Select Publications
Journal articles
2020, 'Context dependence of transgenerational plasticity: the influence of parental temperature depends on offspring environment and sex', Oecologia, 194, pp. 391 - 401,
,2019, 'Female mice seek refuge from castrated males, but not intact or vasectomized males, mitigating a socially-induced glucocorticoid response', Physiology and Behavior, 211,
,2018, 'Perceived threats of infanticide reduce maternal allocation during lactation and lead to elevated oxidative damage in offspring', Functional Ecology, 32, pp. 2158 - 2169,
,2016, 'Developing measuring inductance strategies on a direct current machine using a DC source with magnetic saturation', International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications, 44, pp. 1094 - 1111,
,2013, 'Exposure to a novel male during late pregnancy influences subsequent growth of offspring during lactation', Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 26, pp. 2057 - 2062,