Select Publications

Journal articles

Fernando RL; Inacio MC; Sluggett JK; Ward SA; Beattie E; Khadka J; Caughey GE, 2025, 'Quality and Safety Indicators for Care Transitions by Older Adults: A Scoping Review', Journal of the American Medical Directors Association, 26,

Lim ML; Zammit C; Lewis E; Ee N; Maiden G; Goldwater M; Kimonis E; Kenning G; Rockwood K; Fitzgerald A; Radford K; Dodge H; Ward SA; Delbaere K; Peters R, 2024, 'A 10-week intergenerational program bringing together community-living older adults and preschool children (INTERACTION): a pilot feasibility non-randomised clinical trial', Pilot and Feasibility Studies, 10, pp. 37,

Zoungas S; Moran C; Curtis AJ; Spark S; Flanagan Z; Beilin L; Chong TTJ; Cloud GC; Hopper I; Kost A; McNeil JJ; Nicholls SJ; Reid CM; Ryan J; Tonkin AM; Ward S; Wierzbicki AS; Wolfe R; Zhou Z; Nelson MR, 2024, 'Baseline Characteristics of Participants in STAREE: A Randomized Trial for Primary Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease Events and Prolongation of Disability-Free Survival in Older People', Journal of the American Heart Association, 13,

Ward SA; Storey E; Naughton MT; Wolfe R; Hamilton GS; Law M; Kawasaki R; Abhayaratna WP; Webb KL; O'Donoghue FJ; Gasevic D; Stocks NP; Trevaks RE; Robman LD; Kolbe S; Fitzgerald SM; Orchard SG; Wong TY; McNeil JJ; Reid CM; Sinclair B; Woods RL, 2024, 'Obstructive sleep apnea and cerebral small vessel disease in community-based older people: an aspirin in reducing events in the elderly imaging substudy', SLEEP,

Timmins HC; Mok VCT; Kim SH; Shahrizaila N; Sung JY; Sobue G; Agustini S; Ward S; Anstey KJ; Talbot DL; Mazumder S; Tu S; Tan RH; Shin-Yi Lin C; O'Callaghan C; Michaelian JC; Jeon YH; Foxe D; Naismith SL; Piguet O; Ahmed R; Devenney E; Park SB; Kiernan MC, 2024, 'Regional health priorities for dementia: a roadmap for the Western Pacific', The Lancet Regional Health - Western Pacific, 50,

Ward SA; Woods RL; Naughton MT; Wolfe R; Gasevic D; Hamilton GS; Abhayaratna WP; Webb K; O'Donoghue FJ; Stocks N; Trevaks RE; Fitzgerald SM; Orchard SG; Reid CM; Storey E, 2024, 'Sleep Apnoea, Cognition and Aspirin's effects in healthy older people: an ASPREE sub-study', ERJ Open Research, pp. 00581 - 2024,

Robman LD; Wolfe R; Woods RL; Thao LTP; Makeyeva GA; Hodgson LAB; Lepham YA; Jachno K; Phung J; Maguire E; Luong H; Trevaks RE; Ward SA; Fitzgerald SM; Orchard SG; Lacaze P; Storey E; Abhayaratna WP; Nelson MR; Guymer RH; McNeil JJ, 2024, 'Effect of Low-Dose Aspirin on the Course of Age-Related Macular Degeneration: A Secondary Analysis of the ASPREE Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA Ophthalmology, 142, pp. 627 - 635,

Lathlean TJH; Inacio MC; Westbrook J; Gray L; Braithwaite J; Hibbert P; Comans T; Crotty M; Wesselingh S; Sluggett JK; Ward S; Wabe N; Caughey GE, 2024, 'Quality indicators to monitor the quality and safety of care for older people: A scoping review protocol', JBI Evidence Synthesis, 22, pp. 1857 - 1865,

Sluggett JK; Caughey GE; Air T; Cations M; Lang CE; Ward SA; Ahern S; Lin X; Wallis K; Crotty M; Inacio MC, 2024, 'National surveillance using a clinical quality indicator for prolonged antipsychotic use among older Australians with dementia who access aged care services', International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 39,

