Select Publications

Journal articles

Cifuentes JD; Tanttu T; Gilbert W; Huang JY; Vahapoglu E; Leon RCC; Serrano S; Otter D; Dunmore D; Mai PY; Schlattner F; Feng MK; Itoh K; Abrosimov N; Pohl HJ; Thewalt M; Laucht A; Yang CH; Escott CC; Lim WH; Hudson FE; Rahman R; Dzurak AS; Saraiva A, 2024, 'Bounds to electron spin qubit variability for scalable CMOS architectures', Nature Communications, 15,

Hansen I; Seedhouse AE; Serrano S; Nickl A; Feng MK; Huang JY; Tanttu T; Dumoulin Stuyck N; Lim WH; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Saraiva A; Laucht A; Dzurak AS; Yang CH, 2024, 'Entangling gates on degenerate spin qubits dressed by a global field', Nature Communications, 15,

Huang JY; Su RY; Lim WH; Feng MK; van Straaten B; Severin B; Gilbert W; Dumoulin Stuyck N; Tanttu T; Serrano S; Cifuentes JD; Hansen I; Seedhouse AE; Vahapoglu E; Leon RCC; Abrosimov NV; Pohl HJ; Thewalt MLW; Hudson FE; Escott CC; Ares N; Bartlett SD; Morello A; Saraiva A; Laucht A; Dzurak AS; Yang CH, 2024, 'High-fidelity spin qubit operation and algorithmic initialization above 1 K', Nature, 627, pp. 772 - 777,

Dumoulin Stuyck N; Seedhouse AE; Serrano S; Tanttu T; Gilbert W; Huang JY; Hudson F; Itoh KM; Laucht A; Lim WH; Yang CH; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS, 2024, 'Silicon spin qubit noise characterization using real-time feedback protocols and wavelet analysis', Applied Physics Letters, 124,

Tanttu T; Lim WH; Huang JY; Dumoulin Stuyck N; Gilbert W; Su RY; Feng MK; Cifuentes JD; Seedhouse AE; Seritan SK; Ostrove CI; Rudinger KM; Leon RCC; Huang W; Escott CC; Itoh KM; Abrosimov NV; Pohl HJ; Thewalt MLW; Hudson FE; Blume-Kohout R; Bartlett SD; Morello A; Laucht A; Yang CH; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS, 2024, 'Assessment of the errors of high-fidelity two-qubit gates in silicon quantum dots', Nature Physics,

Serrano S; Feng MK; Lim WH; Seedhouse AE; Tanttu T; Gilbert W; Escott CC; Abrosimov NV; Pohl HJ; Thewalt MLW; Hudson FE; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS; Laucht A, 2024, 'Improved Single-Shot Qubit Readout Using Twin rf-SET Charge Correlations', PRX Quantum, 5,

Dash A; Yianni S; Feng M; Hudson F; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS; Tanttu T, 2024, 'Silicon-charge-pump operation limit above and below liquid-helium temperature', Physical Review Applied, 21,

Wang Z; Feng MK; Serrano S; Gilbert W; Leon RCC; Tanttu T; Mai P; Liang D; Huang JY; Su Y; Lim WH; Hudson FE; Escott CC; Morello A; Yang CH; Dzurak AS; Saraiva A; Laucht A, 2023, 'Jellybean Quantum Dots in Silicon for Qubit Coupling and On-Chip Quantum Chemistry', Advanced Materials, 35,

Feng MK; Yoneda J; Huang W; Su Y; Tanttu T; Yang CH; Cifuentes JD; Chan KW; Gilbert W; Leon RCC; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Laucht A; Dzurak AS; Saraiva A, 2023, 'Control of dephasing in spin qubits during coherent transport in silicon', Physical Review B, 107,

Gilbert W; Tanttu T; Lim WH; Feng MK; Huang JY; Cifuentes JD; Serrano S; Mai PY; Leon RCC; Escott CC; Itoh KM; Abrosimov NV; Pohl HJ; Thewalt MLW; Hudson FE; Morello A; Laucht A; Yang CH; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS, 2023, 'On-demand electrical control of spin qubits', Nature Nanotechnology, 18, pp. 131 - 136,

Vahapoglu E; Slack-Smith JP; Leon RCC; Lim WH; Hudson FE; Day T; Cifuentes JD; Tanttu T; Yang CH; Saraiva A; Abrosimov NV; Pohl HJ; Thewalt MLW; Laucht A; Dzurak AS; Pla JJ, 2022, 'Coherent control of electron spin qubits in silicon using a global field', npj Quantum Information, 8,

