Select Publications

Journal articles

Harris SJ; Schwietzke S; France JL; Velandia Salinas N; Meixus Fernandez T; Randles C; Guanter L; Irakulis-Loitxate I; Calcan A; Aben I; Abrahamsson K; Balcombe P; Berchet A; Biddle LC; Bittig HC; Böttcher C; Bouvard T; Broström G; Bruch V; Cassiani M; Chipperfield MP; Ciais P; Damm E; Dammers E; Denier van der Gon H; Dogniaux M; Dowd E; Dupouy F; Eckhardt S; Evangeliou N; Feng W; Jia M; Jiang F; Kaiser-Weiss AK; Kamoun I; Kerridge BJ; Lampert A; Lana J; Li F; Maasakkers JD; Maclean J-PW; Mamtimin B; Marshall J; Mauger G; Mekkas A; Mielke C; Mohrmann M; Moore DP; Nanni R; Pätzold F; Pison I; Pisso I; Platt SM; Préa R; Queste BY; Ramonet M; Rehder G; Remedios JJ; Reum F; Roiger A; Schmidbauer N; Siddans R; Sunkisala A; Thompson RL; Varon DJ; Ventress LJ; Wilson C; Zhang Y, 2025, 'Methane emissions from the Nord Stream subsea pipeline leaks.', Nature, 637, pp. 1124 - 1130,

Fang X; Harris SJ; Leitner SM; Butterbach-Bahl K; Conz RF; Merbold L; Dannenmann M; Oyugi A; Liu S; Zou J; Six J; Barthel M, 2024, 'Mechanisms behind high N2O emissions from livestock enclosures in Kenya revealed by dual-isotope and functional gene analyses', Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 196,

Ho L; Pham K; Barthel M; Harris S; Bodé S; De Vrieze J; Vermeir P; Six J; Boeckx P; Goethals P, 2024, 'Unravelling CH4 and N2O dynamics in tidal wetlands using natural abundance isotopes and functional genes', Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 196,

Harris E; Fischer P; Lewicki MP; Lewicka-Szczebak D; Harris SJ; Perez-Cruz F, 2024, 'Technical note: A Bayesian mixing model to unravel isotopic data and quantify trace gas production and consumption pathways for time series data - Time-resolved FRactionation And Mixing Evaluation (TimeFRAME)', Biogeosciences, 21, pp. 3641 - 3663,

Ho L; Barthel M; Harris S; Vermeulen K; Six J; Bodé S; Boeckx P; Goethals P, 2023, 'Unravelling spatiotemporal N2O dynamics in an urbanized estuary system using natural abundance isotopes', Water Research, 247,

Kelly BFJ; Lu X; Harris SJ; Neininger BG; Hacker JM; Schwietzke S; Fisher RE; France JL; Nisbet EG; Lowry D; Van Der Veen C; Menoud M; Röckmann T, 2022, 'Atmospheric methane isotopes identify inventory knowledge gaps in the Surat Basin, Australia, coal seam gas and agricultural regions', Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 22, pp. 15527 - 15558,

Harris SJ; Cendón DI; Hankin SI; Peterson MA; Xiao S; Kelly BFJ, 2022, 'Isotopic evidence for nitrate sources and controls on denitrification in groundwater beneath an irrigated agricultural district', Science of the Total Environment, 817,

Lu X; Harris SJ; Fisher RE; France JL; Nisbet EG; Lowry D; Röckmann T; Van Der Veen C; Menoud M; Schwietzke S; Kelly BFJ, 2021, 'Isotopic signatures of major methane sources in the coal seam gas fields and adjacent agricultural districts, Queensland, Australia', Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, pp. 10527 - 10555,

Yu L; Harris E; Lewicka-Szczebak D; Barthel M; Blomberg MRA; Harris SJ; Johnson MS; Lehmann MF; Liisberg J; Müller C; Ostrom NE; Six J; Toyoda S; Yoshida N; Mohn J, 2020, 'What can we learn from N2O isotope data? – Analytics, processes and modelling', Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry, 34,

Harris SJ; Liisberg J; Xia L; Wei J; Zeyer K; Yu L; Barthel M; Wolf B; Kelly BFJ; Cendón DI; Blunier T; Six J; Mohn J, 2020, 'N2O isotopocule measurements using laser spectroscopy: Analyzer characterization and intercomparison', Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 13, pp. 2797 - 2831,

Harris SJ; Liisberg J; Xia L; Wei J; Zeyer K; Yu L; Barthel M; Wolf B; Kelly BFJ; Cendón DI; Blunier T; Six J; Mohn J, 2019, 'N2O isotopocule measurements using laser spectroscopy: analyzer characterization and intercomparison', ,

Graham IT; Harris SJ; Martin L; Lay A; Zappettini E, 2019, 'Enigmatic alluvial sapphires from the Orosmayo Region, Jujuy Province, Northwest Argentina: Insights into their origin from in situ oxygen isotopes', Minerals, 9,