Ahern S; Lin X; Honardoost MA; Wallis K; Brodaty H; Ward SA, 2024, 'Does cultural and linguistic diversity impact timeliness of dementia diagnosis? Findings from the Australian Dementia Network Registry', Alzheimer's & Dementia, 20,

Ward SA; Lin X; Wallis K; Brodaty H; Rowe CC; Masters CL; Naismith SL; Ahern S, 2024, 'Real‐World Data on the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease in routine clinical practice: Insights from the Australian Dementia Network “ADNeT” Registry', Alzheimer's & Dementia, 20,

Cross AJ; Geethadevi GM; Magin P; Baker AL; Bonevski B; Godbee K; Ward SA; Mahal A; Versace V; Bell JS; Namara KM; O'Reilly SL; Thomas D; Manias E; Anstey KJ; Varnfield M; Jayasena R; Elliott RA; Lee CY; Walker C; van den Bosch D; Tullipan M; Ferreira C; George J, 2023, 'A novel, multidomain, primary care nurse-led and mHealth-assisted intervention for dementia risk reduction in middle-aged adults (HAPPI MIND): study protocol for a cluster randomised controlled trial', BMJ Open, 13, pp. e073709,

Sluggett JK; Air T; Cations M; Caughey GE; Lang CE; Ward SA; Ahern S; Lin X; Wallis K; Crotty M; Inacio MC, 2023, 'Clinical Quality Indicators for Monitoring Hospitalizations Among Older People with Dementia Accessing Aged Care Services', Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 96, pp. 1747 - 1758,

Naismith SL; Michaelian JC; Santos C; Mehrani I; Robertson J; Wallis K; Lin X; Ward SA; Martins R; Masters CL; Breakspear M; Ahern S; Fripp J; Schofield PR; Sachdev PS; Rowe CC, 2023, 'Tackling Dementia Together via The Australian Dementia Network (ADNeT): A Summary of Initiatives, Progress and Plans', Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 96, pp. 913 - 925,

Harding IH; Ryan J; Heritier S; Spark S; Flanagan Z; McIntyre R; Anderson CS; Naismith SL; Chong TTJ; O'Sullivan M; Egan G; Law M; Zoungas S; Beilin L; Cloud GC; Nicholls SJ; Tonkin A; Ward SA; Wierzbicki AS; Curtis AJ; Hopper I; Kost A; McNeil JJ; Nelson MR; Reid CM; Wolfe R; Simes J; Hankey G; Richards AM; Woodward M; Herschtal A; Le T, 2023, 'STAREE-Mind Imaging Study: a randomised placebo-controlled trial of atorvastatin for prevention of cerebrovascular decline and neurodegeneration in older individuals', BMJ Neurology Open, 5, pp. e000541,

Wrigglesworth J; Harding IH; Islam RM; Ward PGD; Woods RL; Bell RJ; McNeil JJ; Storey E; Egan G; Murray AM; Trevaks RE; Ward SA; Davis SR; Ryan J, 2023, 'The association between sex hormones and the change in brain-predicted age difference in older women', Clinical Endocrinology, 98, pp. 692 - 699,

Zoungas S; Curtis A; Spark S; Wolfe R; McNeil JJ; Beilin L; Chong TTJ; Cloud G; Hopper I; Kost A; Nelson M; Nicholls SJ; Reid CM; Ryan J; Tonkin A; Ward SA; Wierzbicki A, 2023, 'Statins for extension of disability-free survival and primary prevention of cardiovascular events among older people: Protocol for a randomised controlled trial in primary care (STAREE trial)', BMJ Open, 13,

Lin X; Ward SA; Pritchard E; Ahern S; Gardam M; Brodaty H; Ryan J; McNeil J; Tsindos T; Wallis K; Jeon YH; Robinson S; Krysinska K; Ayton D, 2023, 'Carer-reported measures for a dementia registry: A systematic scoping review and a qualitative study', Australasian Journal on Ageing, 42, pp. 34 - 52,

Craig H; Gasevic D; Ryan J; Owen A; McNeil J; Woods R; Britt C; Ward S; Freak-Poli R, 2023, 'Socioeconomic, Behavioural, and Social Health Correlates of Optimism and Pessimism in Older Men and Women: A Cross-Sectional Study', International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 20,

