Select Publications

Journal articles

Wu X; Si G; Jing Y; Yu Z; Ren T; Mostaghimi P, 2025, 'Indicator gases under thermal effect in a multiphysics coupling model of longwall goaf during coal self-heating', Applied Thermal Engineering, 264,

Xi W; Kumaran AU; Gholami YH; Armstrong RT; Jing Y; Esterle J; Lieband KR; Mostaghimi P, 2024, 'Gas-water flow in fractured coal revealed by multimodal imaging', International Journal of Coal Geology, 293,

Cui G; Song X; Guo W; Jing Y; Zhou M, 2024, 'Advances in Subsurface Energy Exploitation and Storage', Journal of Energy Engineering, 150,

Yu X; Chen A; Hong L; Zhai C; Regenauer-Lieb K; Sang S; Xu J; Jing Y, 2024, 'Experimental investigation of the effects of long-period cyclic pulse loading of pulsating hydraulic fracturing on coal damage', Fuel, 358,

Yuan M; Jing Y; Si G; Armstrong RT; Mostaghimi P, 2024, 'Application of image-based diffusion coefficients in multi-scale simulation of coalbed methane reservoirs', Fuel, 357,

Jing Y; Uthaia Kumaran A; Stimson D; Mardon K; Najdovski L; Barkhausen C; Armstrong RT; Mostaghimi P, 2024, 'Visualisation of [11C]CO2 storage in coal with positron emission tomography imaging', Fuel, 356,

Yu X; Xu H; Zhai C; Regenauer-Lieb K; Sang S; Sun Y; Jing Y, 2024, 'Characterization of water migration behavior during spontaneous imbibition in coal: From the perspective of fractal theory and NMR', Fuel, 355,

Jing Y; Kumaran AU; Stimson DHR; Mardon K; Najdovski L; Armstrong RT; Mostaghimi P, 2023, 'Positron emission tomography dataset of [11C]carbon dioxide storage in coal for geo-sequestration application', Scientific Data, 10,

Yuan M; Jing Y; Lanetc Z; Zhuravljov A; Soleimani F; Si G; Armstrong RT; Mostaghimi P, 2023, 'Modelling multicomponent gas diffusion and predicting the concentration-dependent effective diffusion coefficient of coal with application to carbon geo-sequestration', Fuel, 339,

Baatar L; Mostaghimi P; Yuan M; Armstrong RT; Adler L; Canbulat I; Si G; Gaidarov B; Jing Y, 2023, 'Multiscale measurements of gas diffusion coefficient of coal using counter-diffusion and image-based methods', International Journal of Coal Geology, 265,

Jing Y; Rabbani A; Armstrong RT; Wang J; Zhang Y; Mostaghimi P, 2022, 'An image-based coal network model for simulating hydro-mechanical gas flow in coal: An application to carbon dioxide geo-sequestration', Journal of Cleaner Production, 379,

Yu X; Zhai C; Jing Y; Sang S; Wang Y; Regenauer-Lieb K; Sun Y, 2022, 'Investigation of the Temperature Dependence of the Chemical-Mechanical Properties of the Wufeng-Longmaxi Shale', ACS Omega, 7, pp. 44689 - 44697,

Lanetc Z; Zhuravljov A; Jing Y; Armstrong RT; Mostaghimi P, 2022, 'Coupling of pore network modelling and volume of fluid methods for multiphase flow in fractured media', Fuel, 319,

Yuan M; Jing Y; Armstrong RT; Mostaghimi P, 2022, 'Prediction of local diffusion coefficient based on images of fractured coal cores', Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 100,

Jing Y; Yuan M; Lu X; Armstrong RT; Wang J; Mostaghimi P, 2021, 'Coupling of pipe network modelling and domain decomposition for flow in mineralised coal cores', International Journal of Coal Geology, 245, pp. 103819,

Yi J; Liu L; Xia Z; Wang J; Jing Y; Duan L, 2021, 'Effects of wettability on relative permeability of rough-walled fracture at pore-scale: A lattice Boltzmann analysis', Applied Thermal Engineering, 194,

Lanetc Z; Zhuravljov A; Jing Y; Armstrong RT; Mostaghimi P, 2021, 'Coupling of transient matrix diffusion and pore network models for gas flow in coal', Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 88, pp. 103741,

Jing Y; Rabbani A; Armstrong RT; Wang J; Mostaghimi P, 2020, 'A hybrid fracture-micropore network model for multiphysics gas flow in coal', Fuel, 281, pp. 118687,