Evans TJ; Huang W; Yoneda J; Harper R; Tanttu T; Chan KW; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Saraiva A; Yang CH; Dzurak AS; Bartlett SD, 2022, 'Fast Bayesian Tomography of a Two-Qubit Gate Set in Silicon', Physical Review Applied, 17,

Leon RCC; Yang CH; Hwang JCC; Camirand Lemyre J; Tanttu T; Huang W; Huang JY; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Laucht A; Pioro-Ladrière M; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS, 2021, 'Bell-state tomography in a silicon many-electron artificial molecule', Nature Communications, 12,

Yoneda J; Huang W; Feng M; Yang CH; Chan KW; Tanttu T; Gilbert W; Leon RCC; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Morello A; Bartlett SD; Laucht A; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS, 2021, 'Coherent spin qubit transport in silicon', Nature Communications, 12, pp. 4114,

Vahapoglu E; Slack-Smith JP; Leon RCC; Lim WH; Hudson FE; Day T; Tanttu T; Yang CH; Laucht A; Dzurak AS; Pla JJ, 2021, 'Single-electron spin resonance in a nanoelectronic device using a global field', Science Advances, 7,

Seedhouse AE; Tanttu T; Leon RCC; Zhao R; Tan KY; Hensen B; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Yoneda J; Yang CH; Morello A; Laucht A; Coppersmith SN; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS, 2021, 'Pauli Blockade in Silicon Quantum Dots with Spin-Orbit Control', PRX Quantum, 2,

Leon RCC; Yang CH; Hwang JCC; Lemyre JC; Tanttu T; Huang W; Chan KW; Tan KY; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Morello A; Laucht A; Pioro-Ladrière M; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS, 2020, 'Coherent spin control of s-, p-, d- and f-electrons in a silicon quantum dot', Nature Communications, 11,

Yang CH; Leon RCC; Hwang JCC; Saraiva A; Tanttu T; Huang W; Camirand Lemyre J; Chan KW; Tan KY; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Morello A; Pioro-Ladrière M; Laucht A; Dzurak AS, 2020, 'Operation of a silicon quantum processor unit cell above one kelvin', Nature, 580, pp. 350 - 354,

Hensen B; Wei Huang W; Yang CH; Wai Chan K; Yoneda J; Tanttu T; Hudson FE; Laucht A; Itoh KM; Ladd TD; Morello A; Dzurak AS, 2020, 'A silicon quantum-dot-coupled nuclear spin qubit', Nature Nanotechnology, 15, pp. 13 - 17,

Zhao R; Tanttu T; Tan KY; Hensen B; Chan KW; Hwang JCC; Leon RCC; Yang CH; Gilbert W; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Kiselev AA; Ladd TD; Morello A; Laucht A; Dzurak AS, 2019, 'Single-spin qubits in isotopically enriched silicon at low magnetic field', Nature Communications, 10,

Huang W; Yang CH; Chan KW; Tanttu T; Hensen B; Leon RCC; Fogarty MA; Hwang JCC; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Morello A; Laucht A; Dzurak AS, 2019, 'Fidelity benchmarks for two-qubit gates in silicon', Nature, 569, pp. 532 - 536,

Tanttu T; Hensen B; Chan KW; Yang CH; Huang WW; Fogarty M; Hudson F; Itoh K; Culcer D; Laucht A; Morello A; Dzurak A, 2019, 'Controlling Spin-Orbit Interactions in Silicon Quantum Dots Using Magnetic Field Direction', Physical Review X, 9,

West A; Hensen B; Jouan A; Tanttu T; Yang CH; Rossi A; Gonzalez-Zalba MF; Hudson F; Morello A; Reilly DJ; Dzurak AS, 2019, 'Gate-based single-shot readout of spins in silicon', Nature Nanotechnology, 14, pp. 437 - 441,

Yang CH; Chan KW; Harper R; Huang W; Evans T; Hwang JCC; Hensen B; Laucht A; Tanttu T; Hudson FE; Flammia ST; Itoh KM; Morello A; Bartlett SD; Dzurak AS, 2019, 'Silicon qubit fidelities approaching incoherent noise limits via pulse engineering', Nature Electronics, 2, pp. 151 - 158,

