Select Publications

Journal articles

Drysdale K; Bates S; Ritter A; Smyth C; Leeuw ED; Katz I, 2024, 'Is there a role for hybrid service provision in place-based initiatives within the human services sector? Findings from an Australian exploratory study', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 83, pp. 584 - 602,

Bates S; Katz I; Whitten T, 2024, 'Making the most of a captive audience: Do specialist teams in custodial settings offer a way to assist people to access the NDIS?', Australian Journal of Social Issues,

Bates S; Kayess R; Katz I, 2024, 'What can we learn from disability policy to advance our understanding of how to operationalise intersectionality in Australian policy frameworks?', Australian Journal of Public Administration,

Bates S; Kayess R; Laurens EJ; Katz I, 2024, 'The importance of supporting evolving capacity: The need to support young people with cognitive impairment in out-of-home-care', Children and Youth Services Review, 156, pp. 107315,

Bates S; Harris-Roxas B; Wright M, 2023, 'Understanding the costs of co-commissioning: Early experiences with co-commissioning in Australia', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 82, pp. 462 - 487,

Bates S, 2022, 'How an intermediary model manages the tension between low contractibility and probity when outsourcing human services', Australian Journal of Public Administration, 81, pp. 589 - 610,

Bates S; Wright M; Harris-Roxas B, 2022, 'Strengths and risks of the Primary Health Network commissioning model', Australian Health Review, 46, pp. 586 - 594,

Kayess RJ; Meltzer A; Bates S, 2019, 'What type of job should I do? The perspectives of people with intellectual disability about open, sheltered and social enterprise employment and implications for the development of the social enterprise market', Social Enterprise Journal

Meltzer A; Kayess R; Bates S, 2018, 'Perspectives of people with intellectual disability about open, sheltered and social enterprise employment: Implications for expanding employment choice through social enterprises', Social Enterprise Journal, 14, pp. 225 - 244,

Conference Presentations

Katz I; Bates S, 2024, 'Growing up making decisions: Transition of young people with disability from Out of Home Care', presented at Australian Institute of Family Studies 2024: Families thriving? Asking big questions. Influencing change., Melbourne, 11 June 2024 - 14 June 2024,

Katz I; Bates S, 2024, 'Intersectionality in Australian social policies', presented at Australian Institute of Family Studies Conference 2024: Families Thriving? Asking big questions. Influencing change., Melbourne, 11 June 2024 - 14 June 2024,

Katz I; Bates S, 2020, 'Hype meets evidence in pubic policy: The case of Income Management in Australia', presented at The 17th Annual Conference of the East Asian Social Policy Research Network, Hong Kong, 26 June 2020 - 28 June 2020

Conference Abstracts

Katz I; Newton BJ; Bates S, 2017, 'Learning to conduct best practice Indigenous research in government funded Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander research and evaluation', in Australian Social Policy Conference, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, presented at Australian Social Policy Conference, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 25 September 2017 - 27 September 2017,

Katz I; Keeley M; Bates S; Bullen J, 2015, 'Exchange of personal information between agencies: Challenges and opportunities', in Australian Social Policy Conference, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, presented at Australian Social Policy Conference, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 28 September 2015 - 30 September 2005,


Smyth C; Cortis N; Blunden H; Bates S; Katz I, 2024, Specialist Workers for Children and Young People Outcomes Evaluation – Final Report,,

Bates S; Haigh F, 2024, Co-governance Case Studies: Waterloo Collaborative Group, UNSW, Sydney,

Blunden H; Wong B; Bates S; Cheung S; Hsieh W; Katz I, 2024, Evaluation of the Universal Screening and Support Pilot: Final Report, UNSW, Sydney,

Kidd M; Rhee J; Sharma A; Harris-Roxas B; van Kemenade K; Burns M; Marshall K; Ali R; Sunjaya A; Wright M; Bates S; El Haddad N; Sitas F; Barr M, 2024, Review of General Practice Incentives - International Evidence and Literature Review, Faculty of Medicine and Health, UNSW Sydney, Sydney

Bates S; Cortis N, 2023, Commissioning Homelessness Services: A Review of Possible Approaches, UNSW, Sydney,

Bates S; Kayess R; Katz I, 2023, Transitioning to a human rights based formal supported decision-making framework in NSW, UNSW, Sydney,

Bates S; Brown C; Kayess R; Katz I, 2023, Do Australian social policies take an intersectional approach when addressing the diverse needs of people with disability? A desk top review, UNSW, Sydney, Australia,

