Select Publications

Journal articles

Shrestha N; Kuk-Konen-Harjula K; Verbeek J; Ljaz S; Hermans V; Bhaumik S, 2016, 'Workplace Interventions for Reducing Sitting at Work', ERGONOMICS IN DESIGN, 24, pp. 36 - 36,

Shrestha N; Kukkonen-Harjula KT; Verbeek JH; Ijaz S; Hermans V; Bhaumik S, 2016, 'Workplace interventions for reducing sitting at work', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2016,

Bhaumik S, 2016, 'Problems with treating snake bite in India', BMJ (Online), 352,

Aggarwal R; Gogtay N; Kumar R; Sahni P; Abbas Z; Abraham P; Aggarwal A; Bala Bhaskar S; Bhaumik S; Deepak KK; Desai C; Divakar MC; Goel A; Gopi Krishna V; Grewal A; Gupta OP; Iyer P; Jain V; Jesani A; Kadri SM; Kapil A; Katoch VM; Kulkarni GK; Kumar A; Kumar S; Malik GM; Mallath MK; Mathur VP; Mishra S; Misra V; Mohan A; Nundy S; Pai SA; Patwardhan B; Prakash A; Ramakrishna BS; Raveenthiran V; Sachdev HPS; Sarin YK; Shah C; Shah D; Srinivasa Rao PVLN; Suresh N; Thomas G; Yadav M, 2016, 'The revised guidelines of the medical council of India for academic promotions: Need for a rethink', Indian Journal of Anaesthesia, 60, pp. 1 - 5,

Aggarwal R; Gogtay N; Kumar R; Sahni P; Abbas Z; Abraham P; Aggarwal A; Bhaskar SB; Bhaumik S; Deepak KK; Desai C; Divakar MC; Goel A; Krishna VG; Grewal A; Gupta OP; Iyer P; Jain V; Jesani A; Kadri SM; Kapil A; Katoch VM; Kulkarni GK; Kumar A; Kumar S; Malik GM; Mallath MK; Mathur VP; Mishra S; Misra V; Mohan A; Nundy S; Pai SA; Patwardhan B; Prakash A; Ramakrishna BS; Raveenthiran V; Sachdev HPS; Sarin YK; Shah C; Shah D; Rao PVLNS; Suresh N; Thomas G; Yadav M, 2016, 'The revised guidelines of the Medical Council of India for academic promotions: Need for a rethink', Indian Journal of Urology, 32, pp. 1 - 4,

Singh K; Chandra Sekaran AM; Bhaumik S; Chattopadhyay K; Gamage AU; Silva PD; Roy A; Tandon N; Prabhakaran D, 2016, 'PM034 Evidence on Cost-Effectiveness of Interventions to Control Cardiovascular Diseases and Diabetes Mellitus in South Asia: A Systematic Review', Global Heart, 11, pp. e76 - e77,

Bhaumik S; Kirubakaran R; Chaudhuri S, 2015, 'Primary closure versus delayed or no closure for traumatic wounds due to mammalian bite', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2015,

Bhaumik S; Arora M; Singh A; Sargent JD, 2015, 'Impact of entertainment media smoking on adolescent smoking behaviours', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2015,

Bhaumik S; Rana S; Karimkhani C; Welch V; Armstrong R; Pottie K; Dellavalle R; Dhakal P; Oliver S; Francis DK; Nasser M; Crowe S; Aksut B; Amico RD, 2015, 'Ethics and equity in research priority-setting: stakeholder engagement and the needs of disadvantaged groups', Indian journal of medical ethics, 12, pp. 110 - 113,

Singh K; Chandra Sekaran AM; Bhaumik S; Aisola M; Chattopadhyay K; Gamage AU; De Silva P; Selvaraj S; Roy A; Prabhakaran D; Tandon N, 2015, 'Cost-effectiveness of interventions to control cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes mellitus in South Asia: Protocol for a systematic review', BMJ Open, 5,

Bhaumik S, 2015, 'India's health ministry bans pioglitazone, metamizole, and flupentixol-melitracen (vol 347, pg f4366, 2013)', BMJ-BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL, 350,

Bhaumik S; Hazra N, 2015, 'Role of genetic variants of vitamin D immunomodulation genes in clinical response to treatment of tuberculosis', Indian Journal of Medical Research, 141, pp. 841,

Shrestha N; Bhaumik S, 2015, 'Are interventions to reduce sitting at workplace effective?', J Family Med Prim Care, 4, pp. 331 - 332,