Jenei M; Potanina E; Zhao R; Tan KY; Rossi A; Tanttu T; Chan KW; Sevriuk V; Möttönen M; Dzurak A, 2019, 'Waiting time distributions in a two-level fluctuator coupled to a superconducting charge detector', Physical Review Research, 1,

Fogarty MA; Chan KW; Hensen B; Huang W; Tanttu T; Yang CH; Laucht A; Veldhorst M; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Culcer D; Ladd TD; Morello A; Dzurak AS, 2018, 'Integrated silicon qubit platform with single-spin addressability, exchange control and single-shot singlet-triplet readout', Nature Communications, 9,

Chan KW; Huang W; Yang CH; Hwang JCC; Hensen B; Tanttu T; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Laucht A; Morello A; Dzurak AS, 2018, 'Assessment of a Silicon Quantum Dot Spin Qubit Environment via Noise Spectroscopy', Physical Review Applied, 10,

Tanttu T; Rossi A; Tan KY; Mäkinen A; Chan KW; Dzurak AS; Möttönen M, 2016, 'Three-waveform bidirectional pumping of single electrons with a silicon quantum dot', Scientific Reports, 6, pp. 36381,

Partanen M; Tan KY; Govenius J; Lake RE; Mäkelä MK; Tanttu T; Möttönen M, 2016, 'Quantum-limited heat conduction over macroscopic distances', Nature Physics, 12, pp. 460 - 464,

Tanttu T; Rossi A; Tan KY; Huhtinen KE; Chan KW; Möttönen M; Dzurak AS, 2015, 'Electron counting in a silicon single-electron pump', New Journal of Physics, 17,

Rossi A; Tanttu T; Hudson FE; Sun Y; Möttönen M; Dzurak AS, 2015, 'Silicon metal-oxide-semiconductor quantum dots for single-electron pumping', Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2015,

Rossi A; Tanttu T; Hudson FE; Sun Y; Möttönen M; Dzurak AS, 2015, 'Silicon Metal-oxide-semiconductor Quantum Dots for Single-electron Pumping', Journal of Visualized Experiments,

Rossi A; Tanttu T; Tan KY; Iisakka I; Zhao R; Chan KW; Tettamanzi GC; Rogge S; Dzurak AS; Möttönen M, 2014, 'An accurate single-electron pump based on a highly tunable silicon quantum dot', Nano Letters, 14, pp. 3405 - 3411,

Saira OP; Yoon Y; Tanttu T; Möttönen M; Averin DV; Pekola JP, 2012, 'Test of the Jarzynski and Crooks fluctuation relations in an electronic system', Physical Review Letters, 109,

Conference Papers

Dash A; Yianni S; Huang JY; Ramirez SS; Hudson FE; Dzurak AS; Tanttu T, 2024, 'Parallelization of charge-pumps in silicon for practical realization of the SI ampere', in 2024 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM), IEEE, pp. 1 - 2, presented at 2024 Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM), 08 July 2024 - 12 July 2024,

Stuyck ND; Feng MK; Lim WH; Ramirez SS; Escott CC; Botzem T; Tanttu T; Yang CH; Saraiva A; Laucht A; Kubicek S; Jussot J; Beyne S; Raes B; Li R; Godfrin C; Wan D; De Greve K; Dzurak AS, 2024, 'Demonstration of 99.9% single qubit control fidelity of a silicon quantum dot spin qubit made in a 300 mm foundry process', in 2024 IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop (SNW), IEEE, pp. 11 - 12, presented at 2024 IEEE Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop (SNW), 15 June 2024 - 16 June 2024,

Dash A; Yianni S; Huang JY; Feng MK; Hudson F; Saraiva A; Dzurak A; Tanttu T, 2023, 'Optimization of Silicon MOS Architecture for Self-Referenced Quantum Current Standard', in Proceedings - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Quantum Computing and Engineering, QCE 2023, pp. 310 - 311,

Tanttu T; Hensen B; Chan KW; Yang H; Huang W; Fogarty M; Culcer D; Itoh K; Laucht A; Morello A; Dzurak A, 2018, 'Controlling spin-orbit interaction in scalable silicon-MOS quantum dot architectures', in Extended Abstracts of the 2018 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, The Japan Society of Applied Physics, presented at 2018 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials, 09 September 2018 - 13 September 2018,

