violence against children: a call to action', The Lancet Child and Adolescent Health, 2, pp. 312 - 313,

Goldhagen JL; Kadir A; Fouad FM; Spencer NJ; Raman S, 2018, 'The Budapest declaration for children and youth on the move.', Lancet Child Adolesc Health, 2, pp. 164 - 165,

Hotton PR; Raman S, 2017, 'Analysis of acute presentations for child protection medical assessments in a large, culturally diverse metropolitan setting', BMJ Paediatrics Open, 1,

Raman S; Hotton PR, 2017, 'Audit of child maltreatment medical assessments in a culturally diverse, metropolitan setting', BMJ Paediatrics Open, 1,

Raman S; Ruston S; Irwin S; Tran P; Hotton P; Thorne S, 2017, 'Taking culture seriously: Can we improve the developmental health and well-being of Australian Aboriginal children in out-of-home care?', Child: Care, Health and Development, 43, pp. 899 - 905,

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