Sutherland FL; Zaw K; Meffre S; Thompson J; Goemann K; Thu K; Nu TT; Zin MM; Harris SJ, 2019, 'Diversity in ruby geochemistry and its inclusions: Intra-and inter-continental comparisons from Myanmar and Eastern Australia', Minerals, 9, pp. Article number 28 - Article number 28,

Wang KK; Graham IT; Martin L; Voudouris P; Giuliani G; Lay A; Harris SJ; Fallick A, 2019, 'Fingerprinting paranesti rubies through oxygen isotopes', Minerals, 9, pp. 91,

Graham I; Colchester DM; Harris S; Lay A; Burkett D; Thornton J, 2018, 'Aluminoceladonite pseudomorphs after euhedral nepheline from Pudding Island, near Portobello, Dunedin, New Zealand', Australian Journal of Mineralogy, 19, pp. 21 - 25

Harris SJ; Graham I; Lay A; Colchester DM, 2017, 'Complex smoky quartz crystals from the sediment-hosted Manuka Zn-Pb-Ag deposits, Cobar Basin, New South Wales', Australian Journal of Mineralogy, 18, pp. 5 - 21

Wang KK; Graham IT; Lay A; Harris SJ; Cohen DR; Voudouris P; Belousova E; Giuliani G; Fallick AE; Greig A, 2017, 'The origin of a new pargasite-schist hosted ruby deposit from Paranesti, Northern Greece', Canadian Mineralogist, 55, pp. 535 - 560,

Harris SJ; Graham IT; Lay A; Powell W; Belousova E; Zappettini E, 2017, 'Trace element geochemistry and metasomatic origin of alluvial sapphires from the Orosmayo region, Jujuy Province, Northwest Argentina', Canadian Mineralogist, 55, pp. 595 - 617,

Sutherland FL; Graham IT; Harris SJ; Coldham T; Powell W; Belousova EA; Martin L, 2017, 'Unusual ruby–sapphire transition in alluvial megacrysts, Cenozoic basaltic gem field, New England, New South Wales, Australia', Lithos, 278-281, pp. 347 - 360,

Conference Presentations

Harris S; Cendon D; Liisberg J; Wei J; Yu L; Mohn J; Wolf B; Xia L; Barthel M; Six J; Zeyer K; Blunier T; Kelly B; Harris S, 2021, 'N2O isotope laser spectrometers: towards reproducible and accurate measurements', presented at 15th Australasian Environmental Isotope Conference, Online, 17 August 2021 - 18 August 2021

Lu XL; Harris SJ; Fisher RE; Lowry D; Hacker J; Neininge B; Röckmann T; van der Veen C; Menoud M; Schwietzke S; Kelly B, 2020, 'Methane Source Attribution Challenges in the Surat Basin, Australia', presented at EGU2020-12508, Vienna, Austria (online in 2020), 04 May 2020 - 08 May 2020,

Mohn J; Rupacher J; Moossen H; Toyoda S; Biasi C; Kaiser J; Harris S; Liisberg J; Wolf B; Xia L; Barthel M; Yu L; Kantnerová K; Wei J; Zeyer K; Guillevic M; Pearce R; Mussell Webber E; Hillier A; Kelly B; Blunier T; Yoshida N; Brewe P, 2020, 'N2O isotope research: development of reference materials and metrological characterization of OIRS analyzers within the SIRS project', presented at EGU General Assembly 2020, Vienna, Austria (online in 2020), 04 May 2020 - 08 May 2020,

Harris S; Liisberg J; Xia L; Wei J; Zeyer K; Yu L; Barthel M; Wolf B; Kelly BFJ; Cendon D; Blunier T; Six J; Mohn J, 2019, 'A user’s guide for accurate N2O isotopocule measurements using laser spectroscopy', presented at What can we learn from N2O isotope data?, Empa, Dubendorf, Switzerland, 23 October 2019 - 24 October 2019

Conference Abstracts

Cendon D; Harris S; Kelly B; Peterson M; Hankin S; Rowling B; Watson J; Xiao S, 2919, 'Fertilisers rule REYs: agricultural catchments of Eastern Australia', in Goldschmidt Barcelona 2019, Barcelona, Spain, presented at GOLDSCHMIDT2019, Barcelona, Spain, 18 August 2919 - 23 August 2019,

Harris S; Liisberg J; Wolf B; Xia L; Yu L; Wei J; Barthel M; Kelly B; Blunier T; Mohn J; Cendon D, 2019, 'A comparison of commercially-available quantum cascade laser spectrometers to measure N2O isotopocules (δ15Nα, δ15Nβ & δ18O) at ambient concentrations', in NCGG8, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, presented at 8th International Symposium on Non-CO2 Greenhouse Gases, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 12 June 2019 - 14 June 2019

Kelly B; Lu X; Harris S; Fisher R; Lowry D; France J; Hacker J; Neininger B; Röckmann T; Schwietzke S, 2019, 'Direct Measurement of Coal Seam Gas and Agricultural Methane Emissions in the Surat Basin, Australia', in Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vienna, Austria, presented at EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 07 April 2019 - 12 April 2019,

