Select Publications
By Dr Yang Yang
Journal articles
2025, 'Optimal proposal particle filters for detecting anomalies and manoeuvres from two line element data', Acta Astronautica, 228, pp. 709 - 723,
,2024, 'Continuous-discrete extended Kalman filter based parameter identification method for space robots in postcapture', Nonlinear Dynamics, 112, pp. 21205 - 21225,
,2024, 'Space multi-target tracking method for space-based distributed passive detection', Xi Tong Gong Cheng Yu Dian Zi Ji Shu/Systems Engineering and Electronics, 46, pp. 2789 - 2797,
,2024, 'An LSTM-Assisted GNSS/INS Integration System Using IMU Recomputed Error Information for Train Localization', IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 60, pp. 2658 - 2671,
,2024, 'Square-Root Higher-Order Unscented Estimators for Robust Orbit Determination', IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 60, pp. 7820 - 7837,
,2024, 'Tracklet Association for Geosynchronous Space Objects Taking Impulse Maneuver', IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems,
,2023, 'Point Clouds Outlier Removal Method Based on Improved Mahalanobis and Completion', IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, 8, pp. 17 - 24,
,2023, 'Wide-Scale Monitoring of Satellite Lifetimes: Pitfalls and a Benchmark Dataset', Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 60, pp. 2003 - 2007,
,2022, 'PHiFA—A tool for numerical propagation of high-fidelity astrodynamics', Astrodynamics, 6, pp. 189 - 204,
,2022, 'Comparison of Atmospheric Mass Density Models Using a New Data Source: COSMIC Satellite Ephemerides', IEEE Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, 37, pp. 6 - 22,
,2022, 'A New Pattern for Detection of Streak-Like Space Target from Single Optical Images', IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60,
,2022, 'Comparison of the real-time precise orbit determination for LEO between kinematic and reduced-dynamic modes', Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 187,
,2021, 'Distributed Cooperative Localization Based on Bearing-Only Sensors', IEEE Sensors Journal, 21, pp. 23645 - 23657,
,2021, 'Discrete probabilistic detection model for a Geiger-mode avalanche photodiode array with crosstalk', Optics Letters, 46, pp. 1442 - 1445,
,2021, 'Rotation based analytic range-only initial relative orbit solution for natural periodic motion', Acta Astronautica, 178, pp. 584 - 594,
,2020, 'Reinforcement learning-based data association for multiple target tracking in clutter', Sensors (Switzerland), 20, pp. 1 - 29,
,2020, 'Sensor tasking for search and catalog maintenance of geosynchronous space objects', Acta Astronautica, 175, pp. 234 - 248,
,2020, 'Tumbling object deorbiting using spaceborne laser engagement – A CubeSat case study', Advances in Space Research, 65, pp. 1742 - 1757,
,2020, 'Impact of Thermospheric Mass Density on the Orbit Prediction of LEO Satellites', Space Weather, 18,
,2020, 'Modeling birth for the labeled multi-Bernoulli filter using a boundary-value approach', Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 43, pp. 162 - 169,
,2019, 'Maneuver-free approach to range-only initial relative orbit determination for spacecraft proximity operations', Acta Astronautica, 163, pp. 87 - 95,
,2019, 'Constraints-based optical hybrid navigation for small-body close flybys', Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 42, pp. 1093 - 1104,
,2019, 'Multisensor tasking using analytical Rényi divergence in labeled multi-Bernoulli filtering', Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 42, pp. 2078 - 2085,
,2018, 'Review and comparison of empirical thermospheric mass density models', Progress in Aerospace Sciences, 103, pp. 31 - 51,
,2018, 'Improved tracklet association for space objects using short-arc optical measurements', Acta Astronautica, 151, pp. 836 - 847,
,2018, 'Ionospheric and Thermospheric Responses to the Recent Strong Solar Flares on 6 September 2017', Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics, 123, pp. 8865 - 8883,
,2018, 'Ionospheric responses to typhoons in Australia during 2005–2014 using GNSS and FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC measurements', GPS Solutions, 22,
,2018, 'Statistical seismo-ionospheric precursors of M7.0+ earthquakes in Circum-Pacific seismic belt by GPS TEC measurements', Advances in Space Research, 61, pp. 1206 - 1219,
,2017, 'Analysis of ionospheric disturbances associated with powerful cyclones in East Asia and North America', Journal of Atmospheric and Solar-Terrestrial Physics, 161, pp. 43 - 54,
,2016, 'Improved tracklet association method for initial orbit determination of space debris', Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology (English Edition), 25, pp. 143 - 148,
,2016, 'Total electron content anomalies associated with global VEI4 + volcanic eruptions during 2002–2015', Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, 325, pp. 98 - 109,
,2016, 'Contrastive research of ionospheric precursor anomalies between Calbuco volcanic eruption on April 23 and Nepal earthquake on April 25, 2015', Advances in Space Research, 57, pp. 2141 - 2153,
,2016, 'GPS-based onboard real-time orbit determination for leo satellites using consider Kalman filter', IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems, 52, pp. 769 - 777,
,2016, 'Relative Trajectory Estimation During Chang'e-2 Probe's Flyby of Asteroid Toutatis Using Dynamics, Optical, and Radio Constraints', IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING, 54, pp. 4680 - 4693,
,2015, 'GPS Based Reduced-Dynamic Orbit Determination for Low Earth Orbiters with Ambiguity Fixing', International Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2015,
,2014, 'Enhancing the kinematic precise orbit determination of low earth orbiters using GPS receiver clock modelling', Advances in Space Research, 54, pp. 1901 - 1912,
,2014, 'Inter-satellite ranging augmented GPS relative navigation for satellite formation flying', Journal of Navigation, 67, pp. 437 - 449,