Select Publications
2017, Guarding the Periphery: The Australian Army in Papua New Guinea, CUP, Cambridge, U.K.
,Book Chapters
2023, 'History and Australia's Space Policy', in The Foundations of Australia's Space Policy, Griffith Asia Institute, Brisbane, pp. 5 - 13
,2021, 'Defending Australia’s land border: the Australian military in Papua New Guinea', in Fighting Australia’s Cold War: The nexus of strategy and operations in a multipolar Asia, 1945 – 1965, pp. 157 - 172,
,2021, 'Planning for war in Southeast Asia: the Far East Strategic Reserve, 1955 - 66', in Moss T; Dean P (ed.), Fighting Australia’s Cold War: The nexus of strategy and operations in a multipolar Asia, 1945 – 1965, pp. 95 - 114,
,2019, 'Australian Peacekeepers and Post-traumatic Stress Disorder', in Bou J; Breen B; Horner D; Pratten G (ed.), The Limits of Peacekeeping: Australian peacekeeping in internal conflicts, 1993 – 2005, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 578 - 606
,2018, 'History and the military’s other tasks', in Moss T; Richardson T (ed.), Beyond Combat: the Australian military experience off the battlefield, UNSW Press, Sydney, pp. 1 - 9,
,2018, 'Australian military forces in the Second World War', in Beaumont J; Cadzow A (ed.), Serving Our Country: Indigenous Australians, war, defence and citizenship, NewSouth, Sydney, pp. 135 - 154
,2018, 'Chalkies and civics: teaching the military in Papua New Guinea, 1966 – 1972', in Moss T; Richardson T (ed.), Beyond Combat: Australian military activity away from the battlefield, NewSouth Publishing, Sydney, pp. 60 - 71
,2018, 'War and Society in Australia, New Zealand and Oceania', in Ulbrich D; Muehlbauer M (ed.), The Routledge History of Global War and History, Routledge, pp. 32 - 44,
,2017, 'Postwar Planner: Lieutenant General Sir Mervyn Brogan, 1915 – 1994', in Shadow Men: the forgotten legacies that shaped the Australian Army from the Veldt to Vietnam, NewSouth, Sydney, pp. 211 - 211
,2016, 'Crimes against Captured Airmen', in Australia's War Crimes Trials 1945-51, BRILL
,Edited Books
Moss T, (ed.), 2023, The Foundations of Australia's Space Policy, Griffith Asia Institute, Brisbane,
Moss T; Dean P, (ed.), 2021, Fighting Australia’s Cold War: The nexus of strategy and operations in a multipolar Asia, 1945 – 1965, ANU Press, Canberra,
Moss T; Richardson T, (ed.), 2018, Beyond Combat: the Australian military experience off the battlefields, UNSW Press, Sydney
Journal articles
2024, '“Consider Carefully the Best Use of Our Limited Resources”: Australian Space Policy, 1960–72', Australian Journal of Politics & History, 70, pp. 758 - 775,
,2022, '‘Fuzzy Wuzzy’ soldiers: Race and Papua New Guinean soldiers in the Australian Army, 1940–60', War in History, 29, pp. 467 - 485,
,2020, '‘There Are Many Other Things More Important to Us Than Space Research’: The Australian Government and the Dawn of the Space Age, 1956–62', Australian Historical Studies, 51, pp. 442 - 458,
,2020, 'Brogan, Sir Mervyn Francis (1915–1994)', Australian Dictionary of Biography,
,2018, '‘Talking Itself Out of a Political Future’: Education and Australian Army Engagement with Papua New Guinean Independence, 1966–72', The Journal of Pacific History, pp. 1 - 17,
2023, Looking Up from Down Under: Australian attitudes to national space activities, Australian Centre for Space Governance,,
,2023, The space between alliance and self-reliance: The evolution of the Australia-US defence space relationship, United States Studies Centre, University of Sydney,,
,Working Papers
2021, Unifying Space: Australia Needs a Whole of Government Space Policy, UWA Defence and Security Institute,,
2023, The first-ever survey on Australian attitudes towards space is out. So, what do we think?, The Conversation,
,2018, 50 years ago: Australia and the Apollo 8 mission that sent a Christmas message from the Moon,
2021, It’s not rocket science, Australia needs a stronger space strategy’, Lowy Interpreter,
,2014, Defending Whose Country? Indigenous soldiers in the Pacific War, Informa UK Limited,