Select Publications

Book Chapters

Crea T, 2021, 'Reconstruction and re- mediation : Performing Commedia across cultures', in Di Niro C; Crick O (ed.), Commedia Dell' Arte for the 21st Century : Practice and Performance in the Asia Pacific, Routledge, UK, pp. 201 - 217,

Crea T, 2018, 'Narrative dramaturgy and sensemaking in healthcare simulation', in Healthcare Simulation Education : Evidence,Theory and Practice, John Wiley & Sons, UK, pp. 54 - 60

Crea T, 1999, ''Preludes to an Exile'', in Performing the Unnameable - An Anthology of Australian Performance Texts

Crea T; Eberhardt J; Mastrantone L; Morgillo A, 1992, ''Ricordi'', in Around the Edge: Women's Plays

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