Select Publications

Journal articles

Ozguc U; Rabbani A, 2023, '‘Broadening’ and ‘deepening’ collective security in times of health crisis: the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond', International Relations,

Ozguc U; Burridge A, 2023, 'More-Than-Human Borders: A New Research Agenda for Posthuman Conversations in Border Studies', Geopolitics, 28, pp. 471 - 489,

Ozguc U; Little A, 2023, 'The Politics of Temporality and the Ethos of Open Societies: Transfrontier Conservation Areas as Spatio-temporal Chokepoints', Geopolitics, 28, pp. 570 - 592,

Jerrems A; Barry K; Burridge A; Ozguc U, 2023, 'Border hotels: Spaces of detention and quarantine', Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space, 41, pp. 1049 - 1078,

Sterling-Folker J; Freyberg-Inan A; Wilcox L; Ozguc U; Shinko RE, 2021, 'Forum: Thinking Theoretically in Unsettled Times: COVID-19 and beyond', International Studies Review, 23, pp. 1100 - 1125,

Ozguc U, 2021, 'Rethinking border walls as fluid meshworks', Security Dialogue, 52, pp. 287 - 305,

Ozguc U, 2021, 'Three lines of pandemic borders: from necropolitics to hope as a method of living', Critical Studies on Security, 9, pp. 63 - 66,

Ozguc U, 2020, 'Borders, Detention, and the Disruptive Power of the Noisy-Subject', International Political Sociology, 14, pp. 77 - 93,

Mendonça RF; Ercan SA; Ozguc U; Reis SLG; Simões PG, 2019, 'Protests as "Events": The Symbolic Struggles in 2013 Demonstrations in Turkey and Brazil', Revista de Sociologia e Politica, 27, pp. 1 - 27,

Mendonça RF; Ercan SA; Ozguc U; Reis SLG; Simões PG, 2019, 'Protests as “Events”: The Symbolic Struggles in 2013 Demonstrations in Turkey and Brazil', Revista de Sociologia e Política, 27,

Ozguc U, 2011, 'Remaking Canadian identity: A critical analysis of Canada's human security discourse', Journal of Human Security, 7, pp. 37 - 59,

Dunn KM; Loosemore M; Phua FTT; Ozguc U, 2011, 'Everyday Ethnic Diversity and Racism on Australian Construction Sites', The International Journal of Diversity in Organisations, Communities and Nations, 10, pp. 129 - 148,

Ozguc U, 2011, 'Remaking Canadian Identity: A Critical analysis of Canada's Human Security Discourse', The Australasian Journal of Human Security, Volume 7, pp. 37 - 59

Loosemore M; Phua FTT; Dunn KM; Ozguc U, 2011, 'The politics of sameness in the Australian construction industry: Comparing operative and manager attitudes towards cultural diversity', Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management, 18, pp. 363 - 380,

Loosemore M; Phua F; Dunn K; Ozguc U, 2010, 'Operatives' experiences of cultural diversity on Australian construction sites', Construction Management and Economics, 28, pp. 177 - 188,

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