Wrigglesworth J; Ryan J; Ward PGD; Woods RL; Storey E; Egan GF; Murray A; Espinoza SE; Shah RC; Trevaks RE; Ward SA; Harding IH, 2023, 'Health-related heterogeneity in brain aging and associations with longitudinal change in cognitive function', Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience, 14,

Ekram ARMS; Espinoza SE; Ernst ME; Ryan J; Beilin L; Stocks NP; Ward SA; McNeil JJ; Shah RC; Woods RL, 2023, 'The Association between Metabolic Syndrome, Frailty and Disability-Free Survival in Healthy Community-dwelling Older Adults', Journal of Nutrition, Health and Aging, 27, pp. 1 - 9,

Ward SA; Brodaty H; Rowe CC; Wallis K; Ahern S, 2023, 'The Australian Dementia Network Registry: A Nationwide Clinical Quality Registry to monitor and improve dementia diagnosis and care', Alzheimer's & Dementia, 19,

Barker AL; Morello R; Thao LTP; Seeman E; Ward SA; Sanders KM; Cumming RG; Pasco JA; Ebeling PR; Woods RL; Wolfe R; Khosla S; Hussain SM; Ronaldson K; Newman AB; Williamson JD; McNeil JJ, 2022, 'Daily Low-Dose Aspirin and Risk of Serious Falls and Fractures in Healthy Older People: A Substudy of the ASPREE Randomized Clinical Trial', JAMA Internal Medicine, 182, pp. 1289 - 1297,

Tse AWW; Ward S; McNeil JJ; Barker A; Cicuttini F; Fitzgibbon BM; Hussain SM; Owen A; Wang Y; Wolfe R; Gilmartin-Thomas JFM, 2022, 'Severe low back or lower limb pain is associated with recurrent falls among older Australians', European Journal of Pain (United Kingdom), 26, pp. 1923 - 1937,

Espinoza SE; Woods RL; Saifuddin Ekram ARM; Ernst ME; Polekhina G; Wolfe R; Shah RC; Ward SA; Storey E; Nelson MR; Reid CM; Lockery JE; Orchard SG; Trevaks R; Fitzgerald SM; Stocks NP; Chan A; McNeil JJ; Murray AM; Newman AB; Ryan J, 2022, 'The Effect of Low-Dose Aspirin on Frailty Phenotype and Frailty Index in Community-Dwelling Older Adults in the ASPirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly Study', Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 77, pp. 2007 - 2014,

Ward SA; Storey E; Gasevic D; Naughton MT; Hamilton GS; Trevaks RE; Wolfe R; O'Donoghue FJ; Stocks N; Abhayaratna WP; Fitzgerald S; Orchard SG; Ryan J; McNeil JJ; Reid CM; Woods RL, 2022, 'Sleep-disordered breathing was associated with lower health-related quality of life and cognitive function in a cross-sectional study of older adults', Respirology, 27, pp. 767 - 775,

Neumann JT; Thao LTP; Murray AM; Callander E; Carr PR; Nelson MR; Wolfe R; Woods RL; Reid CM; Shah RC; Newman AB; Williamson JD; Tonkin AM; McNeil JJ; Murray A; Beilin L; Chan A; Demons J; Ernst M; Espinoza S; Goetz M; Johnston C; Kirpach B; Liew D; Margolis K; Meyskens F; Storey E; Zalcberg J; Ives D; Berk M; Bernstein W; Brauer D; Burns C; Chong T; Cloud G; Donnan GA; Eaton C; Fitzgerald P; Gibbs P; Haydon A; Jelinek M; Macrae F; Mahady S; Malik M; McLean C; Murray A; Newman A; Rodriguez L; Satterfield S; van Londen G; Tie J; Wood E; Mohr J; Anderson GL; Connolly S; Friedman L; Manson JA; Sano M; Morrison S; Ohman EM; Abhayaratna W; Gibbs P; Lockett T; Stocks N; Murray A; Ernst M; Lewis B; Newman A; Obisesan T; Ernst M; Gilbertson D; Lockery J; Rigby J; Pruksawongsin K; Hay N; Ryan J; Jachno K; Smith C; Ekram ARMS; Gardam M; Luong H; Montgomery T; Plate M; Rojas L, 2022, 'Prediction of disability-free survival in healthy older people', GeroScience, 44, pp. 1641 - 1655,

