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Select Publications
2022, Sub-Imperial Power Australia in the International Arena, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14443058.2023.2216118
,2020, 'Approaching Historiography', in Beauchamp T (ed.), Humanities Core Handbook, XanEdu (for Humanities Core, UC-Irvine), pp. 85 - 96
,2020, 'Disappearing Minorities: Toponymical Identities and the Making of an Ethnographic Museum at the Azem Palace in Damascus', in Rey V (ed.), The Art of Minorities: Cultural Representation in Museums of the Middle East and North Africa, University of Edinburgh Press, Edinburgh, pp. 33 - 56
,2015, 'Introduction: Making Modernity from the Mashriq to the Maghreb', in Making Modernity from the Mashriq to the Maghreb, Arena Publications, North Carlton, pp. 1 - 13, https://arena.org.au/informit/making-modernity-from-the-mashriq-to-the-maghreb/
,2015, 'Making the Middle East Modern: Shifting Frameworks of History', in Pascoe S; Rey V; James P (ed.), Making Modernity from the Mashriq to the Maghreb, Arena Publications, North Carlton, pp. 14 - 30, https://arena.org.au/informit/making-the-middle-east-modern-shifting-historical-frameworks/
,Pascoe S; Rey V; James P, (eds.), 2015, Making Modernity from the Mashriq to the Maghreb, Arena Publications, North Carlton
2019, 'A “Weapon of the Weak”: Electric Boycotts in the Arab Levant and the Global Contours of Interwar Anti-Imperialism', Radical History Review, pp. 116 - 141, https://read.dukeupress.edu/radical-history-review/article-abstract/2019/134/116/138434/A-Weapon-of-the-Weak-Electric-Boycotts-in-the-Arab
,2012, 'The Death and Life of Beirut', in Urban Transformations: Booms, Busts and Other Catastrophes: Proceedings of the 11th Australasian Urban History, Planning History Conference, State Library of Western Australia, Perth, pp. 254 - 254, presented at Urban History Planning History, State Library of Western Australia, Perth, 05 February 2012 - 08 February 2012
,2010, 'An ‘Enlightened Urban Renewal’?: The University of Melbourne, The Housing Commission of Victoria and The Contest for Carlton in the 1960s', in Green Fields, Brown Fields, New Fields: Proceedings of the 10th Australasian Urban History, Planning History Conference, University of Melbourne, pp. 452 - 467, presented at Urban History Planning History, University of Melbourne, 07 February 2010 - 10 February 2010