Select Publications

Journal articles

Shi Y; Dai Z; Wang Y; Luo J; Cai L; Tang J; Yu C; Yang Y, 2023, 'Engineering Crystallinity Gradients for Tailored CaO2 Nanostructures: Enabling Alkalinity-Reinforced Anticancer Activity with Minimized Ca2+/H2O2 Production.', Nano Lett, 23, pp. 10657 - 10666,

Dai Z; Wang Q; Tang J; Qu R; Wu M; Li H; Yang Y; Zhen X; Yu C, 2022, 'A Sub-6 nm MnFe2O4-dichloroacetic acid nanocomposite modulates tumor metabolism and catabolism for reversing tumor immunosuppressive microenvironment and boosting immunotherapy', Biomaterials, 284,

Dai Z; Wang Q; Tang J; Wu M; Li H; Yang Y; Zhen X; Yu C, 2022, 'Immune-regulating bimetallic metal-organic framework nanoparticles designed for cancer immunotherapy', Biomaterials, 280,

Zhang M; Dai Z; Theivendran S; Gu Z; Zhao L; Song H; Yang Y; Yu C, 2021, 'Nanotechnology enabled reactive species regulation in biosystems for boosting cancer immunotherapy', Nano Today, 36,

Dai Z; Tang J; Gu Z; Wang Y; Yang Y; Yang Y; Yu C, 2020, 'Eliciting Immunogenic Cell Death via a Unitized Nanoinducer.', Nano Lett, 20, pp. 6246 - 6254,

Zhao S; Dai Z; Guo W; Chen F; Liu Y; Chen R, 2019, 'Highly selective oxidation of glycerol over Bi/Bi3.64Mo0.36O6.55 heterostructure: Dual reaction pathways induced by photogenerated 1O2 and holes', Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 244, pp. 206 - 214,

Tang H; Dai Z; Xie X; Wen Z; Chen R, 2019, 'Promotion of peroxydisulfate activation over Cu0.84Bi2.08O4 for visible light induced photodegradation of ciprofloxacin in water matrix', Chemical Engineering Journal, 356, pp. 472 - 482,

Liu Q; Li J; Zhong X; Dai Z; Lu Z; Yang H; Chen R, 2018, 'Enhanced antibacterial activity and mechanism studies of Ag/Bi2O3 nanocomposites', Advanced Powder Technology, 29, pp. 2082 - 2090,

Ding J; Dai Z; Tian F; Zhou B; Zhao B; Zhao H; Chen Z; Liu Y; Chen R, 2017, 'Generation of defect clusters for 1O2 production for molecular oxygen activation in photocatalysis', Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 5, pp. 23453 - 23459,

Zhang Q; Dai Z; Cheng G; Liu Y; Chen R, 2017, 'In-situ room-temperature synthesis of amorphous/crystalline contact Bi2S3/Bi2WO6 heterostructures for improved photocatalytic ability', Ceramics International, 43, pp. 11296 - 11304,

Ding J; Dai Z; Qin F; Zhao H; Zhao S; Chen R, 2017, 'Z-scheme BiO1-xBr/Bi2O2CO3 photocatalyst with rich oxygen vacancy as electron mediator for highly efficient degradation of antibiotics', Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 205, pp. 281 - 291,

Tian F; Zhao H; Li G; Dai Z; Liu Y; Chen R, 2016, 'Modification with Metallic Bismuth as Efficient Strategy for the Promotion of Photocatalysis: The Case of Bismuth Phosphate.', ChemSusChem, 9, pp. 1579 - 1585,

Dai Z; Qin F; Zhao H; Ding J; Liu Y; Chen R, 2016, 'Crystal Defect Engineering of Aurivillius Bi2MoO6 by Ce Doping for Increased Reactive Species Production in Photocatalysis', ACS Catalysis, 6, pp. 3180 - 3192,

Tian F; Zhao H; Dai Z; Cheng G; Chen R, 2016, 'Mediation of Valence Band Maximum of BiOI by Cl Incorporation for Improved Oxidation Power in Photocatalysis', Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 55, pp. 4969 - 4978,

Dai Z; Qin F; Zhao H; Tian F; Liu Y; Chen R, 2015, 'Time-dependent evolution of the Bi(3.64)Mo(0.36)O(6.55)/Bi2MoO6 heterostructure for enhanced photocatalytic activity via the interfacial hole migration.', Nanoscale, 7, pp. 11991 - 11999,

Zhong X; Dai Z; Qin F; Li J; Yang H; Lu Z; Liang Y; Chen R, 2015, 'Ag-decorated Bi2O3 nanospheres with enhanced visible-light-driven photocatalytic activities for water treatment', RSC Advances, 5, pp. 69312 - 69318,

Theses / Dissertations

Dai Z, Development of immunomodulating nanomedicines for efficient cancer immunotherapy,

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