Jing Y; Armstrong RT; Mostaghimi P, 2020, 'Image-based fracture pipe network modelling for prediction of coal permeability', Fuel, 270, pp. 117447,

Zhang Y; Lebedev M; Smith G; Jing Y; Busch A; Iglauer S, 2020, 'Nano-mechanical Properties and Pore-Scale Characterization of Different Rank Coals', Natural Resources Research, 29, pp. 1787 - 1800,

Yu X; Xu L; Regenauer-Lieb K; Jing Y; Tian FB, 2020, 'Modeling the effects of gas slippage, cleat network topology and scale dependence of gas transport in coal seam gas reservoirs', Fuel, 264,

Yi J; Xing H; Wang J; Xia Z; Jing Y, 2019, 'Pore-scale study of the effects of surface roughness on relative permeability of rock fractures using lattice Boltzmann method', Chemical Engineering Science, 209,

Jing Y; Armstrong RT; Ramandi HL; Mostaghimi P; Lamei Ramandi H, 2019, 'DigiCoal: A computational package for characterisation of coal cores', Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 176, pp. 775 - 791,

Zhang Y; Lebedev M; Jing Y; Yu H; Iglauer S, 2019, 'In-situ X-ray micro-computed tomography imaging of the microstructural changes in water-bearing medium rank coal by supercritical CO 2 flooding', International Journal of Coal Geology, 203, pp. 28 - 35,

Wang J; Tang D; Jing Y, 2019, 'Analytical Solution of Gas Flow in Rough-Walled Microfracture at In Situ Conditions', Water Resources Research, 55, pp. 6001 - 6017,

Gerami A; Armstrong RT; Jing Y; Wahid FA; Arandiyan H; Mostaghimi P, 2019, 'Microscale insights into gas recovery from bright and dull bands in coal', Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 172, pp. 373 - 382,

Jing Y; Armstrong RT; Ramandi HL; Mostaghimi P; Lamei Ramandi H, 2017, 'Topological Characterization of Fractured Coal', Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122, pp. 9849 - 9861,

Jing Y; Armstrong RT; Mostaghimi P, 2017, 'Impact of Mineralization on Digital Coal Properties', Energy and Fuels, 31, pp. 11558 - 11568,

Jing Y; Armstrong RT; Mostaghimi P, 2017, 'Rough-walled discrete fracture network modelling for coal characterisation', Fuel, 191, pp. 442 - 453,

Mostaghimi P; Armstrong RT; Gerami A; Hu Y; Jing Y; Kamali F; Liu M; Liu Z; Lu X; Ramandi HL; Zamani A; Zhang Y, 2017, 'Cleat-scale characterisation of coal: An overview', Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 39, pp. 143 - 160,

Jing Y; Armstrong RT; Mostaghimi P, 2017, 'Digital coal: Generation of fractured cores with microscale features', Fuel, 207, pp. 93 - 101,

Jing Y; Armstrong RT; Lamei Ramandi H; Mostaghimi P, 2016, 'Coal cleat reconstruction using micro-computed tomography imaging', Fuel, 181, pp. 286 - 299,

Conference Papers

Yuan M; Jing Y; Wang YD; Armstrong R; Mostaghimi P, 2020, 'A coupled diffusion model for gas transport in tight unconventional reservoirs', in Society of Petroleum Engineers - Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference 2020, ADIP 2020,

Jing Y; Armstrong R; Mostaghimi P, 2019, 'Deterministic pipe network modelling for fractured rocks', in Society of Petroleum Engineers - Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference 2019, ADIP 2019, Abu Dhabi, UAE, presented at Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition & Conference, Abu Dhabi, UAE, 11 November 2019,

Jing Y; Armstrong R; Mostaghimi P, 2017, 'DigiCoal: A numerical toolbox for fractured coal characterisation', in Society of Petroleum Engineers - SPE Abu Dhabi International Petroleum Exhibition and Conference 2017,

Mostaghimi P; Armstrong R; Gerami A; Hu Y; Jing Y; Kamali F; Liu M; Liu Z; Lu X; Lamei Ramandi H; Zamani A; Zhang Y, 2016, 'Pore Scale Characterisation of Coal: An Unconventional Challenge', in Society of Petroleum Engineers, Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), Abu Dhabi, presented at Zhang, Abu Dhabi, 07 November 2016 - 10 November 2016,


Baatar L; Mostaghimi P; Yuan M; Armstrong R; Adler L; Canbulat I; Si G; Gaidarov B; Jing Y, Multiscale Gas Diffusion Measurements for Coal Characterization Using Bulk Counterdiffusion and Local 3d Imaging Methods,

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