Select Publications

Book Chapters

Nguyen Q; Gomes S; Alnahhal M; Li W; Kim T; Castel A, 2023, 'Testing Geopolymer Concrete Performance in Chloride Environment', in International RILEM Conference on Synergising expertise towards sustainability and robustness of CBMs and concrete structures Volume 2, Springer Link,

Nguyen QD; Khan M; Castel A; Kim T, 2020, 'Mitigation of Alkali–Silica Reaction in Limestone Calcined Clay Cement-Based Mortar', in RILEM Bookseries, pp. 665 - 672,

Kim T; Olek J, 2012, 'Influence of alkali silica reaction on the chemistry of pore solutions in mortars with and without lithium ions', in Brittle Matrix Composites 10, pp. 11 - 20,

Journal articles

Gao H; Al-Damad IMA; Siddika A; Kim T; Foster S; Hajimohammadi A, 2025, 'Enhancing the workability retention of one-part alkali activated binders by adjusting the chemistry of the activators', Cement and Concrete Composites, 157,

Zhang Y; Kim T; Castel A; Xu T, 2024, 'Correction to: Thermal Cracking in High Volume of Fly Ash and GGBFS Concrete (International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, (2023), 17, 1, (65), 10.1186/s40069-023-00626-z)', International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 18,

Song H; Kim T; Hajimohammadi A; Oh JE; Castel A, 2024, 'Detailed characterisation of hemp and hempcrete pore structures: Effects on thermal and acoustic properties', Cement and Concrete Research, 186, pp. 107702 - 107702,

Dhandapani Y; Machner A; Wilson W; Kunther W; Afroz S; Kim T; Zunino F; Joseph S; Kanavaris F; Castel A; Thienel KC; Irassar EF; Bishnoi S; Martirena F; Santhanam M, 2024, 'Performance of cementitious systems containing calcined clay in a chloride-rich environment: a review by TC-282 CCL', Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, 57,

Golafshani EM; Behnood A; Kim T; Ngo T; Kashani A, 2024, 'Metaheuristic optimization based- ensemble learners for the carbonation assessment of recycled aggregate concrete', Applied Soft Computing, 159,

Siddika A; Kim T; Sahajwalla V; Hajimohammadi A, 2024, 'Early age structural build-up and pore stability in raw foam at ambient conditions: Implications for the final properties of glass-ceramic foam', Construction and Building Materials, 428,

Li J; Hajimohammadi A; Kim T, 2024, 'The surface treatment of PVA fibres to enhance fibre distribution and mechanical properties of foam concrete', Construction and Building Materials, 425,

Alnahhal MF; Hamdan A; Hajimohammadi A; Castel A; Kim T, 2024, 'Hydrothermal synthesis of sodium silicate from rice husk ash: Effect of synthesis on silicate structure and transport properties of alkali-activated concrete', Cement and Concrete Research, 178,

Golafshani EM; Behnood A; Kim T; Ngo T; Kashani A, 2024, 'A framework for low-carbon mix design of recycled aggregate concrete with supplementary cementitious materials using machine learning and optimization algorithms', Structures, 61,

Mohammadi Golafshani E; Kim T; Behnood A; Ngo T; Kashani A, 2024, 'Sustainable mix design of recycled aggregate concrete using artificial intelligence', Journal of Cleaner Production, 442,

Yao Z; Kashani A; Rawal A; Song H; Kim T, 2024, 'Heat-induced phase transitions in mining tailings to create alternative supplementary cementitious materials', Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 210, pp. . - .,

Lin X; Li W; Castel A; Kim T; Huang Y; Wang K, 2023, 'A comprehensive review on self-healing cementitious composites with crystalline admixtures: Design, performance and application', Construction and Building Materials, 409, pp. 134108,

Afroz S; Kim T; Castel A, 2023, 'Distinct Effect of Hydration of Calcined Kaolinitic Clay-Limestone Blended Cement on Microstructure and Autogenous Shrinkage', Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 35,

