Select Publications


Kuo NI-H; Perez-Concha O; Hanly M; Mnatzaganian E; Hao B; Di Sipio M; Yu G; Vanjara J; Valerie IC; de Oliveira Costa J; Churches T; Lujic S; Hegarty J; Jorm L; Barbieri S, 2023, Enriching Data Science and Health Care Education: Application and Impact of Synthetic Data Sets Through the Health Gym Project (Preprint),

Badge H; Churches T; Naylor J; Xuan W; Armstrong E; Gray L; Fletcher J; Gosbell I; Lin C-WC; Harris I, 2022, Compliance with Australian Orthopaedic Association guidelines does not reduce the risk of venous thromboembolism after total hip and knee joint arthroplasty: an observational study,

Cheng ETL; Lewin A; Churches T; Harris IA; Naylor J, 2020, Cost of investigations during the acute hospital stay following total hip or knee arthroplasty, by complication status,

Cheng ETL; Lewin A; Churches T; Harris IA; Naylor J, 2020, Cost of investigations during the acute hospital stay following total hip or knee arthroplasty, by complication status,

Bhutta ZA; Harari O; Park JJH; Zannat N-E; Zoratti M; Churches T; Thorlund K; Mills EJ, 2020, Evaluation of effects of public health interventions on COVID-19 transmission for Pakistan: A mathematical simulation study,

Cheng ETL; Lewin A; Churches T; Harris I; Naylor J, 2020, Association between post-operative complications and investigations costs during the acute hospital stay following total hip or knee arthroplasty,

Xue D; Churches T; Armstrong E; Mittal R; Naylor JM; Harris IA, 2019, Interpreter proxy versus healthcare interpreter for administration of patient surveys following arthroplasty: a pilot study.,

Xue D; Churches T; Armstrong E; Mittal R; Naylor JM; Harris IA, 2019, Interpreter proxy versus healthcare interpreter for administration of patient surveys following arthroplasty: a pilot study,

Xue D; Churches T; Armstrong E; Mittal R; Naylor JM; Harris IA, 2019, Interpreter proxy versus healthcare interpreter for administration of patient surveys following arthroplasty: a pilot study,

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