Lu X; Iverach CP; Harris SJ; Fisher RE; Lowry D; France JL; Nisbet EG; Loh Z; Phillips F; Schwietzke S; Hacker J; Neininger B; Kelly BFJ, 2019, 'In Plume Miller-Tans Time Series Analyses for Improved Isotopic Source Signature Characterisation', in Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vienna, Austria, presented at EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 07 April 2019 - 12 April 2019,

Harris S; Cendon D; Peterson M; Hankin S; Watson J; Xiao S; Kelly B, 2019, 'Nitrogen cycling dynamics in a humid subtropical climate: insights from the Nogoa River sub-catchment, central Queensland, Australia', in Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vienna, Austria, presented at EGU General Assembly 2019, Vienna, Austria, 07 April 2019 - 12 April 2019

France J; Fisher R; Lowry D; Nisbet E; Coleman M; Kelly B; Lu X; Harris S; Iverach C; Bashir S; Ginty E; Lanoiselle M; Zazzeri G, 2019, 'Using multiple tracers to identify sources of atmospheric methane during baseline surveying prior to unconventional gas recovery', in Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 21, EGU2019-14139, 2019, presented at EGU General Assembly 2019, 07 April 2019 - 12 April 2019

Harris S; Liisberg J; Wolf B; Xia L; Yu L; Wei J; Kelly B; Blunier T; Mohn J, 2018, 'Comparison of N2O isotope spectrometers for high-precision measurements in ambient air and incubation experiments', in Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stabile Isotope - ASI 2018, Munich, Germany, presented at Arbeitsgemeinschaft Stabile Isotope - ASI 2018, Munich, Germany

Harris SJ; Cendon D; Hankin S; Kelly BF, 2018, 'Occurrence and controls on N2O accumulation in the lower Namoi alluvial aquifer, Australia', in Geophysical Research Abstracts Vol. 20, EGU2018-10576, 2018, presented at EGU General Assembly 2018, 08 April 2018 - 13 April 2018,

Kelly BF; Cendón D; Iverach CP; Harris S; Hankin S, 2017, 'Accumulative evidence highlighting that the Narrabri and Gunnedah formations are mythical', in Australasian Groundwater Conference 2017, presented at Australasian Groundwater Conference 2017, 11 July 2017 - 13 July 2017,


Harris S; Kelly B; Hankin S; Peterson M; Cendón D, 2022, Mole fraction and isotopic measurements of nitrous oxide in tropospheric air in the Namoi, Nogoa and Murrumbidgee Catchments (2017-2020), UNSW Sydney, Sydney

Cendon D; Hankin S; Harris S; Peterson M; Dimovski C; Kelly B, 2022, Quantifying the N-cycle: hydrochemistry and isotopes of groundwater in the Lower Murrumbidgee Catchment., ANSTO, Sydney, ANSTO/C1803

Harris S; Cendon D; Hakin S; Peterson M; Shuang X; Dimovski C; Kelly B, 2022, Quantifying the N-cycle: hydrochemistry and isotopes of shallow groundwater in the Lower Murrumbidgee Catchment., ANSTO, Sydney, ANSTO/C1819

Hankin S; Cendon D; Harris S; Peterson M; Dimovski C; Kelly B, 2022, Quantifying the N-cycle: hydrochemistry and isotopes of shallow groundwater in the Lower Namoi Alluvium., ANSTO, Sydney, ANSTO/C1808

Hankin S; Cendon D; Harris S; Peterson M; Dimovski C; Kelly B, 2021, Quantifying the N-cycle: hydrochemistry and isotopes in the Namoi River., ANSTO, Sydney, ANSTO/C1763

Cendon D; Hankin S; Harris S; Petterson M; Dimovski C; Kelly B, 2021, Quantifying the N-cycle: hydrochemistry and isotopes in the Nogoa River (QLD), ANSTO/C1745

Kelly B; Ginty E; Iverach C; Harris S, 2019, Namoi Atmospheric Methane Surveys, Cotton Research and Development Corporation, UNSW Sydney, CRDC ID UNSW1601 UNSW Sydney ID RG151699

Iverach C; Cendon D; Hankin S; Harris S; Kelly B, 2019, Hydrogeochemical, Microbial and Isotopic Composition of Groundwater from the Lower Namoi Alluvial Aquifer between Narrabri and Wee Waa (NSW) – Implications for Groundwater Management, Cotton Research and Development Corporation, ANSTO, ANSTO/C-1512


Kelly BFJ; Lu X; Harris SJ; Neininger BG; Hacker JM; Schwietzke S; Fisher RE; France JL; Nisbet EG; Lowry D; van der Veen C; Menoud M; Röckmann T, 2022, Atmospheric methane isotopes identify inventory knowledge gaps in the Surat Basin, Australia, coal seam gas and agricultural regions,

Lu X; Harris SJ; Fisher RE; France JL; Nisbet EG; Lowry D; Röckmann T; van der Veen C; Menoud M; Schwietzke S; Kelly BFJ, 2021, Isotopic Signatures of Major Methane Sources in the Coal Seam Gas Fields and Adjacent Agricultural Districts, Queensland, Australia,

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