Select Publications


Chowdhury NS; Taseen K; Chiang A; Chang W-J; Millard SK; Seminowicz DA; Schabrun SM, 2024, A 5-day course of rTMS before pain onset ameliorates future pain and increases sensorimotor peak alpha frequency.,

Millard S; Chiang AKI; Chowdhury N; Chang W-J; Furman A; De Martino E; Graven-Nielsen T; Schabrun S; Seminowicz D, 2024, Peak alpha frequency is not significantly altered by five days of experimental pain and repetitive transcranial stimulation of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex,

Chowdhury NS; Chiang AKI; Millard SK; Skippen P; Chang W-J; Seminowicz DA; Schabrun SM, 2023, Alterations in cortical excitability during pain: A combined TMS-EEG Study,

Chowdhury NS; Chiang AK; Millard SK; Skippen P; Chang W-J; Seminowicz DA; Schabrun SM, 2023, Alterations in cortical excitability during pain: A combined TMS-EEG Study.,

Millard SK; Speis DB; Skippen P; Chiang AKI; Chang WJ; Lin AJ; Furman AJ; Mazaheri A; Seminowicz DA; Schabrun SM, 2023, Can non-invasive brain stimulation modulate peak alpha frequency in the human brain? A systematic review and meta-analysis,

Jenkins L; Chang W-J; Buscemi V; Liston M; Humburg P; Nicholas M; Graven-Nielsen T; Hodges P; McAuley J; Schabrun S, 2021, Cortical function and sensorimotor plasticity predict future low back pain after an acute episode: the UPWaRD prospective cohort study,

Chang W-J; Naylor J; Natarajan P; Menounos S; Monuja M; Adie S, 2021, Evaluating Methodological Quality of Prognostic Prediction Models on Patient Reported Outcome Measurements after Total Hip Replacement and Total Knee Replacement Surgery: a systematic review protocol,

Chang W-J; Naylor J; Liu V; Monuja M; Adie S, 2021, Preoperative optimisation in fast-track and enhanced recovery after surgery (ERAS) programs for total hip and knee joint replacement: a systematic review protocol,

Chowdhury N; Rogasch N; Chiang A; Millard S; Skippen P; Chang W-J; Bilska K; Si E; Seminowicz D; Schabrun S, 2021, The influence of somatosensory and auditory evoked potentials on concurrent transcranial-magnetic stimulation – electroencephalography recordings,

Jenkins L; Chang W-J; Buscemi V; Liston M; Nicholas M; Graven-Nielsen T; Hodges P; Wasinger V; Stone L; Dorsey S; McAuley J; Schabrun S, 2021, The Understanding persistent Pain Where it ResiDes study of low back pain cohort profile,

Chowdhury N; Chang W-J; Millard S; Skippen P; Bilska K; Seminowicz D; Schabrun S, 2020, The Influence of Experimental Pain on Primary Motor Cortex Function: Protocol for a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis,

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