Phyo AZZ; Gonzalez-Chica DA; Stocks NP; Woods RL; Fisher J; Tran T; Owen AJ; Ward SA; Britt CJ; Ryan J; Freak-Poli R, 2022, 'Impact of economic factors, social health and stressful life events on physical health-related quality of life trajectories in older Australians', Quality of Life Research, 31, pp. 1321 - 1333,

Wrigglesworth J; Yaacob N; Ward P; Woods RL; McNeil J; Storey E; Egan G; Murray A; Shah RC; Jamadar SD; Trevaks R; Ward S; Harding IH; Ryan J, 2022, 'Brain-predicted age difference is associated with cognitive processing in later-life', Neurobiology of Aging, 109, pp. 195 - 203,

Orchard SG; Polekhina G; Ryan J; Shah RC; Storey E; Chong TTJ; Lockery JE; Ward SA; Wolfe R; Nelson MR; Reid CM; Murray AM; Espinoza SE; Newman AB; McNeil JJ; Collyer TA; Callisaya ML; Woods RL, 2022, 'Combination of gait speed and grip strength to predict cognitive decline and dementia', Alzheimer's and Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment and Disease Monitoring, 14,

Wrigglesworth J; Harding IH; Ward P; Woods RL; Storey E; Fitzgibbon B; Egan G; Murray A; Shah RC; Trevaks RE; Ward S; Mcneil JJ; Ryan J, 2022, 'Factors Influencing Change in Brain-Predicted Age Difference in a Cohort of Healthy Older Individuals', Journal of Alzheimer's Disease Reports, 6, pp. 163 - 176,

Rahja M; Air T; Ahern S; Ward SA; Caughey GE; Sluggett JK; Cations M; Lin X; Wallis K; Crotty M; Inacio MC, 2022, 'Primary and Secondary Care Related Quality Indicators for Dementia Care Among Australian Aged Care Users: National Trends, Risk Factors, and Variation', Journal of Alzheimer's Disease, 88, pp. 1511 - 1522,

Ryan J; Espinoza S; Ernst ME; Ekram ARMS; Wolfe R; Murray AM; Shah RC; Orchard SG; Fitzgerald S; Beilin LJ; Ward SA; Williamson JD; Newman AB; McNeil JJ; Woods RL, 2022, 'Validation of a Deficit-Accumulation Frailty Index in the ASPirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly Study and Its Predictive Capacity for Disability-Free Survival', Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 77, pp. 19 - 26,

Lin X; Banaszak-Holl J; Xie J; Ward SA; Brodaty H; Storey E; Shah RC; Murray A; Ryan J; Orchard SG; Fitzgerald SM; McNeil JJ, 2021, 'Similar mortality risk in incident cognitive impairment and dementia: Evidence from the ASPirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly (ASPREE) trial', Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 69, pp. 3568 - 3575,

Cations M; Lang C; Ward SA; Caughey GE; Crotty M; Whitehead C; Ahern S; Maddison J; Inacio MC, 2021, 'Using data linkage for national surveillance of clinical quality indicators for dementia care among Australian aged care users', Scientific Reports, 11,

Woods RL; Espinoza S; Thao LTP; Ernst ME; Ryan J; Wolfe R; Shah RC; Ward SA; Storey E; Nelson MR; Reid CM; Lockery JE; Orchard SG; Trevaks RE; Fitzgerald SM; Stocks NP; Williamson JD; McNeil JJ; Murray AM; Newman AB, 2021, 'Effect of aspirin on activities of daily living disability in community-dwelling older adults', Journals of Gerontology - Series A Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences, 76, pp. 2007 - 2014,

Kenning G; Ee N; Xu Y; Luu BL; Ward SA; Goldwater MB; Lewis E; Radford K; Anstey KJ; Lautenschlager NT; Fitzgerald JA; Rockwood K; Peters R, 2021, 'Intergenerational Practice in the Community—What Does the Community Think?', Social Sciences, 10, pp. 374 - 374,

Craig HJ; Ryan J; Freak-Poli R; Owen A; McNeil J; Woods R; Ward S; Britt C; Gasevic D, 2021, 'Dispositional Optimism and All-Cause Mortality in Older Adults: A Cohort Study', Psychosomatic Medicine, 83, pp. 938 - 945,