Smyth C; Bates S, 2023, Would adopting more co-governance arrangements with communities build public trust? A scoping study, ANZSOG, Melbourne,

Bates S; Kayess R; Giuntoli G; Rengel-Gonçalves A; Li B; Fisher K; Goldin D; Ramirez B; Katz I, 2023, Towards best-practice access to services for culturally and linguistically diverse people with a disability, Disability Royal Commission,,

Bates S; Laurens EJ; Cross M; Rowe B; Wilson B; Canham B; Hudson L; Katz I; Kayess R; Fisher KR, 2022, Growing Up Making Decisions, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW, Sydney,

Ritter A; Drysdale K; Katz I; de Leeuw E; Bates S, 2022, How do place-based services evolve in a world of virtual, physical and hybrid service delivery?, ANZSOG, Sydney,,

Giuntoli G; Rengel-Gonçalves A; Smyth C; Bates S; Fisher K; Li B; Ramirez B; Golding D; Kayess R; Katz I, 2022, Towards best-practice access to services for culturally and linguistically diverse people with a disability. Desktop review, Social Policy Research Centre

Bates S; Bedford M; Katz I, 2021, Baseline study of current and future availability of ex-service organisation advocacy services, DVA, Canberra,,

Bates S; Laurens EJ; Kayess R; Fisher K, 2021, Good Practice in Supported Decision Making for People with Disability: Principles and Guide,,

Laurens EJ; Bates S; Kayess R; Fisher K, 2021, Good Practice in Supported Decision-making for People with Disability: Final Report, UNSW Social Policy Research Centre, Sydney,

Katz I; O'Shea P; Bates S; Gendera S, 2020, Final Report Part A (Summary) Implementing the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework for the development and trialling of the InnoWell Platform, as part of Project Synergy (Phase 2, 2017–2020),

Katz I; O'Shea P; Bates S; Gendera S, 2020, Project Synergy (Phase 2) Implementation Evaluation: Final Report Part B (Full Report),

Bates S; Broady T; Mao L, 2020, Rural landholder engagement under the NSW Land Management (Native Vegetation) Code 2018: Social aspects and impact: One year on, UNSW Social Policy Research Centre and Centre for Social Research in Health, Sydney,

Bates S; Broady T; Mao L, 2019, Rural landholder engagement under the NSW Land Management (Native Vegetation) Code 2018: Social aspects study, Centre for Social Research in Health and Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Katz I; Idle J; Bates S; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: Campbelltown Opportunity Hub (final report), Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Katz I; Idle J; Bates S; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: Campbelltown Opportunity Hub (summary report), Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Katz I; Idle J; Bates S; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: Gumbaynggir Language and Culture Nest (final report), Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Katz I; Idle J; Bates S; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: Gumbaynggir Language and Culture Nest (summary report), Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Katz I; Idle J; Bates S; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly Local Decision Making (final report), Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Katz I; Idle J; Bates S; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: Murdi Paaki Regional Assembly Local Decision Making (summary report), Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Katz I; Idle J; Bates S; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: North West Wiradjuri Language and Culture Nest (final report), Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Katz I; Idle J; Bates S; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: North West Wiradjuri Language and Culture Nest (summary report), Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Katz I; Idle J; Bates S; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: Synthesis Report, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Katz I; Idle J; Bates S; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: Tamworth Opportunity Hub (final report), Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Katz I; Bates S; Idle J; Jopson W; Barnes M, 2018, OCHRE Evaluation Stage 1: Tamworth Opportunity Hub (summary report), Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,

Davy L; Laurens EJ; Kayess R; Bates S, 2018, Special Disability Trusts, SPRC, UNSW Sydney, Sydney,,

Zmudzki F; Muir S; Blunden H; Bates S; Katz I; valentine K; Harvey J, 2018, Evaluation Report: DVA Coordinated Client Support Program, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney

Griffiths A; Nethery D; Robinson S; Bates S; Kidd E; Kayess R, 2017, My Choice Matters Evaluation - Stage 4 and Final Report, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, SPRC Report 05/17,,

Griffiths AM; Zmudzki F; Bates S, 2017, Evaluation of ACT Extended Throughcare Pilot Program, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Sydney, Sydney, 02/17,,

Raven M; Katz I; Newton BJ; Bates S, 2017, OCHRE Evaluation Plan: Overview and Stage 1, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney,

Meltzer A; Bates S; Robinson S; Kayess R; Fisher KR; Katz I, 2016, What do people with intellectual disability think about their jobs and the support they receive at work? A comparative study of three employment support models, Social Policy Research Centre, UNSW Australia, Sydney, SPRC Report 16/16,,

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