Rossi A; Tanttu T; Tan KY; Zhao R; Chan KW; Iisakka I; Tettamanzi GC; Rogge S; Dzurak AS; Mottonen M, 2015, 'A silicon single-electron pump with tunable electrostatic confinement', in 2014 Silicon Nanoelectronics Workshop, SNW 2014,

Rossi A; Tanttu T; Tan KY; Zhao R; Chan KW; Iisakka I; Tettamanzi GC; Rogge S; Möttönen M; Dzurak AS, 2014, 'Effects of electrostatic confinement in a silicon single-electron pump', in CPEM Digest (Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), pp. 440 - 441, presented at 29th Conference on Precision Electromagnetic Measurements (CPEM 2014), 24 August 2014 - 29 August 2014,

Working Papers

Cifuentes J; Tanttu T; Gilbert W; Huang J; Vahapoglu E; Leon R; Serrano S; Otter D; Dunmore D; Mai P; Schlattner F; Feng M; Itoh K; Abrosimov N; Pohl H-J; Thewalt M; Laucht A; Yang C-H; Escott C; Lim WH; Hudson F; Rahman R; Dzurak A; Saraiva A, 2023, Bounds to electron spin qubit variability for scalable CMOS architectures, http://dx.doi.org10.21203/,

Creative Works (non-textual)

Wang Z; Feng M; Serrano S; Gilbert W; Leon RCC; Tanttu T; Mai P; Liang D; Huang JY; Su Y; Lim WH; Hudson FE; Escott CC; Morello A; Yang CH; Dzurak AS; Saraiva A; Laucht A, 2023, Jellybean Quantum Dots in Silicon for Qubit Coupling and On‐Chip Quantum Chemistry (Adv. Mater. 19/2023), at:


Steinacker P; Tanttu T; Lim WH; Stuyck ND; Feng M; Serrano S; Vahapoglu E; Su RY; Huang JY; Jones C; Itoh KM; Hudson FE; Escott CC; Morello A; Saraiva A; Yang CH; Dzurak AS; Laucht A, 2024, Violating Bell's inequality in gate-defined quantum dots,

Bartee SK; Gilbert W; Zuo K; Das K; Tanttu T; Yang CH; Stuyck ND; Pauka SJ; Su RY; Lim WH; Serrano S; Escott CC; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Laucht A; Dzurak AS; Reilly DJ, 2024, Spin Qubits with Scalable milli-kelvin CMOS Control,

Hansen I; Seedhouse AE; Serrano S; Nickl A; Feng M; Huang JY; Tanttu T; Stuyck ND; Lim WH; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Saraiva A; Laucht A; Dzurak AS; Yang CH, 2023, Entangling gates on degenerate spin qubits dressed by a global field,

Stuyck ND; Seedhouse AE; Serrano S; Tanttu T; Gilbert W; Huang JY; Hudson F; Itoh KM; Laucht A; Lim WH; Yang CH; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS, 2023, Real-time feedback protocols for optimizing fault-tolerant two-qubit gate fidelities in a silicon spin system,

Seedhouse AE; Stuyck ND; Serrano S; Tanttu T; Gilbert W; Huang JY; Hudson FE; Itoh KM; Laucht A; Lim WH; Yang CH; Dzurak AS; Saraiva A, 2023, Spatio-temporal correlations of noise in MOS spin qubits,

Dash A; Yianni S; Feng M; Hudson F; Saraiva A; Dzurak AS; Tanttu T, 2023, Silicon charge pump operation limit above and below liquid helium temperature,

Cifuentes JD; Tanttu T; Steinacker P; Serrano S; Hansen I; Slack-Smith JP; Gilbert W; Huang JY; Vahapoglu E; Leon RCC; Stuyck ND; Itoh K; Abrosimov N; Pohl H-J; Thewalt M; Laucht A; Yang CH; Escott CC; Hudson FE; Lim WH; Rahman R; Dzurak AS; Saraiva A, 2023, Impact of electrostatic crosstalk on spin qubits in dense CMOS quantum dot arrays,

Huang JY; Su RY; Lim WH; Feng M; Straaten BV; Severin B; Gilbert W; Stuyck ND; Tanttu T; Serrano S; Cifuentes JD; Hansen I; Seedhouse AE; Vahapoglu E; Abrosimov NV; Pohl H-J; Thewalt MLW; Hudson FE; Escott CC; Ares N; Bartlett SD; Morello A; Saraiva A; Laucht A; Dzurak AS; Yang CH, 2023, High-fidelity operation and algorithmic initialisation of spin qubits above one kelvin,

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