Salam RA; Das JK; Ali A; Bhaumik S; Lassi ZS, 2015, 'Diagnosis and management of preeclampsia in community settings in low and middle-income countries.', J Family Med Prim Care, 4, pp. 501 - 506,

Bhaumik S; Mathew RJ, 2015, 'Health and beyond…strategies for a better India: using the "prison window" to reach disadvantaged groups in primary care.', J Family Med Prim Care, 4, pp. 315 - 318,

Bhaumik S; Karimkhani C; Czaja CA; Williams HC; Rani M; Nasser M; Boyers LN; Dmitruk S; Dellavalle RP, 2015, 'Identifying gaps in research prioritization: The global burden of neglected tropical diseases as reflected in the Cochrane database of systematic reviews.', J Family Med Prim Care, 4, pp. 507 - 513,

Bhaumik S, 2015, 'Is intermittent short-course anti-TB regimen as efficient and safe as daily anti-TB regimen for treating childhood TB?', J Family Med Prim Care, 4, pp. 182 - 183,

Bhaumik S, 2015, 'Misplaced priorities in the Union Health Budget 2015.', J Family Med Prim Care, 4, pp. 174 - 176,

Bhaumik S; Kirubakaran R; Biswas R; Mathew RJ, 2014, 'Diazepam monotherapy for epilepsy', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2014,

Bhaumik S; Mathew RJ, 2014, 'Representation of women as editors in the cochrane collaboration', Journal of Evidence-Based Medicine, 7, pp. 249 - 251,

Bhaumik S, 2014, 'The public health threat from sugary drinks in India', BMJ (Online), 349,

Maconochie IK; Bhaumik S, 2014, 'Fluid therapy for acute bacterial meningitis', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2014,

Bhaumik S, 2014, 'Alternatives to Isoniazid Monotherapy for Preventing Active Tuberculosis in HIV-Negative Persons at Risk of Developing Active Tuberculosis', JOURNAL OF PIONEERING MEDICAL SCIENCES, 4, pp. 71 - 72,

Bhaumik S, 2014, 'Health and beyond... Strategies for a better India: concept paper on primary health care in India.', J Family Med Prim Care, 3, pp. 94 - 97,

Bhaumik S, 2014, 'Health and beyond… strategies for a better India: incorporating evidence to strengthen health policy.', J Family Med Prim Care, 3, pp. 313 - 317,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'Can India end the corruption in nurses' training?', BMJ (Online), 347,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'Indian doctors demand more specialisation seats and recognition for rural practice.', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 347,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'Doctors in the private sector should report adverse events after immunisation to complete dataset.', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 347,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'Flip flop policy over pioglitazone licence causes media storm in India.', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 347,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'Study stokes debate over patterns of non-communicable disease in India.', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 347,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'India's human rights commission seeks answers over shortage of TB drugs.', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 347,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'India's health ministry bans pioglitazone, metamizole, and flupentixol-melitracen.', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 347,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'Rotavirus vaccine in India faces controversy.', CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne, 185,

Bhaumik S; Pakenham-Walsh N; Chatterjee P; Biswas T, 2013, 'Governments are legally obliged to ensure adequate access to health information', The Lancet Global Health, 1,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'Workforce planning. Why is India short of nurses and what can we do about it?', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 346,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'Poor urban planning is contributing to rising cardiovascular disease in India, study concludes.', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 346,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'Doctors call for countries to step up the fight against rheumatic heart disease.', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 346,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'India has world's highest number of cervical cancer deaths.', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 346,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'Campaign group claims that some cricketers in the Indian Premier League are breaching the rules on alcohol advertising.', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 346,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'India tops world table for number of babies who die on day of birth.', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 346,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'Aggressive Asian tiger mosquito invades Europe.', CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne, 185,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'Canadian program targets diarrhea-related child deaths in India.', CMAJ : Canadian Medical Association journal = journal de l'Association medicale canadienne, 185,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'Adolescent health issues', Indian Journal of Community Medicine, 38, pp. 187,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'Committee condemns Indian government for failing to withdraw 33 drugs that lack evidence.', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 346,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'Network of high quality cancer hospitals is planned for India.', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 346,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'Bollywood delivers 14.3 billion tobacco images to Indian audiences each year.', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 346,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'Report card assesses contribution to global health of leading US and Canadian universities.', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 346,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'Clofazimine should be used in all cases of leprosy, says Indian research council.', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 346,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'India's rejection of Novartis's patent is but a small step in the right direction.', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 346,

Bhaumik S, 2013, 'Ban on smoking in workplaces in India has led to more smoke free homes.', BMJ (Clinical research ed.), 346,

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