Li J; Hajimohammadi A; Yu Y; Lee BY; Kim T, 2023, 'Mechanism of PVA Fiber Influence in Foam Concrete: From Macroscopic to Microscopic View', Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 35,

Hamdan A; Song H; Yao Z; Alnahhal MF; Kim T; Hajimohammadi A, 2023, 'Modifications to reaction mechanisms, phase assemblages and mechanical properties of alkali-activated slags induced by gypsum addition', Cement and Concrete Research, 174, pp. 107311,

Zhang Y, 2023, 'Thermal Cracking in High Volume of Fly Ash and GGBFS Concrete', International Journal of Concrete Structures and Materials, 17,

Li J; Yu Y; Kim T; Hajimohammadi A, 2023, 'Unveiling the underlying mechanisms of tensile behaviour enhancement in fibre reinforced foam concrete', Construction and Building Materials, 398,

Afroz S; Nguyen QD; Zhang Y; Kim T; Castel A, 2023, 'Cracking of limestone calcined clay blended concrete and mortar under restrained shrinkage', Construction and Building Materials, 386,

Mohammadi Golafshani E; Kashani A; Behnood A; Kim T, 2023, 'Modeling the chloride migration of recycled aggregate concrete using ensemble learners for sustainable building construction', Journal of Cleaner Production, 407,

Zhang Y; Afroz S; Nguyen QD; Kim T; Castel A; Xu T, 2023, 'Modeling blended cement concrete tensile creep for standard ring test application', Structural Concrete, 24, pp. 2170 - 2188,

Hamdan A; Hajimohammadi A; Njegic B; Kim T, 2023, 'The changes in the reaction kinetics and phase assemblage of sodium silicate-activated CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 glasses induced by the Al replacement by Mg', Cement and Concrete Research, 166,

Zhang Y; Afroz S; Nguyen QD; Kim T; Nguyen D; Castel A; Nairn J; Gilbert RI, 2023, 'Autogenous shrinkage of fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag concrete', Magazine of Concrete Research, 75, pp. 283 - 295,

Afroz S; Zhang Y; Nguyen QD; Kim T; Castel A, 2023, 'Shrinkage of blended cement concrete with fly ash or limestone calcined clay', Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, 56,

Hamdan A; Hajimohammadi A; Rawal A; Kim T, 2023, 'The intrinsic role of network modifiers (Ca versus Mg) in the reaction kinetics and microstructure of sodium silicate-activated CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 glasses', Cement and Concrete Research, 164, pp. 107058 - 107058,

Mohammadi Golafshani E; Kashani A; Kim T; Arashpour M, 2022, 'Concrete chloride diffusion modelling using marine creatures-based metaheuristic artificial intelligence', Journal of Cleaner Production, 374,

Afroz S; Nguyen QD; Zhang Y; Kim T; Castel A, 2022, 'Evaluation of cracking potential parameters for low to high grade concrete with fly ash or slag', Construction and Building Materials, 350,

Mahmood AH; Afroz S; Kashani A; Kim T; Foster SJ, 2022, 'The efficiency of recycled glass powder in mitigating the alkali-silica reaction induced by recycled glass aggregate in cementitious mortars', Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, 55, pp. 156,

Dhandapani Y; Joseph S; Bishnoi S; Kunther W; Kanavaris F; Kim T; Irassar E; Castel A; Zunino F; Machner A; Talakokula V; Thienel KC; Wilson W; Elsen J; Martirena F; Santhanam M, 2022, 'Durability performance of binary and ternary blended cementitious systems with calcined clay: a RILEM TC 282 CCL review', Materials and Structures/Materiaux et Constructions, 55,

Afroz S; Zhang Y; Dieu Nguyen Q; Kim T; Castel A, 2022, 'Effect of limestone in General Purpose cement on autogenous shrinkage of high strength GGBFS concrete and pastes', Construction and Building Materials, 327,