Wrigglesworth J; Yaacob N; Ward P; Woods R; McNeil J; Storey E; Egan G; Murray A; Shah R; Jamadar S; Trevaks R; Ward S; Harding I; Ryan J, 2021, '1195Brain-predicted age difference is associated with cognitive processing and delayed recall in later life', International Journal of Epidemiology, 50,

Ayton DR; Gardam ML; Pritchard EK; Ruseckaite R; Ryan J; Robinson SJ; Brodaty H; Ward SA; Ahern S, 2021, 'Patient-Reported Outcome Measures to Inform Care of People with Dementia - A Systematic Scoping Review', Gerontologist, 61, pp. E185 - E194,

Ng NSQ; Ayton D; Workman B; Ward SA, 2021, 'Understanding diagnostic settings and carer experiences for dementia diagnosis in Australia', Internal Medicine Journal, 51, pp. 1126 - 1135,

Lockery JE; Broder JC; Ryan J; Stewart AC; Woods RL; Chong TTJ; Cloud GC; Murray A; Rigby JD; Shah R; Storey E; Ward SA; Wolfe R; Reid CM; Collyer TA; Ernst ME, 2021, 'A Cohort Study of Anticholinergic Medication Burden and Incident Dementia and Stroke in Older Adults', Journal of General Internal Medicine, 36, pp. 1629 - 1637,

Gilmartin-Thomas JFM; Forbes A; Liew D; McNeil JJ; Cicuttini FM; Owen AJ; Ernst ME; Nelson MR; Lockery J; Ward SA; Busija L, 2021, 'Evaluation of the Pain Impact Index for Community-Dwelling Older Adults Through the Application of Rasch Modelling', Pain Practice, 21, pp. 501 - 512,

Lin X; Wallis K; Ahern S; Brodaty H; Rowe C; Kain B; Lambourne S; McNeil J; Ward SA, 2021, 'Optimising participation of persons with cognitive impairment in a national dementia registry: challenges and solutions', Internal Medicine Journal, 51, pp. 988 - 992,

Peters R; Ee N; Ward SA; Kenning G; Radford K; Goldwater M; Dodge HH; Lewis E; Xu Y; Kudrna G; Hamilton M; Peters J; Anstey KJ; Lautenschlager NT; Fitzgerald A; Rockwood K, 2021, 'Intergenerational Programmes bringing together community dwelling non-familial older adults and children: A Systematic Review', Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 94, pp. 104356,

Parsons C; Lim WY; Loy C; McGuinness B; Passmore P; Ward SA; Hughes C, 2021, 'Withdrawal or continuation of cholinesterase inhibitors or memantine or both, in people with dementia', Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 2021,

Cations M; Lang CE; Ward SA; Crotty M; Whitehead C; Maddison J; Inacio M, 2021, 'Cohort profile: Dementia in the Registry of Senior Australians', BMJ Open, 11,

Gilmartin-Thomas JFM; Ernst ME; Nelson MR; Lockery J; Ward SA; Woods RL; Britt C; Murray A; Workman B; McNeil J, 2021, 'Musculoskeletal Pain Experienced on Most Days is a Common Accompaniment of Ageing amongst Community-Dwelling Older Australians: A Questionnaire-Based Study', Journal of Aging and Health, 33, pp. 39 - 47,

Banaszak-Holl J; Lin X; Xie J; Ward S; Brodaty H; Shah R; Murray A; McNeil J, 2020, 'Dementia Adjudication Triggers Associated With Increased Mortality for Older Australians: Evidence From ASPREE', Innovation in Aging, 4, pp. 161 - 161,

Robman LD; Phuong Thao LT; Guymer RH; Wolfe R; Woods RL; Hodgson LA; Phung J; Makeyeva GA; Le-Pham YA; Orchard SG; Suleiman J; Maguire E; Trevaks RE; Ward SA; Riaz M; Lacaze P; Storey E; Abhayaratna WP; Nelson MR; Ernst ME; Reid CM; McNeil JJ, 2020, 'Baseline characteristics and age-related macular degeneration in participants of the “ASPirin in Reducing Events in the Elderly” (ASPREE)-AMD trial', Contemporary Clinical Trials Communications, 20,

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