Hamdan A; Kim T; Hajimohammadi A; Alnahhal MF; Rawal A, 2022, 'Synthesis of chemically controlled cementitious materials using organic steric entrapment (OSE) method: Process, advantages, and characterisation', Cement and Concrete Research, 153,

Hajimohammadi A; Masoumi S; Kim T; McCaslin E; Alnahhal MF; Almer JD; White CE, 2022, 'Chemo-mechanical properties of carbon fiber reinforced geopolymer interphase', Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 105, pp. 1519 - 1532,

Nguyen QD; Afroz S; Zhang Y; Kim T; Li W; Castel A, 2022, 'Autogenous and total shrinkage of limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) concretes', Construction and Building Materials, 314,

Hamdan A; Kim T; Hajimohammadi A, 2022, 'Quantitative description of the effect of slag surface area on its reaction kinetics in sodium silicate‐activated materials', RILEM Technical Letters, 7, pp. 150 - 158,

Alnahhal MF; Hamdan A; Hajimohammadi A; Kim T, 2021, 'Effect of rice husk ash-derived activator on the structural build-up of alkali activated materials', Cement and Concrete Research, 150,

Zhang Y; Afroz S; Nguyen QD; Kim T; Eisenträger J; Castel A; Xu T, 2021, 'Analytical model predicting the concrete tensile stress development in the restrained shrinkage ring test', Construction and Building Materials, 307,

Alnahhal MF; Kim T; Hajimohammadi A, 2021, 'Distinctive rheological and temporal viscoelastic behaviour of alkali-activated fly ash/slag pastes: A comparative study with cement paste', Cement and Concrete Research, 144,

Alnahhal MF; Kim T; Hajimohammadi A, 2021, 'Waste-derived activators for alkali-activated materials: A review', Cement and Concrete Composites, 118,

Honeycutt WT; Kim T; Ley MT; Materer NF, 2021, 'Sensor array for wireless remote monitoring of carbon dioxide and methane near carbon sequestration and oil recovery sites', RSC Advances, 11, pp. 6972 - 6984,

Jeong DJ; Kim T; Ryu JH; Kim JH, 2021, 'Analytical model to parameterize the adiabatic temperature rise of concrete', Construction and Building Materials, 268,

Nguyen QD; Castel A; Kim T; Khan MSH, 2021, 'Performance of fly ash concrete with ferronickel slag fine aggregate against alkali-silica reaction and chloride diffusion', Cement and Concrete Research, 139, pp. 106265,

Kang S; Tyler Ley M; Lloyd Z; Kim T, 2020, 'Using the Particle Model to predict electrical resistivity performance of fly ash in concrete', Construction and Building Materials, 261,

Nguyen QD; Kim T; Castel A, 2020, 'Mitigation of alkali-silica reaction by limestone calcined clay cement (LC3)', Cement and Concrete Research, 137,

Kang S; Lloyd Z; Kim T; Ley MT, 2020, 'Predicting the compressive strength of fly ash concrete with the Particle Model', Cement and Concrete Research,

Kim T; Ley MT; Kang S; Davis JM; Kim S; Amrollahi P, 2020, 'Using particle composition of fly ash to predict concrete strength and electrical resistivity', Cement and Concrete Composites, 107, pp. 103493 - 103493,

Panchmatia P; Kim T; Olek J, 2020, 'Effects of Air-Cooled Blast Furnace Slag Aggregate on Pore Solution Chemistry of Cementitious Systems', Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 32, pp. 0401937 - 0401937,

Alnahhal MF; Kim T; Hajimohammadi A, 2020, 'Evolution of flow properties, plastic viscosity, and yield stress of Alkali-activated fly ash/slag pastes', RILEM Technical Letters, 5, pp. 141 - 149,

Hajimohammadi A; Ngo T; Provis JL; Kim T; Vongsvivut J, 2019, 'High strength/density ratio in a syntactic foam made from one-part mix geopolymer and cenospheres', Composites Part B: Engineering, 173,

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